New Pub: Harnessing the Power of Gaming to Influence Policies Addressing Climate Change

New Pub: Harnessing the Power of Gaming to Influence Policies Addressing Climate Change

Conference, Game, Publication
As part of the GREAT (Games Realising Effective and Affective Transformation) project, co-funded by the European Union and UKRI, the project team has published the following paper at ECGBL which was held at Aarhus University, in October 2024. Harnessing the Power of Gaming to Influence Policies Addressing Climate Change – co-authored by Paul Hollins, Paul Watson, Anchal Garg, Jude Ower, Joost Schuur, David Griffiths, Barbara Kieslinger, Katharina Koller, Jane Yau, pages 403-413 Abstract: In this paper, the authors present the findings of an empirical case study examining the efficacy of the Games Realising Effective & Affective Transformation (GREAT) Case Study design process. The process is underpinned by an established Mixed Methodological Research (MMR) framework for eliciting the preferences of gamers and determining their priorities in climate change policies. Funded by…
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GREAT Project kick-off on 1-2 March

GREAT Project kick-off on 1-2 March

Citizens science, Game, Project, Project meeting
A fruitful and successful kick-off meeting for the GREAT project (Games Realising Effective and Affective Transformation, co-funded by EU and UKRI) with all consortium partners was held on 1-2 March. DIPF project members (Hendrik, Jane, Dana) hosted the 2-day kick-off meeting, which covered all work package activities for the coming 12 months. The project uses games to engage citizens and collect anonymised data regarding climate crisis attitudes and opinions. These are then anonymously analysed and sent to policy-makers, with the aim of influencing them to make even better climate emergency policies more suited to citizens' needs. Two different types of games will be tested: (1.) With simple quiz games on mobile phones - this can reach high numbers of users and thus large data volumes can be generated. The games will…
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#Hackathon Game Design – Winner & Games

#Hackathon Game Design – Winner & Games

Award, Digitalisation, Event, Further Education, Game, School, Team
Der EduTec Hackathon 2021 für MINT-Lernspiele dieses Wochenende ist gerade mit 8 fertigen Spielideen für 45 Minuten Mathe, Bio, Physik oder Informatik Lernen auf spielerische Art und Weise in VR & AR geendet! Das Gewinnerteam nimmt und einmal mit zum Mond Wir sind sehr stolz und glücklich, wie grandios dieses Wochenende war. Haben akuten Schlafmangel, aber viel mit unseren Partnerschulen auszuprobieren in Zukunft und danken unseren tollen Mädels und Jungs der GU, UAS in Frankfurt und TU Darmstadt für 72 Stunden Einsatz, Energie und Kreativität im Team! #happy #MINT #STEM #augmentedreality #Gaming #education #Bildung #bildungsgerechtigkeit #bildungswissenschaften #technologie #futureoflearning #firstplace Euer EduTec Team [video width="3840" height="2160" mp4=""][/video]
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New Pub: Get your Back Straight!

New Pub: Get your Back Straight!

Conference, Conference, Game, Lifelong Learning, Multimodal Learning Analytics, Publication
“Mens sana in corpore sano” is a phrase that we all have heard multiple times in our life. We know all the positive effects of Sports and Exercise. However, let’s face it! Physical activity is not always fun and when doing it incorrectly without any guidance or feedback it is difficult to see improvements or even worse, we can face the risk of injury. To address these issues Anna Meik for her bachelor thesis developed the Pilates correction App. An application designed to support the practice of the “Kneeling Arm and Leg Reach” Pilates exercise in a gamified way, where the user helps a virtual rocket to reach high scores through the stability of their lower backs. Meik, A., Schneider, J., & Schiffner, D. (2021). Get your back straight! Learn…
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#Hackathon Game Design – Sei dabei und lerne Spieldesign und neue Leute an deiner Uni kennen!

#Hackathon Game Design – Sei dabei und lerne Spieldesign und neue Leute an deiner Uni kennen!

