Girls and Women in STEM Forum of the European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT)

Girls and Women in STEM Forum of the European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT)

Artificial Intelligence, Award, Conference, Digitalisation, Event, Transfer Activity
Our Co-Worker Dana Kube was selected to be a jury member of this year's Girls and Women in STEM Award of the European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT) in Budapest. Read her report: I'm still buzzing with the energy from the Women and Girls in STEM Forum 2024! It was an inspiring day filled with conversations on AI, inclusion, and the future of STEM with girls and women from all over Europe. The keynote speakers, Pia Ahrenkilde Hansen and Ilaria Tagliavini, emphasised the urgent need for more women to lead the next generation of scientists in Europe, highlighting the European Commission’s commitment to this mission through strategic plans for STEM education. Ilaria celebrated Girls Go Circular’s expansion to 32 countries, recognising the need for a mindset shift towards greater…
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Exploring the Future of Learning: Edutec at the Frankfurt Science Festival 2024

Exploring the Future of Learning: Edutec at the Frankfurt Science Festival 2024

Event, Transfer Activity
The Edutec team successfully participated in the Frankfurt Science Festival 2024 at the Rossmarkt square, organized by the Frankfurt Alliance, and was present at the DIPF booth. Under the motto "Try Out Learning Technologies," visitors had the chance to explore a variety of innovative technologies. Our Highlights: Strategic Running Training: Experience the "Pacing" running strategy through Virtual Reality and take part in a virtual race through the streets of Frankfurt. Supporting Climate Protection through Games: Two engaging games – a quiz game and a dilemma game – offer insights into climate protection. These games are part of a Horizon Europe project in collaboration with the United Nations Development Program. Pilates Feedback: Discover a new Pilates experience with our app, offering real-time feedback and exciting video game elements to make your…
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Dr. Diana Gayol Visits the EduTec Team

Dr. Diana Gayol Visits the EduTec Team

Artificial Intelligence, Higher Education, Transfer Activity
Last week we had the pleasure of welcoming Dr. Diana Gayol, Director of Diploma in Didactics and Pedagogy in Health Areas at the Faculty of Medicine of the Fundación Barceló in Buenos Aires (Argentina), to DIPF. Dr. Gayol's research focuses on psychological studies of Argentinean students and shows parallels with various activities of the TBA Center. On her research trip, she was able to make a stop at Campus Westend, where she was particularly interested in an exchange about future AI applications in argentinian education with Sebastian Wollny and Sebastian Gombert. Collaborative Discussions During her visit, Dr. Gayol engaged in dynamic discussions with our researchers. We explored topics ranging from personalized learning through Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) to Chatbots and AI-driven analytics. Dr. Gayol emphasized the importance of bridging the…
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Empowering TEDx Event in Frankfurt Explores the Role of Feminist AI in Driving Gender Equality and Inclusivity

Empowering TEDx Event in Frankfurt Explores the Role of Feminist AI in Driving Gender Equality and Inclusivity

Artificial Intelligence, Digitalisation, Event, Gender, Invited talk, Keynote, Lifelong Learning, Team, Transfer Activity
Frankfurt, Germany - Last Thursday, TEDx Women Gallus hosted a captivating event with a focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Over 200 participants, including experts and international attendees, gathered to gain insights from female speakers on gender equality and inclusivity. Our researcher, Dana Kube, was among the speakers who delivered a TED talk. Dana Kube, a dedicated researcher at DIPF and Goethe University Frankfurt, specializes in dismantling gender bias in social learning (CSCL) and AI. Her commitment to empowering women, nurturing non-binary individuals in education, and advocating for social justice and environmental protection shone through her presentation. Her TED talk, titled "Can feminist AI drive gender equality and inclusivity? Envisioning a collaborative future," provided profound insights into the intersection of AI and gender dynamics. She dismantled gender bias in AI,…
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Reflecting on the 8th National AI in Schools Conference: Transforming Teaching and Learning

Reflecting on the 8th National AI in Schools Conference: Transforming Teaching and Learning

Artificial Intelligence, Conference, Event, Feedback, Invited talk, Keynote, Learning Analytics, Learning Design, Project, School, Transfer Activity
The 8th National Conference on AI in Schools, held in Berlin, was a momentous event that gathered experts, policy-makers, and educators to discuss the current landscape and future prospects of AI in education. If there’s one word to describe the atmosphere at the 8th National Conference on AI in Schools, it would be “transformative“. The conference was not only setting high standards on political representatives, researchers in the field of educational & computer science, but also charged with representatives school supervisory boards, state institutes, and offices for teacher education in all 16 federal states. Overall, there was a palpable spirit of collaboration, optimism, and let”s get things done. Politicians, researchers, and practitioners were engaged and committed, staying until the very end of the event, signalling an overwhelming willingness to bring…
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Podium Royal’s’ Citizen Dialogue: AI – Fantastic Tool or Future Nightmare?

Podium Royal’s’ Citizen Dialogue: AI – Fantastic Tool or Future Nightmare?

