Podcast “FutureSchool”: Child reporter talks with Scientist about Educational Technologies
Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Competence development, Computer-supported collaborative learning, Digitalisation, Event, Feedback, Invited talk, Promotion activity, Robots in Education, School, Transfer Activity
The German podcast "FutureSchool" looks at the classroom of the future and which technical aids for learning could be conceivable, but are also already being developed. Luis and DIPF education expert and our colleague Dana Kube consider together where technology is superior to teachers and when, in turn, teachers are unbeatable as real people with real experiences: https://blog.bildungsserver.de/klassenzimmer-der-zukunft/ The three-part podcast "FutureSchool" was created as part of the BMBF project "enorM - Lernen von (ÜBER)MORGEN". In the project, which is part of the "Science Year 2022 - Inquired about!", pupils and researchers have exchanged ideas in numerous formats, for example about new subjects and digital learning support.