New Pub: A four-country cross-case analysis of academic staff expectations about learning analytics in higher education

New Pub: A four-country cross-case analysis of academic staff expectations about learning analytics in higher education

Higher Education, Journal, Learning Analytics, Open access, Publication
The purpose of this paper is to explore the expectations of academic staff to learning analytics services from an ideal as well as a realistic perspective. This mixed-method study focused on a cross-case analysis of staff from Higher Education Institutions from four European universities (Spain, Estonia, Netherlands, UK). While there are some differences between the countries as well as between ideal and predicted expectations, the overarching results indicate that academic staff sees learning analytics as a tool to understand the learning activities and possibility to provide feedback for the students and adapt the curriculum to meet learners' needs. However, one of the findings from the study across cases is the generally consistently low expectation and desire for academic staff to be obligated to act based on data that shows students…
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New Pub: Understanding Graph Problem solving with the use of Eye-tracking and Epistemic Network Analysis

New Pub: Understanding Graph Problem solving with the use of Eye-tracking and Epistemic Network Analysis

Journal, Multimodal Learning Analytics, Open access, Publication, School
Epistemic Network Analyses of Economics Students’ Graph Understanding: An Eye-Tracking Study Learning to solve graph tasks is one of the key prerequisites of acquiring domain-specific knowledge in most study domains. Analyses of graph understanding often use eye-tracking and focus on analyzing how much time students spend gazing at particular areas of a graph—Areas of Interest (AOIs). To gain a deeper insight into students’ task-solving process, we argue that the gaze shifts between students’ fixations on different AOIs (so-termed transitions) also need to be included in holistic analyses of graph understanding that consider the importance of transitions for the task-solving process. Thus, we introduced Epistemic Network Analysis (ENA) as a novel approach to analyze eye-tracking data of 23 university students who solved eight multiple-choice graph tasks in physics and economics. ENA…
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KickOff – AFLEK Projekt

KickOff – AFLEK Projekt

Learning Analytics, Project
Learning Progression Analytics - Analyse und Förderung von Lernverläufen zur Entwicklung von Kompetenzen (AFLEK) Basierend auf ersten Forschungsergebnissen rund um die Trusted Learning Analytics Infrastructure der EduTec Gruppe, haben wir zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Knut Neumann from Leibniz-Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik (IPN) in Kiel und Prof. Dr. Nikol Rummel von der Ruhr-Universität Bochum ein Projekt zur Analyse und Förderung von Lernverläufen zur Entwicklung von Kompetenzen (AFLEK) einwerben können. Das AFLEK Projekt wird durch das BMBF Programm Digitalisierung II - Forschung zur Gestaltung von Bildungsprozessen unter den Bedingungen des digitalen Wandels gefördert. Digitalen Technologien wird ein hohes Potential für die Optimierung von Bildungsprozessen zugesprochen. Sie erlauben ein stärker personalisiertes Lernen, das es allen Schülerinnen und Schülern ermöglicht, die für eine gesellschaftliche und insbesondere berufliche Teilhabe erforderlichen Kompetenzen…
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New Pub: Beitrag zu Buch: Digitale Bildung und Künstliche Intelligenz in Deutschland

New Pub: Beitrag zu Buch: Digitale Bildung und Künstliche Intelligenz in Deutschland

Artificial Intelligence, Multimodal Learning Analytics, Publication
Das Buch "Digitale Bildung und Künstliche Intelligenz in Deutschland" mit unserem Kapitel "Der multimodale Lern-Hub: Ein Werkzeug zur Sammlung individualisierbarer und sensorgestützter multimodaler Lernerfahrungen" wurde veröffentlicht. In diesem Kapitel wird ein Tool vorgestellt, mit dem Forscher anpassbare Prototypen erstellen können, um Lernaufgaben mithilfe multimodaler Daten zu untersuchen. References: Schneider, J., Di Mitri, D., Limbu, B., & Drachsler, H. (2020). Der multimodale Lern-Hub: Ein Werkzeug zur Erfassung individualisierbarer und sensorgestützter multimodaler Lernerfahrungen. In Digitale Bildung und Künstliche Intelligenz in Deutschland (pp. 537-557). Springer, Wiesbaden.
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Daniele Di Mitri joins the team

Daniele Di Mitri joins the team

As of 1st November 2020, dr. Daniele Di Mitri joins the EduTec team as a research group leader and postdoctoral researcher. Daniele's research focuses on how to support multimodal learning activities, i.e. activities not mediated by a typical computer. While his primary research field is  Multimodal Learning Analytics (MMLA) Daniele's is also passionate about Artificial Intelligence in Education and interaction between Humans and AI. Daniele received his PhD at the Education Faculty of the Open University of The Netherlands and completed a one year of research in the Centre for Actional Research (CAROU). At EduTec @ DIPF Daniele will embark in different projects dealing with the use of Artificial Intelligence for supporting both general academic and school education activities, physical rehabilitation and sports. These techniques include the development of intelligent…
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KickOff Meeting – PROMPT Projekt

