In this newly published book chapter, the authors delve into the comparison between interactive, adaptive and artificially intelligent learning programs. While adaptive and AI-based applications offer promising potential, they face greater complexity in their development and have yet to fully establish themselves. To evaluate the prospects of these technologies, their respective capabilities are explored. Adaptive learning programs prove effective in skill acquisition, while AI-based solutions shine in cases where an explicit expertise model is challenging to articulate. The didactic and pedagogical challenges that lie ahead for AI-based learning applications are also highlight. By examining these factors, valuable insights are gained into the landscape of advanced learning technologies and their future implications.


Kerres, M., Buntins, K., Buchner, J., Drachsler, H., & ZawackiRichter, O.. (In Press). Lernpfade in adaptiven und künstlich-intelligenten Lernprogramme: Eine kritische Analyse aus Sicht der Mediendidaktik. In C. de Witt, Gloerfeld, C., & Wrede, S. E. (Hrsg.), Künstliche Intelligenz in der Bildung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.