On 09.11.21 Hendrik Drachsler gave an invited talk on Learning Analytics – Data Science in den Bildungswissenschaften at a newly founded Data Science in Education Center the Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich. Hendrik reflected on the process of applying learning analytics solutions within higher education settings, its implications, and the critical lessons learned in the Trusted Learning Research Program. The talk focused on the experience of edutec.science research collective consisting of researchers from the Netherlands and Germany that contribute to the Trusted Learning Analytics (TLA) research program. The TLA program aims to provide actionable and supportive feedback to students and stands in the tradition of human-centered learning analytics concepts. During his talk, Hendrik discussed lessons learned from implementing TLA systems for learning and teaching. He will touch on TLA prerequisites like ethics, privacy, and data protection, as well as high informative feedback for psychomotor, collaborative, and meta-cognitive competencies and the ongoing research towards a repository, methods, tools, and skills that facilitate the uptake of TLA in Germany and the Netherlands.