New Pub: Harnessing the Power of Gaming to Influence Policies Addressing Climate Change

New Pub: Harnessing the Power of Gaming to Influence Policies Addressing Climate Change

Conference, Game, Publication
As part of the GREAT (Games Realising Effective and Affective Transformation) project, co-funded by the European Union and UKRI, the project team has published the following paper at ECGBL which was held at Aarhus University, in October 2024. Harnessing the Power of Gaming to Influence Policies Addressing Climate Change – co-authored by Paul Hollins, Paul Watson, Anchal Garg, Jude Ower, Joost Schuur, David Griffiths, Barbara Kieslinger, Katharina Koller, Jane Yau, pages 403-413 Abstract: In this paper, the authors present the findings of an empirical case study examining the efficacy of the Games Realising Effective & Affective Transformation (GREAT) Case Study design process. The process is underpinned by an established Mixed Methodological Research (MMR) framework for eliciting the preferences of gamers and determining their priorities in climate change policies. Funded by…
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GREAT Project at the Science Festival Frankfurt

GREAT Project at the Science Festival Frankfurt

Event, Promotion activity
GREAT project manager, Dr. Jane Yau, was at the Science Festival Frankfurt on 28.9.2024. This Science Festival was the first one that took place in Frankfurt and was located at Rossmarkt at the city centre. The festival had a multi-faceted program with 16 stands with experiments, workshops and exciting entertainment, plus discussions, talks and rap on the main stage. As part of the GREAT (Games Realising Effective and Affective Transformation, project, Jane had the pleasure of being there to showcase the new Play2Act: Gaming for Climate and Nature Survey, made in collaboration with the United Nations Development Program. Jane talked to several citizens who expressed their interests and concerns for the climate emergency and wishing to participate and do more. A number of participants also filled in the survey, which…
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GREAT project posters presentations at IEEE Games, Entertainment & Media Conference

Jane Yau was at the IEEE Games, Entertainment and Media Conference last week in Torino, Italy (5-7 June), and shared GREAT project findings - 📢Co-designing Pilot Games with Citizens and Policy Stakeholders to Increase Climate Action 📌This paper presents an initial report on the codesign processes between researchers and policy stakeholders in the GREAT (Games Realising Effective and Affective Transformation) project applied in the context of the climate emergency. 📢 Exploring the Concept of Mini Data Sprints as a Methodology to Assess Data Validity and Stimulate Climate Conversation 📌 The authors present two studies that have deployed mini data sprints (MDS). The MDS approach uses interactive data applications and visualisations to provoke citizens’ feelings, knowledge, and perspectives towards the climate conversation and presented data. These studies highlight how the MDS…
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Last HIKOF-Beiratsmeeting & Project Wrap-Up 2021-2024

Last HIKOF-Beiratsmeeting & Project Wrap-Up 2021-2024

On 13.5.24, HIKOF project members – Hendrik, Jane, Josh, Sebastian G. (DIPF), Andreas Frey, Aron Fink (GU Psychology), Tornike and Thorsten (GU Studiumdigitale) met members of the HIKOF-Beirat online to share final project results. The project has been running for the past three years from May 2021 and has officially ended in May 2024. In 2022, we completed our pilot study, and in 2023, our evaluation study with ca. 1000 students in a Teacher Education course at Goethe University, where we collected (with students' consent) information relating to their motivation and emotions before and after they had completed their assignments. We constructed some machine learning models for automatically assessing the assignments in order to reduce lecturers' workload. Finally, we provided highly-informative competence driven feedback to students and also collected their…
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GREAT project presentation at the Int. Conf. of Young Scientists 2024

GREAT project presentation at the Int. Conf. of Young Scientists 2024

From 7-10 May 2024, Jane Yau was at the International Conference of Young Scientists, held in conjunction with the Global Young Academy Annual Conference. This year's theme was "Transformative and inclusive science for a sustainable future" and was held at the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine in Washington D. C. Jane presented the GREAT project, which was recorded and live-streamed (the recording will be available shortly). Positive and enthusiastic feedback was received relating to how the project can align with the United Nations Climate Promise Plan to reduce global carbon emissions by 1.5 degrees by 2025. The project is currently undertaking a number of case studies and by the end of the year, there will be lots of detailed results relating to how games can be used effectively…
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GREAT project presentation at World Forum Women in Science – Theme “Science for the SDGs”

