New Pub: Towards Automatic Collaboration Analytics for Group Speech Data Using Multimodal Learning Analytics

New Pub: Towards Automatic Collaboration Analytics for Group Speech Data Using Multimodal Learning Analytics

General education, Journal, Multimodal Learning Analytics, Open access, Publication
Collaboration is an important 21st Century skill. Co-located (or face-to-face) collaboration (CC) analytics gained momentum with the advent of sensor technology. Most of these works have used the audio modality to detect the quality of CC. The CC quality can be detected from simple indicators of collaboration such as total speaking time or complex indicators like synchrony in the rise and fall of the average pitch. Most studies in the past focused on “how group members talk” (i.e., spectral, temporal features of audio like pitch) and not “what they talk”. The “what” of the conversations is more overt contrary to the “how” of the conversations. Very few studies studied “what” group members talk about, and these studies were lab based showing a representative overview of specific words as topic clusters…
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Dr Daniele Di Mitri elected AI Newcomer 2021

Dr Daniele Di Mitri elected AI Newcomer 2021

Artificial Intelligence, Award, General education, Multimodal Learning Analytics
Dr. Daniele Di Mitri is the AI Newcomer 2021 of the category Humanities and Social Sciences at the KI Camp 2021 organised by the German Informatics Society and the German Federal Ministry of Education. His research is oriented towards the question: how can we best interface artificial intelligence applications with humans to ultimately support human learning, support their goal achievement and boost human productivity? "The only function for which is AI is currently used in higher education is plagiarism check. There is a lot more that AI can do for education. I can imagine realistic application scenario both at primary school, with intelligent tutors via playful interfaces can engage students both individually and in group in learning concepts as geometry, geography, algebra, history, physics." - Daniele Di Mitri, PhD Here the name…
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Workshop on Multimodal Artificial Intelligence in Education (MAIEd’21) 

Workshop on Multimodal Artificial Intelligence in Education (MAIEd’21) 

Artificial Intelligence, Higher Education, Multimodal Learning Analytics, Workshop
1st International Workshop on Multimodal Artificial Intelligence in Education (MAIEd'21)  @ the 22nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED’2021) 14th June 2021, 9 am to 4 pm CET online workshop Website: - Proceedings to be published by CEUR (more…)
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Best Paper award @LAK21 – Quantum of Choice

Best Paper award @LAK21 – Quantum of Choice

Award, Conference, Empirical Study, Higher Education, Learning Analytics, Open access, Publication
Learning analytics dashboards (LADs) are designed as feedback tools for learners, but until recently, learners rarely have had a say in how LADs are designed and what information they receive through LADs. To overcome this shortcoming, we have developed a customisable LAD for Coursera MOOCs on which learners can set goals and choose indicators to monitor. Following a mixed-methods approach, we analyse 401 learners’ indicator selection behaviour in order to understand the decisions they make on the LAD and whether learner goals and self-regulated learning skills influence these decisions. We found that learners overwhelmingly chose indicators about completed activities. Goals are not associated with indicator selection behaviour, while help-seeking skills predict learners’ choice of monitoring their engagement in discussions and time management skills predict learners’ interest in procrastination indicators. The…
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New E+ project RAPIDE – Relevant assessment and pedagogies for inclusive digital education

New E+ project RAPIDE – Relevant assessment and pedagogies for inclusive digital education

Higher Education, Learning Analytics, Press, Project
The European strategic project in higher education titled RAPIDE- Relevant assessment and pedagogies for inclusive digital education starts on Monday, March 1st 2021. The project, coordinated by the Faculty of Organization and Informatics (FOI) of the University of Zagreb, is the 24-month project funded under the Erasmus + program of the European Commission in the total amount of 219,085 euros. The goal of this  project is to co-create, implement and share innovative pedagogies and aligned assessment for relevant and inclusive digital education in order to deal with the COVID-19 induced and similar crises and to support meaningful digital transformation of higher education in (post)COVID era. The kick-off meeting of the project team including the coordinator and project partners - School of Medicine of the University of Zagreb, University of Rijeka,…
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Kickoff Meeting: MILKY-PSY – Multimodal Immersive Learning with Artificial Intelligence for Psychomotor Skills

Kickoff Meeting: MILKY-PSY – Multimodal Immersive Learning with Artificial Intelligence for Psychomotor Skills

