HILA goes to school – Keynote at ISDT24, Linnaeus University, Sweden

HILA goes to school – Keynote at ISDT24, Linnaeus University, Sweden

Artificial Intelligence, Conference, Feedback, Keynote, Learning Analytics, School
What happens when Highly-Informative Learning Analytics (HILA) goes to school? That’s exactly what Hendrik Drachsler explored during his keynote at the 3rd International Symposium on Digital Transformation (ISDT24) in Linnaeus University Växjö, Sweden. His talk highlighted the impact of the AFLEK project, a transformative initiative under the HILA research program, which focuses on improving learning outcomes in secondary schools through actionable data and AI-driven tools. The keynote wasn't just about theoretical advances; it presented real-world applications that are actively shaping how secondary education functions today. Through three key publications, Drachsler demonstrated how the integration of Data-Enriched Learning Activities (DeLA), teacher dashboards, and empirical research has paved the way for improved teaching practices and measurable student success. Let’s dive into what happens when HILA meets the classroom. Key Highlights from Hendrik…
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Keynote at #LearningAID24, Bochum Germany

Keynote at #LearningAID24, Bochum Germany

Artificial Intelligence, Conference, Event, Higher Education, Keynote, Learning Analytics, Learning Design
At the recent #LearningAID24 conference in Bochum, Germany, Hendrik Drachsler delivered a keynote that challenged conventional perspectives on Learning Analytics and AI in education. He opened the discussion by examining the often ambiguous boundary between Learning Analytics and AI in education, posing a thought-provoking question: are these two areas truly distinct, or do they converge into one shared domain? Beyond theoretical discussions, Hendrik presented early empirical findings from the research program on Highly-Informative Learning Analytics (HILA), advocating for a more evidence-based approach to integrating Learning Analytics and AI into education. The goal, he argued, should be to ensure that these technologies effectively meet the informational needs of learners, providing meaningful and actionable insights. He framed the 2nd conference day around the theme: INFORMED PRECISION -  This concept captures the need…
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Recap on the webinar on Highly-Informative Learning Analytics at the DGHD

Recap on the webinar on Highly-Informative Learning Analytics at the DGHD

Event, Higher Education, Keynote, Learning Analytics, Learning Design, Webinar
Following the successful execution of the dghd series on Learning Analytics in higher education, and based on the decided community interest, we were excited to have announced the continuation of the lecture series focusing on Learning Analytics. The series, which was organized jointly by the dghd working groups "Digital Media in Higher Education Didactics (dmhd)" and "Psychology and Teaching-Learning Research," along with the dghd board, aimed to shed light on the capabilities of Learning Analytics and how it could be implemented across various university projects. Among the presentations, the edutec.science group contributed an presentation entitled "Hochinformatives Feedback mit Learning Analytics" by Prof. Dr. Hendrik Drachsler on November 23, 2023. This presentation kicked off by introducing the code of conduct for the application of Learning Analytics. At a time when data…
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Empowering TEDx Event in Frankfurt Explores the Role of Feminist AI in Driving Gender Equality and Inclusivity

Empowering TEDx Event in Frankfurt Explores the Role of Feminist AI in Driving Gender Equality and Inclusivity

Artificial Intelligence, Digitalisation, Event, Gender, Invited talk, Keynote, Lifelong Learning, Team, Transfer Activity
Frankfurt, Germany - Last Thursday, TEDx Women Gallus hosted a captivating event with a focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Over 200 participants, including experts and international attendees, gathered to gain insights from female speakers on gender equality and inclusivity. Our researcher, Dana Kube, was among the speakers who delivered a TED talk. Dana Kube, a dedicated researcher at DIPF and Goethe University Frankfurt, specializes in dismantling gender bias in social learning (CSCL) and AI. Her commitment to empowering women, nurturing non-binary individuals in education, and advocating for social justice and environmental protection shone through her presentation. Her TED talk, titled "Can feminist AI drive gender equality and inclusivity? Envisioning a collaborative future," provided profound insights into the intersection of AI and gender dynamics. She dismantled gender bias in AI,…
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Reflecting on the 8th National AI in Schools Conference: Transforming Teaching and Learning

Reflecting on the 8th National AI in Schools Conference: Transforming Teaching and Learning

Artificial Intelligence, Conference, Event, Feedback, Invited talk, Keynote, Learning Analytics, Learning Design, Project, School, Transfer Activity
The 8th National Conference on AI in Schools, held in Berlin, was a momentous event that gathered experts, policy-makers, and educators to discuss the current landscape and future prospects of AI in education. If there’s one word to describe the atmosphere at the 8th National Conference on AI in Schools, it would be “transformative“. The conference was not only setting high standards on political representatives, researchers in the field of educational & computer science, but also charged with representatives school supervisory boards, state institutes, and offices for teacher education in all 16 federal states. Overall, there was a palpable spirit of collaboration, optimism, and let”s get things done. Politicians, researchers, and practitioners were engaged and committed, staying until the very end of the event, signalling an overwhelming willingness to bring…
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Keynote @ #JTELSS23 – Towards Highly Informative Learning Analytics

