To communicate research findings to other educational technologies scholars, research reports are usually published in peer-reviewed scientific journals or scientific conferences. In case you are interested in publishing your own research or simply learning more about the field, see the below overview for a selection of relevant journals and conferences. If you are interested in a deeper dive specifically into open access journals in the field of educational technologies, see here: LINK
Journals & conferences
- ECTEL - European Conference of Technology-enhanced Learning
- LAK - Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference
- AERA - Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association
- EARLI - European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction
- AIED - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education
- L@S - ACM Learning @ Scale Conference
- GMW - Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medien in der Wissenschaft (German)
- DELFI - Konferenz der Fachgruppe Bildungstechnologien der Gesellschaft für Informatik (German)
- EDIL - EdMedia & Innovate Learning Conference
- UMAP - ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization
- CHI - ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
- BEA - ACL Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications
- EDM - International Conference on Educational Data Mining
Springer (Part of DEAL)
- RPTL - Research and Practice in Technology-Enhanced Learning (Open Access)
- ETHE - International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (Open Access)
- IJAIED - International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
- ETRD - Educational Technology Research & Development
- JCHE - Journal of Computing in Higher Education
- IJCSCL - International Journal of Computer-supported Collaborative Learning
- EIT - Education and Information Technologies
- LER - Learning Environments Research
- TK&L - Technology, Knowledge, and Learning
- TechTrends
- CHB - Computers in Human Behavior
- CHB Reports - Computers in Human Behavior Reports (Open Access*)
- TIHE - The Internet and Higher Education
- CAE - Computers & Education
- CAEO - Computers & Education Open (Open Access)
- CAE:AI - Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence (Open Access*)
- TP&E - Technology, Pedagogy, & Education
- LMT - Learning, Media & Technology
- JRTE - Journal of Research on Technology in Education
- ILE - Interactive Learning Environments
- AJET - Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (Open Access)
- IRRODL - International Review of Open and Distributed Learning (Open Access)
- RLT - Research in Learning Technology (Open Access)
- ET&S - Educational Technology & Society (Open Access)
- OES - Open Education Studies (Open Access)
- JLA - Journal of Learning Analytics (Open Access)
- TLT - IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies
- IJAI - International Journal of Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Education (Open Access*)