Workshop: Trusted Learning Analytics for science teaching in higher education
On 23.06. - 24.06.2022 Hendrik Drachsler and Daniele Di Mitri were invited to organise a session at the Didactics Working Groups (FDAKs) to present the concept of Learning Analytics applied to teaching and learning science (physics and mathematics) in the universities of applied sciences in German (Hochschulen). The didactics working groups, invited colleagues from all over Bavaria, Baden-Wuttenberg, Hessen and North Rehin Westalia to exchange ideas on teaching (content, methods, etc.). The Mathematics/Physics working group is currently headed by Prof. Dr. Elmar Junker from the Technical University of Rosenheim and Prof. Dr. Thomas Skill organized by the Bochum University of Applied Sciences. The AK usually meets every semester in Ingolstadt at the DiZ. Hendrik Drachsler & Daniele Di Mitri reflected on the process of applying learning analytics within higher education…