New pub: Digitalisierung und Diagnostik in Schulen – Herausforderungen für Bildungspraxis und Bildungsforschung

New pub: Digitalisierung und Diagnostik in Schulen – Herausforderungen für Bildungspraxis und Bildungsforschung

Assessment, Book chapter, Computational Psychometrics, Digitalisation, Learning Analytics, Research Methods, Research topic, School
In the spring of 2020, schools faced an unprecedented challenge as the pandemic disrupted traditional modes of instruction and school development. With on-site learning replaced by digital formats and distance communication, educators had to quickly adapt to the new normal. Amidst these changes, the field of education encountered specific challenges related to digital school management, digital learning, and assessing learning progress. Particularly, computer-aided diagnostics emerged as a valuable tool for gaining insights not only into learning outcomes but also into the learning process itself. Researchers became intrigued by the potential of digital media in shaping learning experiences and how the resulting data could be effectively utilized in educational practice. This paper explores the current challenges and potentials in computer-based, learning-accompanying diagnostics. The primary hurdles involve implementing suitable instruments within schools…
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New research program: Towards Highly Informative Learning Analytics

New research program: Towards Highly Informative Learning Analytics

Artificial Intelligence, Assessment, Book, Computational Psychometrics, Computer-supported collaborative learning, Feedback, Further Education, Higher Education, Keynote, Learning Analytics, Learning Design, Research Methods, School
On May 12, 2023, the Highly Informative Learning Analytics (HILA) research program of the EduTec@DIPF, studiumdigitale@Goethe University Frankfurt and the Open Learning and Instruction group@Open Universiteit was presented by Hendrik Drachsler at the main campus of the Open University of the Netherlands. The release of the HILA research program marks a significant milestone for the collaboration in the field of learning analytics between of the Dutch-German research collective.  The HILA research program is focused on developing new tools and methods to collect, analyze, and interpret data that can help educational institutions to understand the learning process better. As part of the program's launch, a keynote by Ioana Jivet on student-facing learning analytics was provided. Ioana reported on two empirical studies investigating the effect of data-driven feedback on students. [pdf-embedder url=""…
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CORE: New project investigates students’ critical use of digital media

CORE: New project investigates students’ critical use of digital media

Assessment, Digitalisation, Higher Education, Project, Research topic, Target group
Students are increasingly using information from the Internet to learn for their studies. According to recent surveys, they even cite the Internet as their main source when searching for learning materials. Research shows that students often rely on inappropriate, irrelevant and scientifically unsupported sources when searching the web. Little is known about exactly how self-directed learning takes place on the Internet and how information is selected and processed. This will now be addressed by the new research group "Kritisches Denken in Online-Lernumgebungen in der Hochschulbildung (CORE)” (Critical Thinking in Online Learning Environments in Higher Education), which is being funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) with more than 5 million euros over the next four years. The CORE project will investigate the critical use of digital media and information among…
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HIKOF – Evaluation Study Completed

HIKOF – Evaluation Study Completed

Artificial Intelligence, Assessment, Feedback, Learning Analytics, Project
In HIKOF (highly informative feedback for digital learning) project, the evaluation study has been successfully completed, where feedback was provided for about 1000 students in a Teacher Education Course (from Psychology department). Students' feedback on the feedback that was given to them was also collected to determine how comprehensive our feedback was, if it motivated them, and was helpful for them, and enhanced their learning progress. Specifically, the evaluation study focuses on the use of machine learning for  the creation of personalized feedback that is both formative and summative. Data from a pilot study serves as a starting point for the evaluation to further optimize the AI technology for generating feedback. The evaluation study aims to investigate the effect of Highly Informative Automated Feedback (HIAF) on student performance and perception…
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Invited talks about providing feedback with learning analytics

Invited talks about providing feedback with learning analytics

Assessment, Feedback, General education, Invited talk, Learning Analytics, Self-Regulation
In the month of November, Ioana Jivet was invited to share her work on two occasions. The first was an invited lecture in the course FDH3006 Introduction to Learning Analytics part of a PhD Program at KTH Stockholm in collaboration with the University of Bergen, Norway and the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. The talk covered the topic of "Generating highly informative feedback with learning analytics" and addressed the question of how we can design effective feedback to students in online environments using learning analytics. The second talk was given as part of the event 100 DAYS OF... Data for Learning organised by the Centre for Education and Learning at TU Delft. The presentation covered the topic of student facing-learning analytics and goal setting. The talk was recorded and is available…
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Gender & STEM Conference 2022 – EduTec Member Dana Kube presented her Ph.D. work

