Advancing Education with “AI in the Loop” Interfaces @ #JTELSS23

Advancing Education with “AI in the Loop” Interfaces @ #JTELSS23

Artificial Intelligence, Summer School, Workshop
From June 3rd to 10th, the city of La Manga in Spain hosted an exciting event, the Seventeenth EATEL Summer School on Technology Enhanced Learning (JTELSS 2023). Among the talented researchers organizing this renowned summer school for young TEL researchers in Europe, Sebastian Wollny contributed with a workshop focused on the speed design challenge. The challenge this year was to design an "AI in the Loop" interface specifically aimed at helping teachers analyze Exit Slips. These short reflection tasks, given at the end of a lesson, offer valuable insights into student comprehension and learning. However, teachers often struggle with limited time to thoroughly analyze these Exit Slips. Sebastian encouraged participants to place the human at the center of their design while incorporating artificial intelligence, embracing the concept of "AI in…
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Workshop @ JTELSS – “We can’t stop communicating – AI can help us to use this data for education”

Workshop @ JTELSS – “We can’t stop communicating – AI can help us to use this data for education”

Summer School, Workshop
At the 17th EATEL Summer School on Technology-Enhanced Learning (JTELSS 2023) in La Manga, Spain, Nina Mouhammad and Stefan Hummel conducted the workshop "We can't stop communicating - AI can help us to use this data for education." The workshop emphasized the importance of incorporating both verbal and nonverbal communication signals in technology-enhanced learning applications. Various examples highlighting successful implementations were discussed. The participants were divided into two groups to explore nonverbal and verbal communication, respectively. After engaging discussions, interactions and also prototype testing, the groups swapped to gain insights from both perspectives. To conclude the workshop on a creative note, participants formed small groups and designed either the worst presentation skills training app imaginable or a product box for a presentation skills training robot. This exercise sparked laughter while…
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New pub: Measuring Collaboration Quality Through Audio Data and Learning Analytics

New pub: Measuring Collaboration Quality Through Audio Data and Learning Analytics

Book chapter, Computer-supported collaborative learning, Learning Analytics, Multimodal Learning Analytics
In the rapidly evolving twenty-first century, collaboration stands as a vital skill. Recognizing its significance, the detection of collaboration quality can play a pivotal role in fostering effective teamwork. This newly published chapter dives into the realm of collaboration quality detection and measurement, aiming to achieve the following objectives: Defining collaboration quality by leveraging audio data and unobtrusive learning analytics measures. Detailing the design of a sensor-based setup specifically tailored for automatic collaboration analytics. Advancing the quantification of collaboration quality through the utilization of this setup and presenting the analysis using insightful visualizations. Moreover, the chapter delves into the challenges and issues at hand while exploring potential solutions that build upon existing research. To elucidate the various objectives, the terminology of "indicators" (i.e., the events) and "indexes" (i.e., the process)…
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GREAT Project Presentations at Int. Conf. of Young Scientists, 2023

GREAT Project Presentations at Int. Conf. of Young Scientists, 2023

Conference, Project
Horizon Europe & UKRI #GREATProjectGG  "Games Realising Effective and Affective Transformation"  dissemination activities were underway at the International Conference of Young Scientists, held in conjunction with the Global Young Academy Annual General Meeting, Kigali, Rwanda, 5-9 June, 2023. As part of the Science Education for Youth workshop, Jane shared the project with Global Young Academy members and also external guests. Jane also gave a lightning talk to a larger audience in the main session of the conference. Follow on Twitter for more updates: @GREATProjectGG
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New pub: Lernpfade in adaptiven und künstlich-intelligenten Lernprogramme

New pub: Lernpfade in adaptiven und künstlich-intelligenten Lernprogramme

Artificial Intelligence, Book chapter, Learning Analytics, Research Methods
In this newly published book chapter, the authors delve into the comparison between interactive, adaptive and artificially intelligent learning programs. While adaptive and AI-based applications offer promising potential, they face greater complexity in their development and have yet to fully establish themselves. To evaluate the prospects of these technologies, their respective capabilities are explored. Adaptive learning programs prove effective in skill acquisition, while AI-based solutions shine in cases where an explicit expertise model is challenging to articulate. The didactic and pedagogical challenges that lie ahead for AI-based learning applications are also highlight. By examining these factors, valuable insights are gained into the landscape of advanced learning technologies and their future implications. Reference: Kerres, M., Buntins, K., Buchner, J., Drachsler, H., & Zawacki-Richter, O.. (In Press). Lernpfade in adaptiven und künstlich-intelligenten…
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New pub: Evaluating the Impact of FoLA on Learning Analytics Knowledge Creation

