Hendrik Drachsler gave a keynote @ the LDE CEL Annual Meeting under the theme ‘Developing a Culture of Learning Analytics’. Hendrik summarized the achievements of the Highly Informative and Learning Analytics (HILA) research program, that is the successor of the Trusted Learning Analytics research program conducted in Frankfurt, Germany. 

After two years of digital annual meetings, finally CEL could invite again to their annual meeting 2022 at the CEL Teaching Lab. Among keynotes from Simon Buckingham Shum (University of Technology Sydney), and Alyssa Friend Wise (New York University), Hendrik presented the latest research outcomes on Highly Informative and Learning Analytics (HILA) research program. Highly informative and competency-based feedback is costly and can be best given in small teacher-to-learner settings. According to research, feedback has a powerful effect on learning success; for Highly Informative and Learning Analytics (HILA), even higher effects are measured. HILA provides actionable feedback that goes beyond correct or wrong replies. It offers the right solutions, possibilities for improvement, hints for self-regulation, and suggestions for effective learning strategies. Such feedback provides suitable conditions for effective metacognitive control of the learning process. Until a few years ago, it was very time-intensive to provide HILA in class; and simply not possible to provide HILA at large-scale university lectures due to a lack of personnel. But with the help of computers and other digital devices, we can design data-enriched learning activities that open up far-reaching possibilities to provide HILA. Within the talk, Hendrik demonstrated how data-enriched learning activities are designed with domain experts, how the group curates a knowledge base on effective learning analytics indicators, and how the data-enriched learning activities are researched in experimental settings.

Link to the full event: CEL annual meeting 2022