Legal Assessment of AI and Learning Analytics in Teaching and Learning

Legal Assessment of AI and Learning Analytics in Teaching and Learning

Artificial Intelligence, Learning Analytics, Press, Report
As with any new technology, the laws and regulations relating to them seem to always be one step behind and one can feel somewhat lost in a foggy, legal grey zone. The same is true for the use of AI. Using AI in a legally compliant way depends on its specific application, its range and the technical details. This has to be checked and regulated in accordance with the law in order to be able to use each AI technology safely, for the intended purpose and in compliance with data protection regulations. But how can universities know if they are using Learning Analytics and AI technologies in a legally compliant manner? In a first step in answering this question, the Goethe University has recently published an extensive legal assessment about…
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New Publication: Contextualized Logging of On-Task and Off-Task Behaviours During Learning

New Publication: Contextualized Logging of On-Task and Off-Task Behaviours During Learning

Journal, Open access, Publication, Report, Technical paper
We are happy to announce the publication of our latest research paper that delves into the intricate relationship between digital media usage and the learning experience. The paper addresses key challenges related to monitoring on-task and off-task behavior and suggests innovative solutions for a more effective and ethical study of learners' media habits.Traditionally, researchers have faced a myriad of challenges in accurately gauging how students utilize digital media while learning. Self-reported data often suffer from issues like faulty memory, subjective perceptions, and bias. Understanding whether digital media use enhances or hinders the learning experience is an incredibly complex issue. We identified and addressed four core challenges in logging digital media use during learning: The logging system must only be active during the learning period to capture relevant data. Data collection…
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Book Chapter – A Trusted Learning Analytics Dashboard for Displaying OER

Book Chapter – A Trusted Learning Analytics Dashboard for Displaying OER

Book, Book chapter, Learning Analytics, Open access, Project, Report
Abstract Learning Analytics (LA) consists of miscellaneous steps that include data harvesting, storing, cleaning, anonymisation, mining, analysis, and visualisation so that the vast amount of educational data is comprehensible and ethically utilisable by educators or instructors to obtain the advantages and benefits that LA can bring to the educational scene. These include the potential to increase learning experiences and reduce dropout rates. In this chapter, we shed light on OER repositories, LA, and LA dashboards and present an implementation of a research-driven LA dashboard for displaying OER and their repositories that allows the visualisation of educational data in an understandable way for both educators and learners. Moreover, we present an LA dashboard for displaying OER that shows information about the existing German OER repositories as part of our EduArc project…
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New Pub: Effective Use of Learner-Generated Data in Teacher Training Activities

New Pub: Effective Use of Learner-Generated Data in Teacher Training Activities

Learning Analytics, Publication, Report, Webinar
How can data be utilized in teacher training in an effective and ethical manner? This question was addressed by Hendrik Drachsler, 3 teacher trainers and the European Schoolnet Academy team at the webinar “Effective Use of Data in Teacher Training” held on the 18th and 19th of January 2023. One of the main focuses of the webinar was the newly-published report "Effective Use of Learner-Generated Data in Teacher Training Activities", written by Hendrik Drachsler. The report presents an overview of the concepts and applications of learner-generated data (learning analytics) and gives potential training scenarios for teacher training programs. Feel free to check out this report to learn more about learning analytics and how this has been and can be used in training: Effective Use of Learner-Generated Data in Teacher Training…
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Workshop – Designing Learning Analytics to Improve Lifelong? Learning

Workshop – Designing Learning Analytics to Improve Lifelong? Learning

Event, Learning Analytics, Learning Design, Lifelong Learning, Project, Report, Summer School, Workshop
Abstract: Learning Analytics (LA) has become a very heterogeneous research field due to the diversity in the data generated by the Learning Management Systems (LMS) as well as the researchers in a variety of disciplines, who analyze this data from a range of perspectives. In this workshop, we will present a LA tool called Open Learning Analytics Indicator Repository (OpenLAIR). OpenLAIR helps course designers, teachers, students and educational researchers to make informed decisions about the selection of learning activities and LA indicators for their course design or LA dashboard. The aim of this workshop is to allow users to interact with OpenLAIR and allow them to design a LA dashboard for a lifelong learning portal. During the workshop, participants will help with the design and evaluation of the OpenLAIR visual…
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Telekom Report AI@School – Teaching and Learning with Artificial Intelligence

Telekom Report AI@School – Teaching and Learning with Artificial Intelligence

Project, Publication, Report
Many modern educational technologies already contain aspects of artificial intelligence (AI) - in applications for school organisation as well as for teaching and testing and for learning and practising. Examples are learning platforms or learning apps that adapt the task programme to the learner's competence profile But where do AI-supported, learning-promoting applications currently stand in their development? What already exists? What are the potentials, challenges and risks in this field? How far along are other countries in their development? The Deutsche Telekom Foundation and its partners are investigating these questions. For example, the mmb Institute, in cooperation with the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and the Leibniz Institute for Human Development and Educational Information (DIPF), has prepared a market and trend analysis. For this purpose, the study's authors…
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Learning Analytics Anwendungen für den Hochschuleinsatz – Eine praxisnahe Übersicht

Learning Analytics Anwendungen für den Hochschuleinsatz – Eine praxisnahe Übersicht

Open access, Project, Publication, Report, Technical paper
Das Forschungsfeld Learning Analytics wächst in den letzten Jahren beständig. Mit dem Wachstum entstanden eine Vielzahl von Technologien und Anwendungen. Diese reichen von der Durchführung von kleinen Machbarkeitsstudien mit innovativen, prototypischen Anwendungen bis hin zu in großen empirischen Studien evaluierten kommerziellen Systemen. Es ist jedoch für potentielle Anwender von Learning Analytics schwierig, die Forschungslandschaft zu überschauen und sich einen Einblick in die Thematik zu verschaffen. Folglich sind viele Hochschulen und Lehrende beim Einsatz von Learning Analytics zögerlich, da alleine ein Überblick über die Möglichkeiten eine hohe Einarbeitungszeit erfordert. Auf Basis des ersten Verhaltenskodex für Trusted Learning Analytics (Hansen, Rensing, Herrmann, Drachsler, 2020), der vom Innovationsforum Trusted Learning Analytics des Projektes: Digital gestütztes Lehren und Lernen in Hessen (digLL) im Januar 2020 veröffentlicht wurde, möchten wir mit diesem Report einen Überblick…
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NEW Newsletter and Update on AR4STEAM

NEW Newsletter and Update on AR4STEAM

Augmented Reality, Digitalisation, Project, Publication, Report, School
AR4STE(A)M Newsletter 2 We have the pleasure to update you by this Newsletter with advance made in our project, which is designed to provide attractive means and ways  to improve current technological methods, encouraging STEAM education. Joining us, you will find in our publications a lot of useful information, tips and new opportunities for modern and effective teaching.
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