In January 2020 the Digital Society Initiative launched their own vodcast. In each episode of “Learning in a Digital Society” an expert delves into a topic in Technology Enhanced Learning and discusses the challenges and opportunities presented by technology and their vision for the near future. LDE CEL proudly collaborated on this series, here the vodcast with Prof. Dr. Hendrik Drachsler on Educational technologies | Learning in a Digital Society.
The Digital Society Initiative on their vodcast:
“The digital revolution is having a significant impact on the way we learn and the ways in which educational institutions operate and engage with their students. Learning in a Digital Society vodcast series gives a platform to leading experts in Technology-Enhanced-Learning (TEL) to discuss this digital transformation. In each episode an expert delves into a single topic and discusses the challenges and opportunities presented by technology and their vision for the near future. Some address questions such as how to teach programming to children, or why technological innovation in education is often slow. Other videos provide a sketch of key research topics in TEL such as Learning Analytics and Open Education.
The series was created collaboratively by the Open Universiteit and the Centre for Education and Learning (CEL) at Leiden-Delft-Erasmus as participants in the Learning and Education research theme of the Digital Society initiative. It can be accessed in both video and audio podcast format.”