Gender & STEM Conference 2022 – EduTec Member Dana Kube presented her Ph.D. work

Assessment, Conference, Conference, Digitalisation, Event, Higher Education, Journal, Learning Design, Publication, Workshop
A few impressions: After a two-year break, scholars can finally meet again for a personal exchange at the "Gender & STEM Conference". I was able to meet so many exciting people and studies, and I think that we German universities have benefited especially from the intersectional and feminist perspectives from the USA, Canada and the Netherlands: How do transgender students experience support in Computer Science? What can universities do to keep students of colour and especially women* of colour longer in STEM programmes? Stop fixing Women* in STEM was the tenor, fix the System: I go back to Frankfurt with a lot of smart approaches on the institutional and pedagogical level and a lot of encouraging feedback on my PhD thesis on Gender in STEM/Technology. My personal highlight was meeting…
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HIKOF-DL – 3rd Committee Meeting with Industry Members

HIKOF-DL – 3rd Committee Meeting with Industry Members

Artificial Intelligence, Assessment, Higher Education, Learning Analytics, Project, Transfer Activity
On 11.7.2022, team members of the HIKOF-DL project held its third meeting with the project committee members consisting of industry partners. The partner companies / institutions include Goethe Business School, Provadis, GIZ, Deutsche Bahn, Mercedes Benz, Academie für Bildungsforschung und Lehrerbildung. The three project leaders are Prof. Dr. Hendrik Drachsler, Prof. Dr. Andreas Frey (Goethe University Frankfurt) and Dr. David Weiss (studiumDigitale, Goethe University Frankfurt). In the meeting, Prof. Dr. Hendrik Drachsler and team members presented the ongoing research work namely the pilot study involving the course "Einführung in Unterricht sowie Diagnostik und Beratung" taught by Prof. Dr. Andreas Frey, with ca. 1000 students. One of the project aims is to make course assessment less time-consuming for the teaching staff, as this was a significant concern in such a course…
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New HIKOF-DL Video – Introduction to the project

New HIKOF-DL Video – Introduction to the project

Artificial Intelligence, Assessment, Higher Education, Learning Analytics, Project
  Studiumdigitale at Goethe University Frankfurt has created an informative video to introduce the HIKOF-DL project. HIKOF-DL stands for Hoch Informatives und Kompetenzorientiertes Feedback für das Digitale Lernen and is funded by the Hessen Ministry for Digital Strategy and Development from 2021-2024. Prof. Dr. Hendrik Drachsler, Prof. Dr. Andreas Frey as well as Dr. David Weiss are project leaders of this interdisciplinary project. In the video below, they explained their roles and vision in this joint project. For more information about the project, please see the project website here:
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New Pub: Measuring Productivity in CSCL groups

New Pub: Measuring Productivity in CSCL groups

Assessment, Conference, Empirical Study, Higher Education, Learning Design, Publication
Computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) is a common pedagogical approach, in which groups of students work together digitally to engage in learning activities, solve problems, or create a shared artefact. CSCL is further interesting from a research standpoint, because different disciplines want to understand the processes and circumstances from which productive social interaction in online groups emerge to facilitate learning among group members. As such, group productivity is a central outcome to be considered in CSCL research. At the same time, the current literature does not provide a valid and reliable self-report instrument to measure group productivity.   [caption id="attachment_3914" align="alignleft" width="325"] Wright Map[/caption] [caption id="attachment_3915" align="alignleft" width="323"] Category probability curves with six (top) versus 5 (bottom) rating scale steps[/caption]                      …
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zugehOERt Podcast 081: Learning Analytics und OER

zugehOERt Podcast 081: Learning Analytics und OER

Assessment, General education, Learning Analytics, Learning Design, Press, Webinar
Im Gespräch mit Susanne Grimm führt Ioana Jivet an das Thema Learning Analytics heran und geht auf dessen Mehrwert für Lehrende und Lernende auch im Hinblick auf eine mögliche Bedeutung für den größeren Nutzen von OER ein. Ioana Jivet ist seit 2021 assoziierte Wissenschaftlerin im EduTec-Team am DIPF. Als Postdoktorandin in der Einrichtung studiumdigitale der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt ist sie als Forschungskoordinatorin wissenschaftlicher Forschungsanteile der laufenden Projekte: HIKOF und IMPACT tätig. Im Rahmen des Hessen Hub – Netzwerk digitale Hochschullehre Hessen leitet sie das Schwerpunktthema Trusted Learning Analytics. Den Podcast hier anhören  
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