Learning analytics in European higher education–trends and barriers

Learning analytics in European higher education–trends and barriers

Empirical Study, Publication
Learning analytics (LA) as a research field has grown rapidly over the last decade. However, adoption of LA is mostly found to be small in scale and isolated at the instructor level. This paper presents an exploratory study on institutional approaches to LA in European higher education and discusses prominent challenges that impede LA from reaching its potential. Based on a series of consultations with senior managers from 83 different higher education institutions in 24 European countries, we observe that LA is primarily perceived as a tool to enhance teaching and institutional management. As a result, teaching and support staff are found to be the main users of LA and the target audience of training support. In contrast, there is little evidence of active engagement with students or using LA…
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Towards Computational Psychometrics by Combining Psychometrics with Learning Analytics

Towards Computational Psychometrics by Combining Psychometrics with Learning Analytics

From a psychometric point of view, assessment means to infer what a learner knows and can do in the real world from limited evidence observed in a standardized testing situation. From a learning analytics perspective assessment means to observe real behavior in digital learning environments to conclude the learner status with the intent to positively influence the learning process. Although psychometrics and learning analytics share similar goals, for instance, formative assessment, while applying different methods and theories, the two disciplines are so far highly separated. This chapter aims at paving the way for an advanced understanding of assessment by comparing and integrating the learning analytics and the psychometric approach of assessment. We will discuss means to show this new way of assessment of educational concepts such as (meta-) cognition, motivation,…
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Tracking Patterns in Self-Regulated Learning Using Students’ Self-Reports and Online Trace Data

Tracking Patterns in Self-Regulated Learning Using Students’ Self-Reports and Online Trace Data

Empirical Study, Open access, Publication
For decades, self-report instruments – which rely heavily on students’ perceptions and beliefs – have been the dominant way of measuring motivation and strategy use. Event-based measures based on online trace data arguably has the potential to remove analytical restrictions of self-report measures. The purpose of this study is therefore to triangulate constructs suggested in theory and measured using self-reported data with revealed online traces of learning behaviour. The results show that online trace data of learning behaviour are complementary to self-reports, as they explained a unique proportion of variance in student academic performance. The results also reveal that self-reports explain more variance in online learning behaviour of prior weeks than variance in learning behaviour in succeeding weeks. Student motivation is, however, to a lesser extent captured with online trace…
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10 critical steps to rock your ONLINE conference

10 critical steps to rock your ONLINE conference

Reflections on the 1st fully online Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK) conference Authors: Nina Seidenberg, Grace Lynch, Nicole Hoover, Maren Scheffel, Vitomir Kovanović and Hendrik Drachsler In March 2020, the Learning Analytics Community planned to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Learning Analytics & Knowledge conference (LAK20) with an outstanding community gathering in Frankfurt, Germany, at the beautiful Campus Westend of Goethe University Frankfurt at the river Main. Everyone was looking forward to celebrating the many accomplishments of this supportive community and hosting everyone in person in Frankfurt. The conference registered close to 600 individual attendees for the main conference, a record number for the face-to-face event of the year.  https://twitter.com/lak20frankfurt/status/1243577234939613184?s=20 Unfortunately, the COVID-19 virus outbreak changed the situation rapidly. New international travel bans were enacted, numerous universities took preventive…
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Radio Beitrag zu Online Konferenzen bei Campus & Karriere

Radio Beitrag zu Online Konferenzen bei Campus & Karriere

Conference, Digitalisation
Für den März 2020 hatte die Community das zehnjährige Bestehen der Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference (LAK20) geplant. Dazu hatte das Organisationsteam nach Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland, auf den wunderschönen Campus Westend der Goethe-Universität. Alle hatten sich darauf gefreut, die Leistungen der Community zu feiern und die Organisatorinnen und Organisatoren hatten die Gäste persönlich begrüßen wollen. Beinahe 600 Teilnehmende hatten sich zur Hauptkonferenz registriert. Dies entspricht einer Rekordzahl für diese Tagung.  Die Situation änderte sich jäh mit dem Ausbruch des COVID-19 –Virus. International wurden Reisebeschränkungen in Kraft gesetzt, und viele Universitäten erließen Maßnahmen, die eine wachsende Zahl der möglichen Teilnehmenden betrafen. Am 13. März 2020 – zwölf Tage vor dem Start der LAK20 - wurde der Campus der Universität Frankfurt am Main gesperrt.  Die Lage war heikel: nicht nur in Hinblick auf…
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Fellowship Of The Learning Activity Learning Analytics (FoLA2)

Fellowship Of The Learning Activity Learning Analytics (FoLA2)

