Legal Assessment of AI and Learning Analytics in Teaching and Learning

Legal Assessment of AI and Learning Analytics in Teaching and Learning

Artificial Intelligence, Learning Analytics, Press, Report
As with any new technology, the laws and regulations relating to them seem to always be one step behind and one can feel somewhat lost in a foggy, legal grey zone. The same is true for the use of AI. Using AI in a legally compliant way depends on its specific application, its range and the technical details. This has to be checked and regulated in accordance with the law in order to be able to use each AI technology safely, for the intended purpose and in compliance with data protection regulations. But how can universities know if they are using Learning Analytics and AI technologies in a legally compliant manner? In a first step in answering this question, the Goethe University has recently published an extensive legal assessment about…
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Interview in Zeit Online: Cell Phone Bans in Schools

Interview in Zeit Online: Cell Phone Bans in Schools

Digitalisation, Press, School
In an interview with Zeit Online, Hendrik Drachsler explains his views on digitalization and cell phone bans in schools. He outlines that the hurdles associated with digitalization should be taken seriously, but that he is also very critical of extreme demands such as a complete ban on digitalization in schools. In his eyes it is important to differentiate between the usage of private devices and devices provided by the schools. Studies show that the use of private devices during the school day can distract students from learning and lower their concentration rates, for example during the private consummation of social media. On the other hand, the usage of tablets and AI during class can bring added value to the teaching process, especially while teaching complex concepts and with the individualization…
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Interview: A Controlled Way to Better Teaching and Learning with AI

Interview: A Controlled Way to Better Teaching and Learning with AI

Artificial Intelligence, Press
DIPFblog Interview with Dr. Daniele Di Mitri about the project "HyTea – Model for Hybrid Teaching“ Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to support teaching and learning in many automated ways. However, the contributions of the new technology do not always match the expectations and values of human users. The research and development project „HyTea – Model for Hybrid Teaching“ is investigating how this problem can be addressed. In the interview, project leader Dr. Daniele Di Mitri explains in more detail the project and how he and his team are proceeding. The interview on the DIPFblog – in English and German
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GREAT project featured in the Global Young Academy magazine

GREAT project featured in the Global Young Academy magazine

DIPF member and GREAT project manager, Dr. Jane Yau, is also a member of the Global Young Academy (2022-27), where its mission is giving a voice to young scientists around the world. In 2022-2023, she was the co-editor of the Connections Magazine, which is an annual magazine of the Global Young Academy, featuring peer-reviewed articles of its members. This year’s magazine explores the theme “Innovative Technologies for improved well-being”. The magazine is additionally circulated at working events attended by the Global Young Academy office team, for example, those organised by The World Academy of Sciences and European Young Academies etc. As co-Editor-at-Large, Jane also wrote an article about “Technological innovations for advancing quality education, gender equality and climate action”. The following excerpt has been taking from the article. Quality Education…
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PhD defense: Measuring the Unmeasurable? Towards Automatic Co-located Collaboration Analytics

PhD defense: Measuring the Unmeasurable? Towards Automatic Co-located Collaboration Analytics

Artificial Intelligence, Book, Higher Education, Learning Analytics, Multimodal Learning Analytics, PhD defense, Press
Collaboration is one of the most important skills in the 21st century. Education, therefore, focuses on learning to cooperate, both in online and face-to-face settings. Learning Analytics is increasingly being used to analyse collaborations. Can face-to-face collaborations be analysed automatically by means of sensor technology? And what is the quality of the analyses generated by this? Sambit Praharaj developed a technical prototype to achieve automated collaboration analytics. On Friday 11 March 2022 at 1.30 pm Sambit defended his thesis 'Measuring the Unmeasurable? Towards Automatic Co-located Collaboration Analytics' at the Open University in Heerlen. Collaboration analytics using sensor technology Sambit Praharaj investigated the possibilities of automating collaboration analytics in face-to-face settings. He developed a prototype that measures the quality of collaboration. Praharaj also developed a dashboard that visualises the data and…
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Young Scientist member at Global Young Academy (2022-27)