Artificial Intelligence, Citizens science, Invited talk, Learning Analytics, Transfer Activity
A Reflective Look at 'Podium Royal's' Citizen Dialogue: AI - Fantastic Tool or Future Nightmare? On 5th September 2023, Heerlen's Royal Cinema had become more than just a movie house. It transformed into a dynamic platform for critical exchange, housing the latest 'Podium Royal.' This monthly meeting place had entertained a lively debate, scrutinizing AI's escalating prominence in our lives. The quaint interiors of the Royal Cinema echoed with the contemplations of concerned citizens. Artificial Intelligence or AI's omnipresence was the crux of the discussion. Visible in everyday activities, from supermarket self-scanners to self-driving cars, from online shopping algorithms to medical software detecting breast cancer – the omnipresence of AI was universally acknowledged. But this prevalence has also raised several unsettling thoughts - are we aligning with more totalitarian governments…
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Keynote: Teaching with AI?! School in the Era of ChatGPT and Chatbots

Keynote: Teaching with AI?! School in the Era of ChatGPT and Chatbots

Artificial Intelligence, Invited talk, Transfer Activity, Workshop
Last week, the University of Hildesheim hosted an enlightening keynote by Sebastian Wollny on the topic, "Unterricht mit KI?! Schule in Zeiten von ChatGPT und Chatbots" (Teaching with AI?! School in the Era of ChatGPT and Chatbots). This thought-provoking presentation unfolded a narrative that encompassed the history of chatbots, their profound influence on our daily lives, three pivotal areas for their application in education, and the evolving role of educators. The keynote was a pivotal event within the framework of the teacher training program, "Digitalisierung in der Unterrichtspraxis: Erprobte Konzepte und Tools für den Fachunterricht" (Digitalization in Teaching Practice: Tested Concepts and Tools for Subject Instruction). It brought together approximately 50 enthusiastic educators from across Lower Saxony, all eager to enhance their teaching through digital means. Aside from Sebastian Wollny's…
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Workshop: “Anwendungsfelder von (KI-) Lerntechnologien” Klausurtagung Landesamt für Schule und Bildung Sachsen

Workshop: “Anwendungsfelder von (KI-) Lerntechnologien” Klausurtagung Landesamt für Schule und Bildung Sachsen

Transfer Activity, Workshop
Auf der 2. Klausurtagung des Landesamts für Schule und Bildung Sachsen, die am 22. und 23. August 2023 in Meißen stattfand, leitete Onur Karademir einen Workshop mit dem Titel "Anwendungsfelder von (KI-) Lerntechnologien". Der Schwerpunkt lag auf den Gelingensbedingungen für den Transfer von Bildungsinnovationen im Bereich EdTech in Schulen. Im Rahmen des Workshops wurden verschiedene Lerntechnologien im Bildungskontext vorgestellt, darunter Intelligente Tutorensysteme (ITS), Teacher-Dashboards sowie automatische Freitextauswertung und Feedback-Generierung. Besonderes Augenmerk lag auf der Diskussion des Potenzials von ITS und Adaptiven Lernsystemen. Diese Werkzeuge bieten die Möglichkeit zur skalierbaren Binnendifferenzierung, indem sie individuelles Lernen in eigenem Tempo und auf individuellem Niveau während Selbstlernphasen ermöglichen. Ein praktisches Beispiel für Teacher Dashboards wurde am Projekt AFLEK erläutert mit dem Learning Analytics Cockpit (LA Cockpit). Das LA Cockpit soll Lehrkräfte bei der Lernstandsdiagnose der…
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Common Purpose zu Gast beim DIPF (KI in der Bildung: Chancen und Risiken für die Gesellschaft)

Common Purpose zu Gast beim DIPF (KI in der Bildung: Chancen und Risiken für die Gesellschaft)

Transfer Activity
Sebastian Gombert und Onur Karademir, Forscher am DIPF im Bereich KI in der Bildung und Learning Analytics, leiteten am 18. Juli 2023 unseren Workshop "Künstliche Intelligenz in der Bildung: Chancen, Herausforderungen für die Gesellschaft". Ziel war es, Schlüsselfragen anzugehen: Wie unterstützen KI-getriebene Lerntechnologien Lehren und Lernen? Welche Forschungsbeispiele illustrieren Möglichkeiten und Grenzen? Wie können wir mit KI-Sprachmodelle wie GPT oder LLaMA automatisiert wirksames Feedback erstellen? Welche Potenziale und Risiken ergeben sich aus KI-gestützter Bildungstechnologie? Nach einem kurzen Impuls durch Forschungs- und Praxisbeispiele traten Teilnehmende in den Fokus und berichteten über Ihre Perspektiven und Herausforderungen zu dem Thema. English Version: Sebastian Gombert and Onur Karademir, researchers at DIPF in the area of AI in Education and Learning Analytics, led our workshop "Artificial Intelligence in Education: Opportunities, Challenges for Society" on July…
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HIKOF-DL – 4th Committee Meeting with Industry Members

HIKOF-DL – 4th Committee Meeting with Industry Members

Event, Transfer Activity
The fourth Committee meeting with industry members of the research project "HIKOF-DL" took place on March 31, 2023. HIKOF-DL is a project funded by the Hessen Ministerium für Digital Strategie und Entwicklung, which aims to provide high-informative feedback for a large number of university students, and automatic assessment, in order to reduce the lecturers' workload. The meeting yielded exciting results and discussions, showcasing the progress and potential of this innovative study. The meeting kicked off with an introduction by Prof. Dr. Hendrik Drachsler, who emphasized the significance of artificial intelligence (AI) in education. Dr. Joshua Weidlich, a key researcher in the project, then presented the research design of the study. The study population was divided into an experimental group and a control group to investigate two aspects: how students respond…
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