Fellowship Of The Learning Activity Learning Analytics (FoLA2)

Fellowship Of The Learning Activity Learning Analytics (FoLA2)

Game, Open access, Project, Workshop
In the last years, research to connect learning analytics to learning design has been on the rise, but there still are a number of steps that need to be taken in order to make a workable connection between learning analytics and learning design. To improve the quality it is important to capture andstructure the design choices and to retrieve data on the behavior, the effects and the opinions about the designed learning activities. In an effort to get (1) input on the learning design choices of learning activities and (2) bridge the gap between learning analytics and learning design, a board game has been developed. The Fellowship of the Learning Activity is a serious game that captures and systematizes the learning design of learning activities. Additionally, the game brings awareness…
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Interview für den Tagesspiegel zur LAK20 Konferenz & Learning Analytics

Interview für den Tagesspiegel zur LAK20 Konferenz & Learning Analytics

Conference, Publication
Während weltweit Schulen und Universitäten wegen der Corona-Pandemie die Türen schließen, soll das Lernen im Internet weitergehen. E-Learning und Lern-Software sollen hier Vorlesungen und Unterrichtsstunden ersetzen. Doch wie kann überprüft werden, wie gut diese Angebote für Schüler und Studierende funktionieren? Eine Lösung, um die pädagogische Wirkung zu erfassen, könnte in der Big-Data-Analyse von Lernprozessen liegen: Wann fiel dem Schüler das Lernen am schwersten, wie oft blieb er im Text hängen, wo machte er beim Rechnen die meisten Fehler? Ziel der neuen Kombination von Informatik und Pädagogik unter der Bezeichnung Learning Analytics ist es, dem Lehrer ein individuelles Eingehen auf die Lernfortschritte der Schüler und Studenten zu ermöglichen. Beim E-Learning entstehen viele DatenIm statt wie geplant an der Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt am Main findet derzeit mit 560 Teilnehmenden die weltgrößte Fachkonferenz für Learning Analytics unter dem Namen „International Conference on…
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German Code of Conduct for Learning Analytics

German Code of Conduct for Learning Analytics

Open access, Publication
Verhaltenskodex zur Anwendung von Learning Analytics Für besseres Lehren und Lernen an der Hochschule: Studierendendaten verantwortungsvoll einsetzen Mit neuen Techniken können Hochschulen inzwischen Daten, die Studierende während digitaler Lernprozesse generieren, dazu einsetzen, die Lernenden beim Erreichen ihrer Studienziele zu unterstützen. Dieses Vorgehen wird Learning Analytics genannt. Es erfordert jedoch einen verantwortungsbewussten und ethisch angemessenen Umgang mit den Daten. Dabei kann eine Selbstverpflichtung helfen. Hierfür stellen das DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, die Goethe-Universität Frankfurt und die TU Darmstadt interessierten Hochschulen jetzt eine strukturierte Vorlage bereit: den „Verhaltenskodex für Trusted Learning Analytics“.  „Der Verhaltenskodex ist für Hochschulen gedacht, die sich als lernende Organisation verstehen und mittels Learning Analytics die Qualität des Lehrens und Lernens verbessern wollen“, sagt Hendrik Drachsler, Professor für Educational Technologies am DIPF und an der Goethe-Universität.…
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Most significant international Learning Analytics conference will take place – fully online

Most significant international Learning Analytics conference will take place – fully online

On March 25, the “International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge 2020” (LAK20), will behold as a completely online format. The conference, joined by attendees across the world, is organised from Frankfurt am Main. Responding rapidly to the spread of the Coronavirus, the team of organisers has rescheduled and completely switched to a virtual conference. The event is the worldwide most significant forum for this discipline in digital education. Learning Analytics reflects the measurement and analysis of data from technology-based learning processes that are, for instance, gained in online courses or software tutorials. Learning is thus meant to be supported and optimized. “Especially at an international level, Learning Analytics has been shown to have a relevant impact on education“, says Professor Dr. Hendrik Drachsler from DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research…
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Learning Analytics supported Learning Design Workshop

Learning Analytics supported Learning Design Workshop

Project, Workshop
In the context of the hessian project, Digital gestütztes Lehren und Lernen in Hessen (digLL) organized the Innovation forum Trusted Learning Analytics (TLA) on 4th of February a workshop on Learning Analytics supported Learning Design with Marcel Schmitz. Marcel Schmitz is working for more than 16 years in Higher Education at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences in the South of the Netherlands. His career at Zuyd started as a Technical Support Engineer and Developer on the learning management system and soon he began to implement and develop several learning enhancing technologies. In 2007 Marcel started to combine his support job, with a job as technology-enhanced learning advisor for all faculties at Zuyd and a teaching role at Zuyd Faculty of Information and Communication Technology. In 2009 Marcel became a team coordinator…
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KickOff DiFA project

