New Pub: A short history, emerging challenges and co-operation structures for Artificial Intelligence in education

New Pub: A short history, emerging challenges and co-operation structures for Artificial Intelligence in education

Artificial Intelligence, Higher Education, Journal, Lifelong Learning, Publication, School
To accompany the special issue in Artificial Intelligence and Education, this article presents a short history of research in the field and summarises emerging challenges. We highlight key paradigm shifts that are becoming possible but also the need to pay attention to theory, implementation and pedagogy while adhering to ethical principles. We conclude by drawing attention to international co-operation structures in the field that can support the interdiscipniary perspectives and methods required to undertake research in the area. Reference: Mavrikis, M., Cukurova, M.,  Di Mitri, D., Schneider, J., & Drachsler, H. (2021). A short history, emerging challenges and co-operation structures for Artificial Intelligence in education. Bildung und Erziehung 2021 74:3, 249-263.
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Ioana Jivet joins the team

Ioana Jivet joins the team

Artificial Intelligence, Higher Education, Learning Analytics, Learning Design, Team
Ioana Jivet is Associate Researcher at EduTech group at DIPF Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education. Ioana obtained her Masters degree in Computer Science in 2016 from the TU Delft and then pursued a PhD at the Open University of the Netherlands which she obtained in March 2021 Cum Laude. Her research focused on designing learner-facing learning analytics dashboards that foster the development of self-regulated learning skills. Over the past years, she has contributed to Competen-SEA, a capacity building project in South-East Asia around MOOCs, and SHEILA, a research project that investigated the adoption of learning analytics in European higher education institutions and built a policy development framework for HEIs to facilitate adoption. At the moment, Ioana is serving on the Executive Committee of the Society of Learning…
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QE Webinar series moderated by DIPF

QE Webinar series moderated by DIPF

Further Education, General education, Higher Education, Lifelong Learning, School, Webinar
The monthly QE Webinar Series showcases emerging research and exciting new developments in Quantitative Ethnography. These one-hour events begin with a 30-minute presentation by scholars from the QE community, followed by 30 minutes of moderated discussion. Attendance is free and open to anyone who is interested! The DIPF is currently moderating a series of webinars of the Quantified Ethnography (QE) community as pre-events to the QE conference taking place in October. So far we have been discussing the following topics and the recording can be watched back: Putting the E in QE: How Quantitative Ethnography can Enrich Qualitative Analyses Yotam Hod University of Haifa QE Data ChallengeField Report: Reflecting on the benefits of multidisciplinary research teams Daniel Spikol University of Copenhagen, DK Barbara Wasson University of Bergen, Norway Stefano Schiavetto…
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New Pub: Literature Review on Co-Located Collaboration Modeling Using Multimodal Learning Analytics—Can We Go the Whole Nine Yards?

New Pub: Literature Review on Co-Located Collaboration Modeling Using Multimodal Learning Analytics—Can We Go the Whole Nine Yards?

General education, Journal, Literature review, Multimodal Learning Analytics, Open access, Publication
Collaboration is one of the important 21st-century skills. It can take place in remote or co-located settings. Co-located collaboration (CC) is a very complex process that involves subtle human interactions that can be described with indicators like eye gaze, speaking time, pitch, and social skills from different modalities. With the advent of sensors, multimodal learning analytics has gained momentum to detect CC quality. Indicators (or low-level events) can be used to detect CC quality with the help of measurable markers (i.e., indexes composed of one or more indicators) which give the high-level collaboration process definition. However, this understanding is incomplete without considering the scenarios (such as problem solving or meetings) of CC. The scenario of CC affects the set of indicators considered: for instance, in collaborative programming, grabbing the mouse…
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Telekom Report AI@School – Teaching and Learning with Artificial Intelligence

Telekom Report AI@School – Teaching and Learning with Artificial Intelligence

Project, Publication, Report
Many modern educational technologies already contain aspects of artificial intelligence (AI) - in applications for school organisation as well as for teaching and testing and for learning and practising. Examples are learning platforms or learning apps that adapt the task programme to the learner's competence profile But where do AI-supported, learning-promoting applications currently stand in their development? What already exists? What are the potentials, challenges and risks in this field? How far along are other countries in their development? The Deutsche Telekom Foundation and its partners are investigating these questions. For example, the mmb Institute, in cooperation with the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and the Leibniz Institute for Human Development and Educational Information (DIPF), has prepared a market and trend analysis. For this purpose, the study's authors…
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SoLAR webinar on: Investigating persistent and new challenges of learning analytics