KickOff Meeting – PROMPT Projekt

Prozesse selbstregulierten Lernens optimieren mittels digitaler Prompting-Techniken (PROMPT) Basierend auf ersten Forschungsergebnissen rund um das SERNE -Selfregulation Widget haben wir zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Garvin Brod von der DIPF Abteilung Bildung und Entwicklung ein Projekt zur Unterstützung von selbstregulierten Lernenprozessen für Schüler*Innen im HomeSchooling einwerben können. Das PROMPT Projekt wird durch das Distr@l – Förderprogramm des Hessische Ministerium für Digitale Strategie und Entwicklung gefördert. by Wanqij, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons Unterstützung des Selbstreguliertes Lernen fällt insbesondere jüngeren Schülerinnen und Schülern schwer. Das Projekt PROMPT hat das Ziel, die Erkenntnisse aus der Forschung zur Verbesserung von selbstreguliertem Lernen in digitalen Lernumgebungen in die Anwendung bei Schulkindern zu überführen. Dieses Wissen soll möglichst breit zugänglich gemacht werden, sodass es Unternehmen der Bildungswirtschaft und Bildungsinstitutionen unmittelbar für neue Produkte oder zur…
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11th Brazilian – German Frontiers of Science and Technology Symposium

11th Brazilian – German Frontiers of Science and Technology Symposium

Conference, Digitalisation
Prof. Drachsler was invited to the 11th Brazilian – German Frontiers of Science and Technology Symposium. The focus of the event was on challenging times and progress of science & engineering with the current circumstances imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. These times require creative approaches and stimulating individuals working on new solutions for the challenges of our time, realizing new solutions. In this view the BRAGFOST symposium aims to bring together young but experienced scientists and create the environment fostering a vibrant exchange with interesting colleagues from their own field and furthermore transdisciplinary exchange. The generalizable basis of complexity in our world already transcendent from science and natural systems more and more into our every days life – social systems, finances, economy up to education. Finding new solutions currently involves…
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Learning Analytics Workshop at DELFI 2020

Learning Analytics Workshop at DELFI 2020

Conference, Workshop
On behalf of the Arbeitskreis Learning Analytics (Learning Analytics Working Group of the German Informatics Society) the digLL innovation-forum Trusted Learning Analytics organised and lead the workshop Learning Analytics on 14th September 2020 as part of the pre-conference workshops of the biggest German eLearning conference DELFI. Due to corona the workshop was fully online. This year, the workshop was focused on „Trusted Learning Analytics“ lead by Oliver Herrmann of the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main and „Data Literacy“ with Sven Judel of the RWTH Aachen.
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TLA presented at Learning Analytics Learning Network (LALN)

TLA presented at Learning Analytics Learning Network (LALN)

Conference, Workshop
On 4th September 2020 Oliver Herrmann presented the current state of Trusted Learning Analytics (TLA) at a Learning Analytics Learning Network (LALN) workshop. LALN is a worldwide network of LA researchers. The workshop was held as a video conference as part of DELFI, Germany’s leading eLearning research conference. After the presentation, the meaning of “trusted” have been discussed in an international context, that brought new perspectives to be included in further research on TLA.  
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New Pub: Learning Analytics Cookbook – How to Support Learning Processes Through Data Analytics and Visualization

New Pub: Learning Analytics Cookbook – How to Support Learning Processes Through Data Analytics and Visualization

General education, Learning Analytics, Publication
This book offers an introduction and hands-on examples that demonstrate how Learning Analytics (LA) can be used to enhance digital learning, teaching and training at various levels. While the majority of existing literature on the subject focuses on its application at large corporations, this book develops and showcases approaches that bring LA closer to smaller organizations, and to educational institutions that lack sufficient resources to implement a full-fledged LA infrastructure. In closing, the book introduces a set of software tools for data analytics and visualization, and explains how they can be employed in several LA scenarios. Reference: Jaakonmäki, R., vom Brocke, J., Dietze, S., Drachsler, H., Fortenbacher, A., Helbig, R., Kickmeier-Rust, M., Marenzi, I., Fernández, Á.S., Yun, H. (2020). Learning Analytics Cookbook - How to Support Learning Processes Through Data Analytics and Visualization. SpringerBriefs in Business Process Management, XI, 93, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-43377-2,…
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