Game, Open access, Project, Workshop
In the last years, research to connect learning analytics to learning design has been on the rise, but there still are a number of steps that need to be taken in order to make a workable connection between learning analytics and learning design. To improve the quality it is important to capture andstructure the design choices and to retrieve data on the behavior, the effects and the opinions about the designed learning activities. In an effort to get (1) input on the learning design choices of learning activities and (2) bridge the gap between learning analytics and learning design, a board game has been developed. The Fellowship of the Learning Activity is a serious game that captures and systematizes the learning design of learning activities. Additionally, the game brings awareness…
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Interview für den Tagesspiegel zur LAK20 Konferenz & Learning Analytics

Interview für den Tagesspiegel zur LAK20 Konferenz & Learning Analytics

Conference, Publication
Während weltweit Schulen und Universitäten wegen der Corona-Pandemie die Türen schließen, soll das Lernen im Internet weitergehen. E-Learning und Lern-Software sollen hier Vorlesungen und Unterrichtsstunden ersetzen. Doch wie kann überprüft werden, wie gut diese Angebote für Schüler und Studierende funktionieren? Eine Lösung, um die pädagogische Wirkung zu erfassen, könnte in der Big-Data-Analyse von Lernprozessen liegen: Wann fiel dem Schüler das Lernen am schwersten, wie oft blieb er im Text hängen, wo machte er beim Rechnen die meisten Fehler? Ziel der neuen Kombination von Informatik und Pädagogik unter der Bezeichnung Learning Analytics ist es, dem Lehrer ein individuelles Eingehen auf die Lernfortschritte der Schüler und Studenten zu ermöglichen. Beim E-Learning entstehen viele DatenIm statt wie geplant an der Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt am Main findet derzeit mit 560 Teilnehmenden die weltgrößte Fachkonferenz für Learning Analytics unter dem Namen „International Conference on…
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German Code of Conduct for Learning Analytics

German Code of Conduct for Learning Analytics

Open access, Publication
Verhaltenskodex zur Anwendung von Learning Analytics Für besseres Lehren und Lernen an der Hochschule: Studierendendaten verantwortungsvoll einsetzen Mit neuen Techniken können Hochschulen inzwischen Daten, die Studierende während digitaler Lernprozesse generieren, dazu einsetzen, die Lernenden beim Erreichen ihrer Studienziele zu unterstützen. Dieses Vorgehen wird Learning Analytics genannt. Es erfordert jedoch einen verantwortungsbewussten und ethisch angemessenen Umgang mit den Daten. Dabei kann eine Selbstverpflichtung helfen. Hierfür stellen das DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, die Goethe-Universität Frankfurt und die TU Darmstadt interessierten Hochschulen jetzt eine strukturierte Vorlage bereit: den „Verhaltenskodex für Trusted Learning Analytics“.  „Der Verhaltenskodex ist für Hochschulen gedacht, die sich als lernende Organisation verstehen und mittels Learning Analytics die Qualität des Lehrens und Lernens verbessern wollen“, sagt Hendrik Drachsler, Professor für Educational Technologies am DIPF und an der Goethe-Universität.…
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Most significant international Learning Analytics conference will take place – fully online

Most significant international Learning Analytics conference will take place – fully online

On March 25, the “International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge 2020” (LAK20), will behold as a completely online format. The conference, joined by attendees across the world, is organised from Frankfurt am Main. Responding rapidly to the spread of the Coronavirus, the team of organisers has rescheduled and completely switched to a virtual conference. The event is the worldwide most significant forum for this discipline in digital education. Learning Analytics reflects the measurement and analysis of data from technology-based learning processes that are, for instance, gained in online courses or software tutorials. Learning is thus meant to be supported and optimized. “Especially at an international level, Learning Analytics has been shown to have a relevant impact on education“, says Professor Dr. Hendrik Drachsler from DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research…
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Learning Analytics supported Learning Design Workshop

Learning Analytics supported Learning Design Workshop

Project, Workshop
In the context of the hessian project, Digital gestütztes Lehren und Lernen in Hessen (digLL) organized the Innovation forum Trusted Learning Analytics (TLA) on 4th of February a workshop on Learning Analytics supported Learning Design with Marcel Schmitz. Marcel Schmitz is working for more than 16 years in Higher Education at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences in the South of the Netherlands. His career at Zuyd started as a Technical Support Engineer and Developer on the learning management system and soon he began to implement and develop several learning enhancing technologies. In 2007 Marcel started to combine his support job, with a job as technology-enhanced learning advisor for all faculties at Zuyd and a teaching role at Zuyd Faculty of Information and Communication Technology. In 2009 Marcel became a team coordinator…
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