Digitalisation, Higher Education, Multimodal Learning Analytics, Project
Those who want to learn a sport train new psychomotor skills. Until now, this has required role models such as teachers on site who explain, demonstrate and assess certain processes. A consortium around the Cologne Game Lab of the TH Köln is developing a learning environment with artificial intelligence (AI) to support the training process as part of the joint research project MILKI-PSY.   Wer eine Sportart erlernen will, trainiert neue psychomotorische Fähigkeiten. Bislang werden dafür Vorbilder wie Lehrerinnen und Lehrer vor Ort benötigt, die bestimmte Abläufe erklären, zeigen und beurteilen. Ein Konsortium um das Cologne Game Lab der TH Köln entwickelt im Rahmen des Verbundforschungsprojekts MILKI-PSY eine Lernumgebung mit künstlicher Intelligenz (KI), die den Trainingsprozess unterstützen soll. Künstlerische, sportliche und handwerkliche Tätigkeiten erfordern psychomotorische Fähigkeiten, bei denen körperliche Bewegungen mit…
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KI@Schule – Virtueller Expert*innen-Workshop

KI@Schule – Virtueller Expert*innen-Workshop

Artificial Intelligence, Learning Analytics, Project, School, Workshop
Prof. Dr. Hendrik Drachsler wurde von der Deutschen Telekom-Stiftung mit 15 weiteren Expert*innen zum virtuellen Workshop „KI@Schule – Zwischen Wunsch und Wahrscheinlichkeit“ am 25. Februar 2021 eingeladen, um die Befunde der Trend- und Zukunftsstudie „Künstliche Intelligenz in der schulischen Bildung“ zu diskutieren. Prof. Dr Hendrik Drachsler and 15 other experts were invited by the Deutsche Telekom Foundation to the virtual workshop "KI@Schule - Zwischen Wunsch und Wahrscheinlichkeit" on 25 February 2021 to discuss the findings of the trend and future study "Künstliche Intelligenz in der schulischen Bildung".
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Künstliche Intelligenz füttert natürliche Gehirne

Künstliche Intelligenz füttert natürliche Gehirne

Artificial Intelligence, General education, Press
Interview originally published on  written by Christoph Herbort-von Loeper. **  English version below ** Künstliche Intelligenz füttert natürliche Gehirne Der Leibniz-Forscher Daniele Di Mitri bewirbt sich als KI-Newcomer 2021. Stimmen Sie für ihn ab! 17.02.2021 Wie kann Künstliche Intelligenz in der Bildung eingesetzt werden? Damit beschäftigt sich Daniele Di Mitri am DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation. Ein Gespräch über Lernen auf Distanz, digitalen Unterricht über Videokonferenzen hinaus und warum wir Künstliche Intelligenz nicht nur dafür nutzen sollten, uns die passenden Filme oder Werbung anzeigen zu lassen. Daniele Di Mitri bewirbt sich aktuell als KI-Newcomer 2021, einer Aktion der Gesellschaft für Informatik. Hier können Sie bis zum 7. März für ihn abstimmen: Digitalisierung in der Bildung ist gerade in der Pandemie ein heiß diskutiertes Thema. Dabei geht…
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NEW Newsletter and Update on AR4STEAM

NEW Newsletter and Update on AR4STEAM

Augmented Reality, Digitalisation, Project, Publication, Report, School
AR4STE(A)M Newsletter 2 We have the pleasure to update you by this Newsletter with advance made in our project, which is designed to provide attractive means and ways  to improve current technological methods, encouraging STEAM education. Joining us, you will find in our publications a lot of useful information, tips and new opportunities for modern and effective teaching.
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New Pub: A four-country cross-case analysis of academic staff expectations about learning analytics in higher education

New Pub: A four-country cross-case analysis of academic staff expectations about learning analytics in higher education

Higher Education, Journal, Learning Analytics, Open access, Publication
The purpose of this paper is to explore the expectations of academic staff to learning analytics services from an ideal as well as a realistic perspective. This mixed-method study focused on a cross-case analysis of staff from Higher Education Institutions from four European universities (Spain, Estonia, Netherlands, UK). While there are some differences between the countries as well as between ideal and predicted expectations, the overarching results indicate that academic staff sees learning analytics as a tool to understand the learning activities and possibility to provide feedback for the students and adapt the curriculum to meet learners' needs. However, one of the findings from the study across cases is the generally consistently low expectation and desire for academic staff to be obligated to act based on data that shows students…
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