Young Scientist member at Global Young Academy (2022-27)

Award, Press
An honour and privilege, Dr. Jane Yau joins the Global Young Academy as a Young Scientist member, starting in June 2022 and serving a five-year term. As a passionate and dedicated researcher in Mobile Learning and Educational Technologies since 2003, this membership gives Jane the opportunity to align her research efforts and collaboratively with the other members of the Academy to (1) help tackle the current global educational crisis with school closures; (2) bridge the digital, educational, and curriculum gaps and (3) support the development of young scientists into science leaders of the future. Jane’s vision for improving the state of the sciences/research and the situation of young scientists/scholars worldwide is: “There needs to be a more balanced proportion of young female and male scientists (under 20) to act as…
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zugehOERt Podcast 081: Learning Analytics und OER

zugehOERt Podcast 081: Learning Analytics und OER

Assessment, General education, Learning Analytics, Learning Design, Press, Webinar
Im Gespräch mit Susanne Grimm führt Ioana Jivet an das Thema Learning Analytics heran und geht auf dessen Mehrwert für Lehrende und Lernende auch im Hinblick auf eine mögliche Bedeutung für den größeren Nutzen von OER ein. Ioana Jivet ist seit 2021 assoziierte Wissenschaftlerin im EduTec-Team am DIPF. Als Postdoktorandin in der Einrichtung studiumdigitale der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt ist sie als Forschungskoordinatorin wissenschaftlicher Forschungsanteile der laufenden Projekte: HIKOF und IMPACT tätig. Im Rahmen des Hessen Hub – Netzwerk digitale Hochschullehre Hessen leitet sie das Schwerpunktthema Trusted Learning Analytics. Den Podcast hier anhören  
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Interview with Bildung.Table

Interview with Bildung.Table

Artificial Intelligence, Higher Education, Learning Analytics, Press, Project, School
On 23.02.2022 Hendrik Drachsler was interviewed by Niklas Prenzel from Table.Media about Artificial Intelligence in university teaching and the joint project IMPACT. In the interview, he outlines how AI can support teaching and help reduce the burden on lecturers as well as giving answers to the concerns from other disciplines.   The interview "KI darf nur unterstützen, niemals entscheiden" is available in German in the Bildung.Table issue #46 from the 23rd of February can be read here.
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PhD defense: Educational innovation towards organizational development: the art of governing open and online education in Dutch higher education institutions

PhD defense: Educational innovation towards organizational development: the art of governing open and online education in Dutch higher education institutions

Book, Higher Education, Open access, PhD defense, Press
Forms of open online education can bring about innovation in teaching and learning. Yet there is still little sign of this transformation at higher education institutions. How can open online education innovations be embedded in higher education institutions? And what organisational preconditions for open online education exist at various levels? On Friday 18 February 2022 at 4 pm, Martine Schophuizen defended her thesis entitled "Educational innovation towards organizational development: the art of governing open and online education in Dutch higher education institutions" at the Open Universiteit in Heerlen. Open Online Education (OOO) For years, there have been high expectations regarding the potential of forms of open online education (OOO), for example, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). However, research into the effects of OOO still provides too few insights into increasing…
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AR4STEAM: Documentary Film Premiere of the DIPF Project

AR4STEAM: Documentary Film Premiere of the DIPF Project

Augmented Reality, Digitalisation, Event, Press, Project, Publication, School
Today we celebrate the successful completion of our joint project work between school and research institute on augmented reality (AR) apps and STEM learning. The DIPF and the Adorno Gymnasium in Frankfurt set out to develop and learn STEM topics with AR. The result of this innovative STEM Lab is a great app developed together and a documentary film on the process and results. Here is the short film: [embed][/embed]
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