KickOff DiFA project

Group picture of the DiFA Consortium consisting of representatives from the Goethe-University Frankfurt, the Leibniz Institute LifBI, and the DIPF. On 03.02.2020 the KickOff of the DiFA project – Digital Formative Assessment – Unfolding its full potential by combining psychometrics with learnings analytics, took place at the DIPF. The DiFA project integrates methodological perspectives from educational assessment and learning analytics to develop new kinds of non-invasive assessment by exploiting digital trace data. The findings of this research are highly relevant for a better understanding of learner’s behavior, learning outcomes and for providing individual feedback automatically to learners in digital environments. More details about the project can be found on our project page.
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On 01.02.2020 Dana Kube started as European Project Coordinator at the EduTec group. Dana manages international scientific cooperation projects such as a strategic partnership in schools co-funded by the European Commission. She started her career as a social science researcher and project staff in 2016 working in several EU projects in the field of education in the Western Balkans and Northern Africa. She then supported the German Development cooperation agency in Frankfurt and joined the DIPF staff in 2019. More details about Dana can be found on her personal profile page.
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Vodcast for Digital Social

Vodcast for Digital Social

In January 2020 the Digital Society Initiative launched their own vodcast. In each episode of "Learning in a Digital Society" an expert delves into a topic in Technology Enhanced Learning and discusses the challenges and opportunities presented by technology and their vision for the near future. LDE CEL proudly collaborated on this series, here the vodcast with Prof. Dr. Hendrik Drachsler on Educational technologies | Learning in a Digital Society. The Digital Society Initiative on their vodcast: "The digital revolution is having a significant impact on the way we learn and the ways in which educational institutions operate and engage with their students. Learning in a Digital Society vodcast series gives a platform to leading experts in Technology-Enhanced-Learning (TEL) to discuss this digital transformation. In each episode an expert delves into…
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Assessing the validity of a learning analytics expectation instrument: A multinational study

Assessing the validity of a learning analytics expectation instrument: A multinational study

Open access, Publication
To assist higher education institutions in meeting the challenge of limited student engagement in the implementation of Learning Analytics services, the Questionnaire for Student Expectations of Learning Analytics (SELAQ) was developed. This instrument contains 12 items, which are explained by a purported two‐factor structure of “Ethical and Privacy Expectations” and “Service Feature Expectations.” As it stands, however, the SELAQ has only been validated with students from UK university, which is problematic on account of the interest in Learning Analytics extending beyond this context. Thus, the aim of the current work was to assess whether the translated SELAQ can be validated in three contexts (an Estonian, a Spanish, and a Dutch University). The findings show that the model provided acceptable fits in both the Spanish and Dutch samples, but was not…
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Trusted Learning Analytics Workshop am 14. eLearning-Netzwerktag der Goethe-Universität

Trusted Learning Analytics Workshop am 14. eLearning-Netzwerktag der Goethe-Universität

Conference, Project, Workshop
Am 11. Dezember 2019 fand der 14. eLearning-Netzwerktag der Goethe-Universität auf dem Campus Westend im Casino von 10 – 18 Uhr statt. Mehr als 200 Lehrende und eLearning-Interessierte aus der Goethe-Uni sowie aus anderen Hochschulen, Schulen und Bildungseinrichtungen sahen Präsentationen von eLearning-Lehrprojekten aus den Fachbereichen sowie studentische eLearning-Initiativen. Am Vormittag stellten insgesamt 18 Projekte aus den eLearning-Förderrunden eLF und SeLF ihre Arbeiten vor. Der Nachmittag stand im Zeichen des hessischen Verbundprojektes DigLL (Digital gestütztes Lehren und Lernen in Hessen), dessen Teilprojekte an der Goethe-Universität von Vizepräsident Prof. Dr. Roger Erb vorgestellt wurden. Für das DigLL Teilprojekt - Trusted Learning Analytics moderierten Prof. Dr. Drachsler and Dr. Christoph Rensing zwei Workshops rund um ethischer Richtlinien zur Anwendung von Learning Analytics in Deutschland.
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