Nationale Bildung Plattform (NBP) Brainstorm Meeting

Nationale Bildung Plattform (NBP) Brainstorm Meeting

Further Education, General education, Higher Education, Lifelong Learning, Project, School, Workshop
Today, representatives from BMBF, DIPF, studiumdigitale and Open University NL discussed the potentials and challenges of the Nationale Bildung Platform (NBP) initiative by BMBF. The BMBF is following a fresh and new approach to making the NBP actually become a sustainable platform.  This was great to see and is a very promising approach for digital education in Germany. We first got a presentation of the KOMZERT project that works on the use case for the NBP.  KOMZERT aims to develop a virtualized training program for teachers that enables them to acquire methodological knowledge and digital skills in order to design their own teaching/learning scenarios in such a way that the potential of innovative educational technologies can be exploited. The teachers learn methods and tools that are used during the qualification…
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Invited talk at new Data Science in Education Center at PHZH, Switzerland

Invited talk at new Data Science in Education Center at PHZH, Switzerland

Invited talk
On 09.11.21 Hendrik Drachsler gave an invited talk on Learning Analytics - Data Science in den Bildungswissenschaften at a newly founded Data Science in Education Center the Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich. Hendrik reflected on the process of applying learning analytics solutions within higher education settings, its implications, and the critical lessons learned in the Trusted Learning Research Program. The talk focused on the experience of research collective consisting of researchers from the Netherlands and Germany that contribute to the Trusted Learning Analytics (TLA) research program. The TLA program aims to provide actionable and supportive feedback to students and stands in the tradition of human-centered learning analytics concepts. During his talk, Hendrik discussed lessons learned from implementing TLA systems for learning and teaching. He will touch on TLA prerequisites like ethics, privacy,…
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Two new research grants on AI in Higher Education

Two new research grants on AI in Higher Education

Artificial Intelligence, Higher Education, Learning Analytics, Project
The EduTec group contributed to two winning research grants on AI in Higher Education for the upcoming four years. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is thus strengthening Frankfurt as an excellent centre for educational technologies, especially AI in Education (Learning Analytics). The federal-state initiative “Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education” supports two projects at the Goethe University Frankfurt. One of the projects is a cooperation project under the Goethe University Frankfurt direction, together with the University of Bremen, the FU Berlin, the HU Berlin, and the distance university in Hagen. The IMPACT project (IMPlementing AI-based feedbaCk and assessment with Trusted learning analytics in universities) is about the (partially) automated analysis of texts. Along the Student Life Cycle, prospective students, newcomers and students should receive text-based, highly informative and…
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New Pub: Einfluss von Lehr-Einstellungen und digitalen Kompetenzen auf die virtuelle Lehre

New Pub: Einfluss von Lehr-Einstellungen und digitalen Kompetenzen auf die virtuelle Lehre

Competence development, Empirical Study, Higher Education, Journal, Open access, Publication
Die Gestaltung und Durchführung virtueller Lehrveranstaltungen wird durch unter schiedliche Lehransätze der Hochschullehrenden sowie durch deren individuellen Kompetenzstand auf dem Feld digitaler (Lehr-)Kompetenzen beeinflusst. Der Bei trag stellt empirische Ergebnisse einer Studie vor, die zeigen, dass insbesondere ein studierendenzentrierter Lehransatz bei Gestaltung virtueller Lehre vorteilhaft ist und der Aufbau digitaler Kompetenzen einen Schlüssel für die gelingende Im plementierung digitaler Bildungsformate darstellt. Abschließend werden mögliche Folgerungen für mediendidaktische Qualifizierungsansätze diskutiert. The design and implementation of virtual courses are influenced by different teaching by different teaching approaches of university lecturers and by their individual level of competence in the field of digital (teaching) skills. This empirical results of a study, which show that in particular, a student-centred a student-centred approach to virtual teaching is particularly advantageous and that the development of digital competencies is a…
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Consortium meeting and research workshop of the HELA project

Consortium meeting and research workshop of the HELA project

Higher Education, Learning Analytics, Meta-study, Project, Workshop
On October 22st, 2021, Hendrik Drachsler contributed to the HELA project. Prof. Nina Begičević Ređep PhD, presented activities and results achieved in the seven months of project implementation and give an overview of upcoming research activities due to the end of the first project year. The HELA partners have set up a powerful machine learning literature review system and will focus on providing insights through meta-analysis on ethics & privacy, LA use cases, strategic planning for the adoption of learning analytics. On Friday, October 22nd, 2021, a research workshop will be held where the FOI team will present project results through three modules: 1) Conceptual framework of learning analytics (LA), 2) Strategic planning and decision making related to LA implementation and 3) LA use cases. After this, external associate Prof.…
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KickOff: KomZert Projekt – Lehren in einer digitalen Welt – Kompetenzen entwickeln, überprüfen und zertifizieren

