Researcher in the Educational Technologies at DIPF
Information Center for Education
Rostocker Straße 6, 60323 Frankfurt am Main
+49 (0)69 24708 346
d.kube [at]
Dana Kube is a researcher at the Educational Technologies group of DIPF and the studiumdigitale, Goethe University Frankfurt. She currently manages international scientific cooperation projects such as a strategic partnership in schools co-funded by the European Commission. She started her career as a social science researcher and project staff in 2016 working in several EU projects in the field of education in the Western Balkans and Northern Africa. She then supported the German Development cooperation agency in Frankfurt and joined the DIPF staff in 2019.
- Inclusion & Education
- Visual Analytics
- Cultural Change & Digitalization
- Interactive Learning Technologies
- Master in International Migration Studies, Malmö University, 2017 Sweden
- Bachelor in Political Science and Law, LMU München, 2013 Germany
- Yücebaş, A., Kube, D., Spartafora, A., Schneider, J., Alsaleh, A., Radicchi, E., Foresti, I., Longobardi, R., Isoardo, M., Cramaro, F., Battini Elvira Tocalachis, S., Chomatianou, M., Erkan, H. & van Dijk, G. (2020). Compendium of gamification strategies based on Augmented reality for STE(A)M learning (AR4STE(4)M – use gamification strategies and augmented reality for innovative STE(4)M learning, Bd. 1). Frankfurt am Main: DIPF.. urn:urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-206394
- Kube, D., & Schulte, G. (2019). Leseförderung und Bildung in Norwegen. Frankfurt am Main: DIPF
- Schumann, C., Kube, D., & Mollenhauer, L. (2019). Ein Film über den Deutschen Bildungsserver. In (Hrsg.), bildungsserverBlog: Themen, Hintergründe, Informationen. Frankfurt am Main: DIPF Verfügbar unter:
- Schumann, C., Völkerling, A., Hartmann, C., Achenbach, M., & Kube, D. (2019). Wichtige Themen 2019 – unser Podcast zum Jahreswechsel: Teil I/II: Elementarbildung, Schule, OpenEducational Resources, Bildung weltweit. In (Hrsg.), Bildung auf die Ohren. Frankfurt am Main: DIPF Verfügbar unter:
- Drachsler, H. & Kube, D. (2020, Januar). Basics of EU Cooperation in Erasmus+ – An Introduction. Vortrag auf der Kickoff Meeting in Florence AR4STEAM Projekt, Florence, Italien. [Wissenschaftliche Fachveranstaltung] Drachsler, H. & Kube, D. (2020, Januar). EU Project Management, setting our goal, achieving our outcomes jointly. Vortrag auf der Kickoff Meeting in Florence AR4STEAM Projekt, Florence, Italien. [Wissenschaftliche Fachveranstaltung]
- Kube, D. (2020, September). IO1 Compendium of Gamification. Vortrag auf der AR4STEAM Erasmus+ International Team Meeting Workshop, Istanbul (Online), Türkei. [Praxistransfer; auf Einladung]
- Kube, D. (2020, Oktober). Concept Presentation Online Teacher Training Programme IO2 AR4STEAM. Vortrag auf der Erasmus+ Workshop International, Frankfurt, Online, Deutschland. [Praxistransfer; auf Einladung]