How can data be utilized in teacher training in an effective and ethical manner? This question was addressed by Hendrik Drachsler, 3 teacher trainers and the European Schoolnet Academy team at the webinar “Effective Use of Data in Teacher Training” held on the 18th and 19th of January 2023.
One of the main focuses of the webinar was the newly-published report “Effective Use of Learner-Generated Data in Teacher Training Activities”, written by Hendrik Drachsler. The report presents an overview of the concepts and applications of learner-generated data (learning analytics) and gives potential training scenarios for teacher training programs.
Feel free to check out this report to learn more about learning analytics and how this has been and can be used in training:
Effective Use of Learner-Generated Data in Teacher Training Activities
Suggested citation:
Drachsler, H. (2022) Effective Use of Learner-Generated Data in Teacher Training Activities, European Schoonet Academy, Brussels, Belgium