20.01.2021 – Kickoff of the IMPACT Meeting
Higher Education with Artificial Intelligence Projekt IMPACT: Implementation of AI-based Feedback and Assessment with Trusted Learning Analytics in Higher Education Institutions The collaborative project "Implementation of AI-based Feedback and Assessment with Trusted Learning Analytics in Higher Education Institutions" will be carried out by the Goethe University together with the Humboldt University Berlin, the Hagen University, the Freie Universität Berlin and the University of Bremen. Prof. Hendrik Drachsler, Professor of Computer Science with a focus on Educational Technologies at the DIPF and the Goethe University, is the collaborative leader and is also responsible for the Frankfurt sub-project "AI in the study entry phase for summative assessment and feedback as well as piloting, evaluation & implementation, dissemination". Responsible management of student data In the joint project IMPACT, five universities will work together…