Time and day
This is the recurring event of the Oberseminar in Education Technologies scheduled for each Tuesday from 11 AM to 12 PM. In some circumstances, it can be moved; please refer to the schedule below.
The Oberseminar takes place on Zoom in the following room.
Oberseminar Education Technology (public)
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Meeting ID: 666 8897 0490
Passcode: Obersem
Bachelor students need to present their thesis in the Oberseminar. For Master students the Oberseminar is voluntary. The purpose of this Oberseminar is to present, either completed or in progress, Bachelor theses in the field of educational technologies in a presentation of about 20 minutes, followed by a 10-minute discussion with EduTec staff members about the outcomes, methods and related work. The goals of the Obersemianr are:
- Get to know what else is being researched in the research group
- Exploiting synergies
- Practising the presentation and the scientific discussion
- Demonstrate outcomes of the Bachelor thesis
The target audience is primarily students who are interested in writing their thesis in our field of study. The Oberseminar is open to all interested students to get used to writing a Bachelor thesis at the EduTec group. Current topics can be found here.
Upcoming Oberseminars
Date | Time | Location | Student | Topic | Thesis Type | Supervisor |
23.07.2024 | 11:00 | Zoom | Joshua Sole | Developing a REST API for OpenLAIR | BSc | Atezaz Ahmad |
27.02.2023 | 11:00 | Zoom | Joost Räsch | Entwicklung eines webbasierten Interfaces für automatisierte Interviewtranskription | BSc | Sebastian Gombert |
13.02.2023 | 11:00 | Zoom | Mahmoud Alhag Ali | Robuste transformatorbasierte Sprache-zu-Text-Methoden für die automatische Transkription von Interviews | BSc | Sebastian Gombert |
04.12.2023 | 12:00 | Zoom | Zhang, Chufan | Videoannotation- und Analyse-Dashboard für Präsentationstrainer | BSc | Jan Schneider, Atezaz Ahmad |
15.11.2023 | 12:30 | Zoom | David Burgstaller | Learning Analytics Dashboard for a Lifelong Learning Platform | BSc | Atezaz Ahmad |
28.09.2023 | 11:00 | Zoom | Vedat Yildiz | Self Regulated Learning Analytics Dashboard for the Presentation Trainer | BSc | Atezaz Ahmad, Jan Schneider |
25.07.2023 | 11:00 | Zoom | Laurenz Thegemey | Transcription-based analysis of video data | BSc | Daniele Di Mitri |
18.07.2023 | 11:00 | Zoom | Naram Kim | Efficient Language Memorisation app with Stories | BSc | Jan Schneider |
18.07.2023 | 11:00 | Zoom | Elmira Moaned | Effects of Monitored and Reward-based studying sessions on Improving motivation among underperforming students | BSc | Jan Schneider |
18.07.2023 | 11:00 | Zoom | Daniela Cislaru | Assessing the impact of a Customized Online Platform on improving study habits and focus among students | BSc | Jan Schneider |
13.06.2023 | 11:00 | Zoom | Shihadiya, Anageem | Klassifikation von lernrelevanten YouTube-Videos mit Deep Learning | BSc | Daniel Biedermann |
09.05.2023 | 11:00 | Zoom | Bui, Hai Mi | The Power of AI for Clustering of Exit Slip Responses | BSc | Sebastian Wollny |
09.05.2023 | 11:00 | Zoom | Diego Scarcella | Solving Arithmetics while Running out of Breath: MathKinetics, an Explorative Study | BSc | Jan Schneider |
02.05.2023 | 11:00 | Zoom | Jakub Pietraszko | Benefits of micro learning visualised in a mobile application | BSc | Jan Schneider |
02.05.2023 | 11:00 | zoom | Nicola Vidovic | Tracking the Consistency of Simple motions using Smartphones | BSc | Jan Schneider |
11.04.2023 | 11:00 | Zoom | Yumurtaci, Emre | Entwicklung eines Discord-Bots für sozial geteilten Fokus | BSc | Daniel Biedermann |
28.03.2023 | 11:00 | Zoom | Amin, Elham | Determining attentiveness in class through body-pose estimation | BSc | Daniele Di Mitri |
07.02.2023 | 11:00 | Zoom | Hashemi, Niousha | Vocal and facial emotion recognition models for the multimodal analysis of educational videos | MSc | Daniele Di Mitri |
24.01.2023 | 11:30 | Zoom | Bokari, Fernando | Ein Kurztrip nach Italien- Ein Serious Game zum Vokabeln lernen | BSc | Jan Schneider |
24.01.2023 | 11:00 | Zoom | Tobias, Joshua Leon | Investigating the usage of motion capture in educational games and improving its accessibility | BSc | Daniele Di Mitri |