SoLAR webinar on: Investigating persistent and new challenges of learning analytics

Artificial Intelligence, Computational Psychometrics, Higher Education, Keynote, Learning Analytics, Learning Design, Multimodal Learning Analytics, School, Workshop
On 29 June 2021, Hendrik Drachsler gave an invited webinar for the SoLAR webinar channel where he reflected the process of applying learning analytics solutions within higher education settings and schools, its implications, and the critical lessons learned in the Trusted Learning Research Program. The talk focused on the experience of research collective consisting of researchers from the Netherlands and Germany that contribute to the Trusted Learning Analytics (TLA) research program. The TLA program aims to provide actionable and supportive feedback to students and stands in the tradition of human-centred learning analytics concepts.  It, therefore, applies sensor technology to support psychomotor as well as web technology to support meta-cognitive and collaborative learning skills with high-informative feedback methods. Hendrik applies validated measurement instruments from the field of psychometric and investigates…
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New Pub: An exploratory latent class analysis of student expectations towards learning analytics services

New Pub: An exploratory latent class analysis of student expectations towards learning analytics services

Empirical Study, Higher Education, Open access, Publication
For service implementations to be widely adopted, it is necessary for the expectations of the key stakeholders to be considered. Failure to do so may lead to services reflecting ideological gaps, which will inadvertently create dissatisfaction among its users. Learning analytics research has begun to recognise the importance of understanding the student perspective towards the services that could be potentially offered; however, student engagement remains low. Furthermore, there has been no attempt to explore whether students can be segmented into different groups based on their expectations towards learning analytics services. In doing so, it allows for a greater understanding of what is and is not expected from learning analytics services within a sample of students. The current exploratory work addresses this limitation by using the three-step approach to latent class…
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Kickoff: HELA – Improving HEI maturity to implement learning analytics

Kickoff: HELA – Improving HEI maturity to implement learning analytics

Digitalisation, Learning Analytics, Project, School
In February 2021, the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) approved funding of the research project "HELA - Improving HEI maturity to implement learning analytics" that will be implemented during the next 4 years at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics (FOI), University of Zagreb under the leadership of Full Prof. Nina Begičević Ređep, PhD The project, which started with its activities on March 1, 2021, will be financed by the HRZZ in the total amount of 776,230.00 HRK. The purpose of this research project is to contribute to a better understanding and optimization of the teaching and learning processes supported by LA through improving HEI maturity to implement LA. The expected impact of the research will be reflected in faster implementation of learning analytics in higher education, improved evidence-based strategic decision-making and…
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Kickoff Meeting of HICOF-DL – Highly Informative and Competence-based Feedback for Digital Learning

Kickoff Meeting of HICOF-DL – Highly Informative and Competence-based Feedback for Digital Learning

Computational Psychometrics, Higher Education, Learning Analytics, Project
Currently, almost all students learn only digitally at home, because in the wake of the COVID 19 pandemic, universities have largely converted their teaching to online courses. But the virtual lectures and seminars often still lack individual feedback for learners. A new project conducted by the DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Human Development and Educational Information and the Goethe University Frankfurt aims to change that. The researchers want to develop a software tool that uses modern, automated evaluation methods to help provide accurate feedback. Derzeit lernen fast alle Studierenden nur digital zu Hause, denn im Zuge der COVID-19-Pandemie haben die Hochschulen ihren Lehrbetrieb größtenteils auf Online-Veranstaltungen umgestellt. Doch den virtuellen Vorlesungen und Seminaren mangelt es häufig noch an individuellen Rückmeldungen für die Lernenden. Ein neues, vom DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für…
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New Pub: Towards Automatic Collaboration Analytics for Group Speech Data Using Multimodal Learning Analytics

New Pub: Towards Automatic Collaboration Analytics for Group Speech Data Using Multimodal Learning Analytics

General education, Journal, Multimodal Learning Analytics, Open access, Publication
Collaboration is an important 21st Century skill. Co-located (or face-to-face) collaboration (CC) analytics gained momentum with the advent of sensor technology. Most of these works have used the audio modality to detect the quality of CC. The CC quality can be detected from simple indicators of collaboration such as total speaking time or complex indicators like synchrony in the rise and fall of the average pitch. Most studies in the past focused on “how group members talk” (i.e., spectral, temporal features of audio like pitch) and not “what they talk”. The “what” of the conversations is more overt contrary to the “how” of the conversations. Very few studies studied “what” group members talk about, and these studies were lab based showing a representative overview of specific words as topic clusters…
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