GREAT project presentation at World Forum Women in Science – Theme “Science for the SDGs”

Event, Invited talk
On 15 April, GREAT project manager Dr. Jane Yau had the pleasure of moderating the session Technology, Sustainability and Industry with Prof. Nova Ahmed at the World Forum Women in Science - Theme: Science for the SDGs (  The session included a number of initiatives of empowering women and underrepresented groups to take on science activities and careers to advance the SDGs. Jane also shared the GREAT project findings in this session with a talk “Gaming for Change: Leveraging digital games to address climate change”, based on the GREAT project methodology and first case study findings!  The session was free to attend and was live-streamed on Facebook. The video recording will be available shortly.Jane will also be in Rome, Italy, on 19 April to attend the in-person Networking Event as…
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2nd GREAT Consortium Meeting in Copenhagen – 28-29 Feb 24

2nd GREAT Consortium Meeting in Copenhagen – 28-29 Feb 24

Project meeting
🎉 Celebrating One Year of GREAT - Games Realising Effective & Affective Transformation - EU & UKRI-funded project! Thanks to our SGI partner Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen (& Tim Garder), we had the wonderful opportunity to be in Copenhagen for our second in-person project consortium meeting. It was a fantastic experience as all partners joined for 2 productive days of interactive workshops, capacity-building activities, interesting conversations and delicious meals. Special thanks to our associate partners Ahmed Tlili, who joined us all the way from Beijing Normal University, China, and Byron Bunt, who joined us virtually from Northwest University, South Africa! During the meeting, we deepened our analysis of our upcoming case studies to reach the promised scientific, societal and economic impact. Our first case study has been a hugely successful one with 400k citizens…
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GREAT presentation at UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning

GREAT presentation at UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning

Invited talk
On 26 Feb 2024, Jane had the opportunity to present the EU & UKRI-funded GREAT project (Games Realising Effective and Affective Transformation) at the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning in Hamburg, Germany. From January to July 2024, Jane is a visiting researcher at this institute, where she will collaborate with UNESCO on publications on the use of technologies to facilitate education for sustainable development especially targeting climate change education. This fits very well in line with the GREAT project and provides many excellent opportunities on both sides to learn from each other's work.
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GREAT Project Presentation at a brainstorming event on diversity and research data

GREAT Project Presentation at a brainstorming event on diversity and research data

Invited talk
A virtual brainstorming event named “The Impact of Diversity on Research Quality: Exploring the Knowledge Gap” was organized by the Berlin Institute of Health, Einstein Foundation and Alexander von Humboldt Foundation from 30 October - 1 November 2023. In addition to project dissemination and sharing with researchers our project aims, objectives and progress, Jane Yau discussed and presented how the use of games can be used to increase the reach of diverse citizens to improve research quality, in a short presentation.  Two types of games will be deployed in the project - short quiz ones and long collaborative ones. The games will be co-designed with participants and different stakeholders concerned with the climate emergency from various perspectives. Once the games have been co-designed, they will be ready and the short…
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Jane at the 13th Brazilian-German Frontiers of Science and Technology Symposium

Jane at the 13th Brazilian-German Frontiers of Science and Technology Symposium

Event, Invited talk
From 21-24 September, 2023, Jane was invited to present the project GREAT: Games Realising Effective and Affective Transformation at the 13th Brazilian-German Frontiers of Science and Technology Symposium in Bremen, Germany. Jane was invited to present in the Healthcare session of the Symposium via invitation only. Each Symposium brings together 60 scientists from a wide range of disciplines (30 each from Germany and Brazil). The conference format allows for the exchange of ideas across disciplinary as well as national boundaries and, provides opportuniites for future binational collaborations and networking. This is funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. The aim of the talk was to make potential collaborations on the use of computer games to improve and prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Jane participated in a 15-minute presentation followed…
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