07.12.2022 | 11:00 | Zoom | Vo Thanh, Elias | Die Analyse der Auswirkungen von verschiedenen Lichtfarben und Helligkeitsstufen auf die Leseverständnisund die Gedächtnisfähigkeiten von Lernenden | BSc | Jan Schneider & George-P. Ciordas-Hertel |
22.11.2022 | 11:00 | Zoom | Lee, Daeun | A time-management app for university students to increase productivity: Design, Development and Evaluation | BSc | Jane Yau |
18.10.2022 | 11:00 | Zoom | Altuntas, Beyda | Detecting Triggers for Distraction in a Learning Environment through Smart Wearables | BSc | George-P. Ciordas-Hertel |
20.09.2022 | 11:30 | Zoom | Rackerseder, Kilian | Entwicklung glaubwürdiger, virtueller Agenten als Gruppenmitglieder für digitale Lernträume | BSc | Daniel Biedermann |
20.09.2022 | 11:00 | Zoom | La, Tan Tin Kenny | Leveraging “Reflection” for smartphone usage self-reflection | BSc | Daniel Biedermann |
06.09.2022 | 11:00 | Zoom | Karroçi, Marvi | Developing a Learning Dashboard based on Process Data Indicators | BSc | Daniele Di Mitri, Onur Karademir |
06.09.2022 | 11.30 | zoom | Li, Xiaoying | Developing a Learning Analytics Dashboard for Teaching Assistants | BSc | Onur Karademir |
30.08.2022 | 11:00 | Zoom | Medvid, Ganna | Requirement Analysis for the Use of Chatbots in Language Learning Education | BSc | Sebastian Wollny |
10.08.2022 | 11:00 | zoom | Esad Islamovic | Automated Categorization of Learning Analytics Scientific Papers | MSc | Atezaz Ahmad |
9.8.2022 | 11:00 | zoom | Maher Bakkour | LearningHub Web | BSc | Jan Schneider |
28.06.2022 | 11:30 | Zoom | Özdemir, Ramazan | Conference Analytics Toolkit | BSc | Ioana Jivet |
28.06.2022 | 11:00 | DIPF | Epp, Aleksandr | Privacy preserving multimodal learning analytics using visual animations of kinematic data | MSc | Daniele Di Mitri |
07.06.2022 | 11:00 | Zoom | Kadir, Kaya | Prevelance and effectiveness of digital behavior change interventions | BSc | Daniel Biedermann |
31.05.2022 | 11:00 | Zoom | Dollansky, Alexander | Entwicklung und Evaluation einer Zielsetzungs-Intervention im Browser | BSc | Daniel Biedermann |
10.05.2022 | 11:00 | Zoom | Maximilian Mendl | A Self Quantification Tool for Reflecting on the Distance Learning Environment | BSc | George-P. Ciordas-Hertel |
03.05.2022 | 11:00 | zoom | Barisic, Andela Kalrla | Daylio on Smartwatch – Proposal for the Smartwatch App | BSc | Daniele Di Mitri |
03.05.2022 | 11:30 | zoom | Taraki, Habibullah | “SmarterRunner” an application that helps to support the development of running skills using smartphones and smartwatches | BSc | Jan Schneider |
19.04.2022 | 11:00 | zoom | Heckmann, Dennis | Entwicklung und Evaluation glaubwürdiger Bots für digitale Lernräume | BSc | Daniel Biedermann |
08.02.2022 | 10:00 | zoom | Zhang, Zitong | Designing a Personalized- Feedback System for Learning Analytics Dashboards based on Feedback Theory | BSc | Onur Karademir |
18.01.2022 | 10:30 | zoom | Da Silva Illing, Thomas | Educational Benefits of Virtual and Augmented Reality | BSc | Jan Schneider |
30.11.2021 | 11:30 | Zoom | Bayraktar, Günay | A Dynamic Visual Analytics Dashboard | MSc | Atezaz Ahmad |
28.09.2021 | 11:30 | Zoom | Cetinkaya, Ufuk | Improving virtual learning sessions through emotion recognition models | BSc | Daniele Di Mitri |
28.09.2021 | 11:00 | Zoom | Böttger, Felix | Development of an Infrastructure for Machine Learning Supported Live Learning Analytics in Distanced Learning Scenarios | BSc | Daniele Di Mitri |
22.09.2021 | 11:30 | Zoom | Burg, André | Affective computer interfaces with EEG | BSc | Daniele Di Mitri |
22.09.2021 | 11:00 | Zoom | Buraha, Tetiana | Erfassen und Analyse von physiologischen Daten während des Ausführens kognitiver Aufgaben | BSc | Jan Schneider |
05.10.2021 | 11:30 | Zoom | Holzinger, Daniel | Systementwicklung und Studie zur Feststellung des Einflusses von sozialer Kontrolle auf das digitale Lernverhalten | BSc | Daniel Biedermann |
05.10.2021 | 11:00 | Zoom | Heinrichs, Jona Lukas | A Knowledge Tracing Approach to Students’ Trace Data in an Online Class Environment | BSc | Daniele Di Mitri |
19.10.2021 | 11:30 | zoom | Fabian Plößer | Using Smartphone and Smartwatch Sensors to Assist Learning to Play the Drums | BSc | Jan Schneider |