You can choose Bachelor & Master thesis topics below:
How can I start to work on a bachelor/master thesis?
- Select a potential thesis topic from the slides above.
- Get in contact with a topic mentor mentioned for your topic
(if you get no reply in two weeks, the mentor is unavailable!). - Write a 2-4-page expose of the thesis by using the template.
- Send the expose to the topic mentor with an appointment request.
- You have an appointment with a topic mentor. Please bring a printed version of the expose AND the thesis registration form from the Goethe University examination office of the Computer Science department.
- After you finalize your topic and begin your thesis, mention Prof. Dr. Hendrik Drachsler as your first examiner. You also need to fill out the second examiner field. If you know a Professor who can be your second examiner, please send this form to them and request their signature. If you do not have anyone, please talk to your mentor about it.
What criteria will be applied to assess the quality of my bachelor/master thesis?
Within the EduTec School, we have a wide variety of Bachelor’s (BA) and Master’s (MA) theses, ranging from new techno-didactic concepts and stakeholders’ analysis to infrastructure components for AI-supported learning and teaching. In order to be transparent about the assessment process and guarantee comparable quality standards for a BA / MA thesis, we have developed the following assessment rubrics to evaluate the quality of a thesis. After your thesis expose is delivered, please consult with your thesis supervisor about which assessment rubric best suits your thesis. Assessment Rubrics EduTec V2.1 (Download).
What topics can I select for my bachelor/master thesis?
The following projects can be investigated for either a Bachelor’s or a Master’s thesis. The reports can be written in German or English.
We have a broad range of projects within the research field of educational technologies. Generally, we distinguish those projects into ‘Research’ (RES) and ‘Development’ (DEV) projects.
RES: Research projects are supposed to deliver a scientific manuscript that describes the state-of-the-art research, formulates research questions, collects or reuses a dataset, does advanced data science tasks on the data, discusses the results, and provides an answer to the research questions. These projects are more related to data science and less HCI or other programming tasks. However, they accept high-level outcomes that could be submitted to a scientific conference for further discussion. An example of RES-theses can be found here:
Menzel, L., Gombert, S., Weidlich, J., Fink, A., Frey, A., Drachsler, H. (2023). Why You Should Give Your Students Automatic Process Feedback on Their Collaboration: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment. In: Viberg, O., Jivet, I., Muñoz-Merino, P., Perifanou, M., Papathoma, T. (eds) Responsive and Sustainable Educational Futures. EC-TEL 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14200. Springer, Cham.
DEV: Development projects produce a working prototype that is well documented. The written report may be shorter and require less research than in the development projects.
In some cases, the projects can be both RES and DEV projects. An example of a DEV-theses can be found here:
Romano G, Schneider J, Drachsler H. (2019). Dancing Salsa with Machines—Filling the Gap of Dancing Learning Solutions. Sensors. 19(17):3661.
Do I need to present my thesis to a committee?
Bachelor students need to present their thesis in the Oberseminar. For Master students, the Oberseminar is voluntary. The purpose of this Oberseminar is to present, either completed or in progress, Bachelor theses in the field of educational technologies in a presentation of about 20 minutes, followed by a 10-minute discussion with EduTec staff members about the outcomes, methods and related work. The goals of the Oberseminar are:
- Get to know what else is being researched in the research group
- Exploiting synergies
- Practising the presentation and the scientific discussion
- Demonstrate outcomes of the Bachelor thesis
The target audience is primarily students who are interested in writing their thesis in our field of study. The Oberseminar is open to all interested students who want to get used to writing a Bachelor’s thesis at the EduTec group.