KickOff: KomZert Projekt – Lehren in einer digitalen Welt – Kompetenzen entwickeln, überprüfen und zertifizieren

Further Education, General education, Higher Education, Lifelong Learning, Project
Unter der Leitung von studiumdigitale tragen wir im folgende Projekt zur Nationalen Bildung Platform (Gaia X) bei. Ziel des Projekts ist die Entwicklung eines virtualisierten Qualifizierungsangebotes für Lehrende, mit dem sie Methodenwissen und digitale Kompetenzen erwerben können, um eigene Lehr-/Lernszenarien so zu gestalten, dass Potenziale innovativer Bildungstechnologien zum Tragen kommen. Die Lehrenden lernen dabei Methoden und Tools kennen, die während der Qualifizierung zum Einsatz kommen (didaktischer Doppeldecker) und mit denen sie innovative Lehre umsetzen können. Das Qualifizierungsangebot wird kompatibel mit der nationalen Bildungsplattform umgesetzt. Somit lässt sich das gesamte Angebot durch standardisierte Metadaten auffinden und verknüpfen, erworbene Kompetenzen feingranular zertifizieren und zu einem Kompetenzprofil in Form eines persönlichen Data-Wallets auf der Meta-Bildungsplattform zusammenstellen. Als hochschulübergreifend organisiertes Verbundprojekt werden bestehende Netzwerke und die Expertise im Aufbau hochschulischer Qualifizierung und Infrastruktur (u.a.…
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PhD defense by Tobias Rohloff: Learning Analytics at Scale Supporting Learning and Teaching in MOOCs with Data-Driven Insights

PhD defense by Tobias Rohloff: Learning Analytics at Scale Supporting Learning and Teaching in MOOCs with Data-Driven Insights

Learning Analytics, Lifelong Learning, PhD defense
Today I had the pleasure to participate in the PhD defense of Tobias Rohloff. The overall aim of this dissertation is to investigate the implementation of LA at the scale of MOOCs and to explore how data-driven technology can support learning and teaching in this context. To this end, several research prototypes have been iteratively developed for the HPI MOOC Platform. Hence, they were tested and evaluated in an authentic real-world learning environment. Most of the results can be applied on a conceptual level to other MOOC platforms as well. The research contribution of this thesis thus provides practical insights beyond what is theoretically possible. In total, four system components were developed and extended: (1) The Learning Analytics Architecture: A technical infrastructure to collect, process, and analyze event-driven learning data based…
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ALICE project workshop

ALICE project workshop

Learning Analytics, Learning Design, School, Workshop
On 12/13 of October the EduTec Team finally hit the road again and met with the ALICE Project partners in Kiel at the IPN for the first post-pandemic f2f Workshop. Wuhuuuuuuuu! The purpose of the 2-day workshop was to work on an instructional model for designing and implementing instructional units in four domains – biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics – and tracking students learning progression with learning analytics during these units.  The units will be hybrid in that they will take place in regular classrooms but will involve students working through instructional activities involving digital media. Instruction will be led by a regular teacher but will have students continuously interact with a (tablet) computer. In order to be able to analyze students learning progression using learning analytics across the four…
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New MMLA Pub: Get your back straight! Learn Pilates with the Pilates Correction App

New MMLA Pub: Get your back straight! Learn Pilates with the Pilates Correction App

Conference, General education, Multimodal Learning Analytics, Open access, Publication
Currently, a vast number of the population faces several barriers like the lack of motivation and guidance that impede them from practicing physical activities. Thus, we developed the Pilates Correction Game (PCG), a gamified application designed to support learners with the practice of Pilates. The PCG is composed of two applications: a smartphone application that tracks the learner’s back posture and a PC game that steers a rocket and calculates a score based on the smartphone's information. In this paper, we present a user experience evaluation on the PCG. Our results show that PCG was positively perceived by participants and in most cases helped them to improve their posture while doing the Pilates exercise. Furthermore, it is also motivating them to continue with the training. Reference: Meik, A., Schneider, J.,…
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New Pub: The Design Cycle for Education (DC4E)

New Pub: The Design Cycle for Education (DC4E)

Conference, General education, Learning Design, Open access, Publication
The need for more and better online and blended education has lately become even more apparent. Many educational institutions had to pivot to emergency remote teaching. While online learning in itself is nothing new, the scope, suddenness and speed of this shift certainly was. However, courses and modules created for face-to-face settings, cannot simply be turned into blended or fully online ones easily. Learning design models can provide guidelines and guidance. Often, however, they are not constructed in a comprehensive way and are mainly conceptual. We thus created a procedural design model enriched with templates, tools, information and design examples to specifically support and facilitate the (re)design of blended and online learning and teaching and to thus provide quality education: the Design Cycle for Education (DC4E). Reference: Scheffel, M., Schmitz,…
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