Keynote: Teaching with AI?! School in the Era of ChatGPT and Chatbots
Last week, the University of Hildesheim hosted an enlightening keynote by Sebastian Wollny on the topic, "Unterricht mit KI?! Schule in Zeiten von ChatGPT und Chatbots" (Teaching with AI?! School in the Era of ChatGPT and Chatbots). This thought-provoking presentation unfolded a narrative that encompassed the history of chatbots, their profound influence on our daily lives, three pivotal areas for their application in education, and the evolving role of educators. The keynote was a pivotal event within the framework of the teacher training program, "Digitalisierung in der Unterrichtspraxis: Erprobte Konzepte und Tools für den Fachunterricht" (Digitalization in Teaching Practice: Tested Concepts and Tools for Subject Instruction). It brought together approximately 50 enthusiastic educators from across Lower Saxony, all eager to enhance their teaching through digital means. Aside from Sebastian Wollny's…