Computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) is a common pedagogical approach, in which groups of students work together digitally to engage in learning activities, solve problems, or create a shared artefact. CSCL is further interesting from a research standpoint, because different disciplines want to understand the processes and circumstances from which productive social interaction in online groups emerge to facilitate learning among group members. As such, group productivity is a central outcome to be considered in CSCL research. At the same time, the current literature does not provide a valid and reliable self-report instrument to measure group productivity.

For this reason, the study authored by Karel Kreijns, Maartje Henderikx, and Joshua Weidlich, published in the upcoming proceedings of the INTED2022 conference, developed a preliminary scale with 32 items to measure CSCL group productivity. The study employed the Rasch Measurement Model to investigate the psychometric properties of the scale. Although the measure has desirable psychometric properties, future research should attempt to develop ‘difficult’ items, as Wright Maps suggest that the current item were ‘easy’ in relation to students’ perceptions of group productivity.
Kreijns, K., Henderikx, M., & Weidlich, J. (2022, March). Productivity in online CSCL groups: A Rasch analysis approach to the preliminary validation of the productivity scale. In Proceedings of INTED2022 conference. International Academy of Technology, Education, and Development (IATED).