Keynote @ #JTELSS23 – Towards Highly Informative Learning Analytics

Conference, Feedback, Higher Education, Keynote, Learning Analytics, Learning Design, Summer School
Hendrik Drachsler delivered a keynote presentation at the 17th EATEL Summer School on Technology-Enhanced Learning (JTELSS 2023) in La Manga, Spain that unveiled groundbreaking insights from the Highly Informative and Learning Analytics (HILA) research program. This exciting initiative explores the effectiveness of HILA and the transformative power of data-enriched learning activities in providing highly informative feedback to students. Here a few highlights from Hendrik's keynote, showcasing the potential of HILA to revolutionize learning outcomes. The Power of Feedback Extensive research has long recognized the profound impact of feedback on learning success. Hendrik's presentation revealed that HILA surpasses traditional feedback methods by offering even higher efficacy. By going beyond simple right or wrong responses, HILA provides actionable feedback that enables students to exercise effective metacognitive control over their learning process. This…
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New research program: Towards Highly Informative Learning Analytics

New research program: Towards Highly Informative Learning Analytics

Artificial Intelligence, Assessment, Book, Computational Psychometrics, Computer-supported collaborative learning, Feedback, Further Education, Higher Education, Keynote, Learning Analytics, Learning Design, Research Methods, School
On May 12, 2023, the Highly Informative Learning Analytics (HILA) research program of the EduTec@DIPF, studiumdigitale@Goethe University Frankfurt and the Open Learning and Instruction group@Open Universiteit was presented by Hendrik Drachsler at the main campus of the Open University of the Netherlands. The release of the HILA research program marks a significant milestone for the collaboration in the field of learning analytics between of the Dutch-German research collective.  The HILA research program is focused on developing new tools and methods to collect, analyze, and interpret data that can help educational institutions to understand the learning process better. As part of the program's launch, a keynote by Ioana Jivet on student-facing learning analytics was provided. Ioana reported on two empirical studies investigating the effect of data-driven feedback on students. [pdf-embedder url="https://edutec.science/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/2023_05-Keynote-Symposium-Hendrik.pdf"…
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HILA Keynote @ CEL annual meeting

HILA Keynote @ CEL annual meeting

Conference, Feedback, Higher Education, Invited talk, Keynote, Learning Analytics, Learning Design, Transfer Activity
Hendrik Drachsler gave a keynote @ the LDE CEL Annual Meeting under the theme ‘Developing a Culture of Learning Analytics'. Hendrik summarized the achievements of the Highly Informative and Learning Analytics (HILA) research program, that is the successor of the Trusted Learning Analytics research program conducted in Frankfurt, Germany.  After two years of digital annual meetings, finally CEL could invite again to their annual meeting 2022 at the CEL Teaching Lab. Among keynotes from Simon Buckingham Shum (University of Technology Sydney), and Alyssa Friend Wise (New York University), Hendrik presented the latest research outcomes on Highly Informative and Learning Analytics (HILA) research program. Highly informative and competency-based feedback is costly and can be best given in small teacher-to-learner settings. According to research, feedback has a powerful effect on learning success;…
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Keynote at LERN Jahrestagung 2022

Keynote at LERN Jahrestagung 2022

Computational Psychometrics, Higher Education, Invited talk, Keynote, Learning Analytics, Learning Design, School
On 30 March 2022, Hendrik Drachsler gave an invited keynote at the LERN conference 2022 where he reported on the latest research on data-driven high informative feedback in higher education and schools. The talk focused on the experience of edutec.science research collective that has been gained in the projects DIFA, HIKOF-DL, AFLEK and ALICE. The presentation provided an overview of actionable and supportive feedback to learners as well as the various technical products that the EduTec group has developed. It, therefore, applies web technology to support meta-cognitive and collaborative learning skills with high-informative feedback methods. Hendrik applies validated measurement instruments from the field of psychometrics and investigates to what extent Learning Analytics interventions can reproduce the findings of these instruments. He discussed the lessons learned from implementing TLA systems. He…
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Daniele Di Mitri presents at Falling Walls Lab

Daniele Di Mitri presents at Falling Walls Lab

Higher Education, Keynote
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouqn2SayzjM Dr Daniele Di Mitri was invited to present his research on the 8th September 2021 for the Falling Walls Lab Rhineland organised in Bonn. The title of the presentation was "Breaking the Walls of Digital Classroom". Falling Walls Lab Rhineland is jointly hosted by RWTH Aachen, University of Bonn, University of Cologne, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf and Forschungszentrum Jülich. The event is hosted on a rotating basis by the participating institutions. Next year's Falling Walls Lab Rhineland will take place in Düsseldorf.  The Falling Walls Foundation is a non-profit organisation in Berlin, dedicated to the support of science and the humanities. It is a unique international platform for leaders from the worlds of science, business and politics, the arts and society. Falling Walls fosters discussion on research and innovation and promotes…
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