Augmented Reality, Digitalisation, Event, Game, Higher Education
Hey Game-Creators!Das Forschungs-Team rund um die „Educational Technologies“ der GU und des DIPF veranstalten einen Online #Hackathon: Wir suchen männliche und weibliche Studierende der Informatik ab dem 2. Semester, um am 29.-31. Oktober (halbtags, also ca. 12 Stunden insgesamt) in gemischten Teams EduGames zu entwickeln!Die Hackathon-Teams werden ein Augmented Reality (AR) Spiel für die Schule entwickeln. Ihr braucht keine Coding-Vorkenntnisse: Die Entwicklungs-Umgebung werden wir an eure Programmier-Erfahrungen anpassen, damit Erfahrene wie Anfänger gleiche Chancen und Spaß haben das beste Spiel zu designen! Das beste Spiel und Team wird ausgezeichnet (Gewinn: 1000 Euro!) und danach auf einer internationalen Konferenz präsentiert. Nutzt die Gelegenheit mit erfahrenen Programmierern in einem Projekt mehr über Game-Design und Game-Programmierung zu lernen! Wir freuen ins insbesondere über Teilnehmerinnen, da wir viele gemischte Teams kreieren wollen.Take-Aways? Ihr lernt neue…
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AR4STEAM Last phase of project in Frankfurt: Sunshine in the park and AR app testing

AR4STEAM Last phase of project in Frankfurt: Sunshine in the park and AR app testing

Augmented Reality, Digitalisation, Event, Game, Learning Design, Project, School, Team, Workshop
Augmented Reality in the Park in Frankfurt middle school students from Adornogymnasium tried out the augmented reality app in the park next to their school yesterday. a maths and physics question-based parkour in the park was tested. Objects were scanned, volumes calculated, distances estimated and calculated. We are entering the final phase of the project, where we will design a whole lesson together with AR and programme our app for it. exciting late summer leisure activity for teachers and students.
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Participate: Learn more about AR technology in STEM education in European schools in our online dissemination seminar on March 29

Participate: Learn more about AR technology in STEM education in European schools in our online dissemination seminar on March 29

Digitalisation, Empirical Study, Game, Press, Project, Publication
Learn more about AR4STE(A)M in our online seminar! Register here: ME1-Invitation Take a look at the latest trends and technologies used in STEM classes and the pedagogic strategies to make STE(A)M learning a fun experience with new possibilities to discover STE(A)M topics for students all over Europe. Prof. Dr. Hendrik Drachsler, Mrs. Anna Stamouli and Mrs. Dana Kube will guide you through the evening and will talk with you and the entire project team about the latest developments : AR4STEAM AGENDA See you soon & stay tuned, your AR4STE(A)M Team
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#Resilience Press Release AR4STE(A)M Project

#Resilience Press Release AR4STE(A)M Project

Digitalisation, Game, Project
The AR4STE(A)M project team is resilient in Corona times! Despite the ongoing pandemic preventing any physical events from taking place, AR4STE(A)M Project is going on successfully and several goals have been achieved in the last months! Final publication of the Compendium of Gamification Strategies: Promoting creativity through good and proven AR Apps and Technologies for STE(A)M learning The first publication of the EU-Erasmus+ project "AR4STE(A)M" is the Augmented Reality Compendium - a compilation of suitable game-based AR (Augmented Reality Applications) apps and technologies for MINT (Mathematics, Computer Science, Science, Art and Technology) teaching. The digitally available compendium aims to present the most relevant AR learning practices from 6 EU countries (Belgium, Germany, Cyprus/Greece, Italy, Netherlands & Turkey). Available here: NEW! Identification of training needs and challenges for teachers in STE(A)M…
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Fellowship Of The Learning Activity Learning Analytics (FoLA2)

Fellowship Of The Learning Activity Learning Analytics (FoLA2)

Game, Open access, Project, Workshop
In the last years, research to connect learning analytics to learning design has been on the rise, but there still are a number of steps that need to be taken in order to make a workable connection between learning analytics and learning design. To improve the quality it is important to capture andstructure the design choices and to retrieve data on the behavior, the effects and the opinions about the designed learning activities. In an effort to get (1) input on the learning design choices of learning activities and (2) bridge the gap between learning analytics and learning design, a board game has been developed. The Fellowship of the Learning Activity is a serious game that captures and systematizes the learning design of learning activities. Additionally, the game brings awareness…
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