New pub: Evaluating the Impact of FoLA on Learning Analytics Knowledge Creation

Journal, Learning Analytics, Learning Design, Publication, Research Methods, Research topic, Special Issue
Learning analytics provides opportunities to improve the design of learning activities by supplying information on the effects of different learning approaches. Despite the existence of design methods that aim to facilitate the incorporation of learning analytics into learning design, there is a lack of research assessing their efficacy. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the FoLA2 method. In higher education settings, sixty participants utilized the FoLA2 method to develop fourteen learning activities. To gauge the impact, participants completed a technology acceptance test before and after each session. Furthermore, researchers analyzed audio recordings of the sessions using epistemic network analysis to gain insights into the discussions regarding learning analytics and the creation of enhanced learning activities. The results from both the technology acceptance test and the epistemic network analysis…
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New pub: Digitalisierung und Diagnostik in Schulen – Herausforderungen für Bildungspraxis und Bildungsforschung

New pub: Digitalisierung und Diagnostik in Schulen – Herausforderungen für Bildungspraxis und Bildungsforschung

Assessment, Book chapter, Computational Psychometrics, Digitalisation, Learning Analytics, Research Methods, Research topic, School
In the spring of 2020, schools faced an unprecedented challenge as the pandemic disrupted traditional modes of instruction and school development. With on-site learning replaced by digital formats and distance communication, educators had to quickly adapt to the new normal. Amidst these changes, the field of education encountered specific challenges related to digital school management, digital learning, and assessing learning progress. Particularly, computer-aided diagnostics emerged as a valuable tool for gaining insights not only into learning outcomes but also into the learning process itself. Researchers became intrigued by the potential of digital media in shaping learning experiences and how the resulting data could be effectively utilized in educational practice. This paper explores the current challenges and potentials in computer-based, learning-accompanying diagnostics. The primary hurdles involve implementing suitable instruments within schools…
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A Vibrant Week of Exchange Between Brazilian and German LA Researchers

A Vibrant Week of Exchange Between Brazilian and German LA Researchers

Higher Education, Learning Analytics, Multimodal Learning Analytics, Research Methods, Research topic, Workshop
From May 22 to 25, 2023 five esteemed guest researchers from Brazil visited the EduTec team in Frankfurt in the context of the Humboldt Foundation's Connect Program. This productive exchange not only shed light on the current state of Learning Analytics (LA) research in Brazil and Germany but also paved the way for potential collaborative research activities. Status of LA research in Brazil The week began with a discussion of the role of LA in the global South. Rafael Ferreira Mello from the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE) emphasized the importance of adapting LA methodologies to the specific context and needs of Brazil, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility in educational initiatives. Diego Dermeval from the Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL) highlighted the potential of AI and LA in supporting teachers…
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New pub: Causal reasoning with causal graphs, published in ETRD

New pub: Causal reasoning with causal graphs, published in ETRD

Journal, Publication, Research Methods, Special Issue
Educational Technology, like many other empirical research fields, needs to provide evidence for the causal effectiveness of their interventions. This is as important for establishing the efficacy of some novel educational technology as it is for theory-building. However, because educational research, especially field research, can be messy, tightly-controlled randomized experiments are not always the best option. Importantly, as our development paper shows, this does not mean that researchers should abandon all claims of causality. Instead, we highlight the importance of explicit causal reasoning, while equipping researchers with a tool to approach this daunting task systematically. Causal graphs (or Directed Acyclic Graphs = DAGs) are a low-barrier approach to reasoning about causality in all research contexts. Using a few construction rules, the resultant graphs allow researchers to figure out whether a…
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New research program: Towards Highly Informative Learning Analytics

New research program: Towards Highly Informative Learning Analytics

Artificial Intelligence, Assessment, Book, Computational Psychometrics, Computer-supported collaborative learning, Feedback, Further Education, Higher Education, Keynote, Learning Analytics, Learning Design, Research Methods, School
On May 12, 2023, the Highly Informative Learning Analytics (HILA) research program of the EduTec@DIPF, studiumdigitale@Goethe University Frankfurt and the Open Learning and Instruction group@Open Universiteit was presented by Hendrik Drachsler at the main campus of the Open University of the Netherlands. The release of the HILA research program marks a significant milestone for the collaboration in the field of learning analytics between of the Dutch-German research collective.  The HILA research program is focused on developing new tools and methods to collect, analyze, and interpret data that can help educational institutions to understand the learning process better. As part of the program's launch, a keynote by Ioana Jivet on student-facing learning analytics was provided. Ioana reported on two empirical studies investigating the effect of data-driven feedback on students. [pdf-embedder url=""…
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