Sebastian Gombert @ EC-TEL 2022 Doctoral Consortium

Sebastian Gombert @ EC-TEL 2022 Doctoral Consortium

Artificial Intelligence, Conference, Event, Learning Analytics, Research topic
At EC-TEL 2022, Sebastian Gombert presented his doctoral project "Methods and perspectives for the automated analytic assessment of free-text responses in formative scenarios". The goal behind this project is to build free-text assessment systems which can code constructed responses analytically. While much of the past work in response scoring focused on predicting holistic scores, analytic scoring allows to code free-text responses for multiple different aspects. The goal behind these efforts is to provide learners and teachers with useful feedback on each of them. A more detailed project overview will be released as part of the EC-TEL 2022 doctoral consortium proceedings soon.
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New Pub: Privacy-Preserving and Scalable Affect Detection in Online Synchronous Learning

New Pub: Privacy-Preserving and Scalable Affect Detection in Online Synchronous Learning

Artificial Intelligence, Conference, Multimodal Learning Analytics, Publication, Research topic
A full research paper entitled "Privacy-Preserving and Scalable Affect Detection in Online Synchronous Learning" written by Felix Böttger, Ufuk Cetinkaya, Daniele Di Mitri, Sebastian Gombert, Krist Shingjergji, Deniz Iren & Roland Klemke was  accepted at the Seventeenth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2022) Educating for a new future: Making sense of technology-enhanced learning adoption - Toulouse, France, 12-16 September 2022 The paper reports on a research prototype which stems from the cooperation between DIPF and the Open University of the Netherlands. Abstract The recent pandemic has forced most educational institutions to shift to distance learning. Teachers can perceive various non-verbal cues in face-to-face classrooms and thus notice when students are distracted, confused, or tired. However, the students’ non-verbal cues are not observable in online classrooms. The lack of…
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New pub: The Rise of Multimodal Tutors in Education

New pub: The Rise of Multimodal Tutors in Education

Artificial Intelligence, Book chapter, Further Education, Higher Education, Multimodal Learning Analytics, Open access, Publication
A book chapter entitled "The Rise of Multimodal Tutors in Education" written by Daniele Di Mitri, Jan Schneider & Hendrik Drachsler was published open access in the "Handbook of Open, Distance and Digital Education" edited by Olaf Zawacki-Richter and Insung Jung. Abstract This chapter describes the insights derived from the design and development of the Multimodal Tutor, a system that uses artificial intelligence to provide digital feedback and support psychomotor skills acquisition. In this chapter, we discuss the insights which we gained from eight studies: (1) an exploratory study combining physiological data and learning performance (Learning Pulse); (2) a literature survey on multimodal data for learning and a conceptual model (the Multimodal Learning Analytics Model); (3) an analysis of the technical challenges of Multimodal Learning Analytics (the Big Five Challenges);…
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HyTea – new BMBF project approved

HyTea – new BMBF project approved

Artificial Intelligence, Higher Education, Project
On 1st September, the German Federal Ministry of Education approved a new collaborative project between DIPF EduTec and Cologne Game Lab named "Model for Hybrid Teaching (HyTea)". The project's total funding is Eur 750,000 and will be financing two PhD candidates at the DIPF and one a the Cologne Game Lab. The project's Principal Investigators are Dr. Daniele Di Mitri from the DIPF side and Prof. Dr. Roland Klemke of the Cologne Game Lab (TH Köln). Short project description Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems can provide automatic, personalised and real-time feedback to learners in distance learning settings when a human expert is unavailable. AI feedback has the potential to be always available and can allow learners to practice deliberately and repeatedly at their own pace. Embedding AI feedback into immersive and…
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HIKOF-DL – 3rd Committee Meeting with Industry Members

HIKOF-DL – 3rd Committee Meeting with Industry Members

Artificial Intelligence, Assessment, Higher Education, Learning Analytics, Project, Transfer Activity
On 11.7.2022, team members of the HIKOF-DL project held its third meeting with the project committee members consisting of industry partners. The partner companies / institutions include Goethe Business School, Provadis, GIZ, Deutsche Bahn, Mercedes Benz, Academie für Bildungsforschung und Lehrerbildung. The three project leaders are Prof. Dr. Hendrik Drachsler, Prof. Dr. Andreas Frey (Goethe University Frankfurt) and Dr. David Weiss (studiumDigitale, Goethe University Frankfurt). In the meeting, Prof. Dr. Hendrik Drachsler and team members presented the ongoing research work namely the pilot study involving the course "Einführung in Unterricht sowie Diagnostik und Beratung" taught by Prof. Dr. Andreas Frey, with ca. 1000 students. One of the project aims is to make course assessment less time-consuming for the teaching staff, as this was a significant concern in such a course…
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Transfer Workshop @ Digitaltag 2022 on highly informative and data-driven feedback with AI in higher education

Transfer Workshop @ Digitaltag 2022 on highly informative and data-driven feedback with AI in higher education

Artificial Intelligence, Conference, Event, Higher Education, Learning Analytics, Open access, School, Transfer Activity, Webinar, Workshop
The third Digitaltag will take place on June 24, 2022. The initiative "Digital for All" is behind the Digitaltag. The alliance of more than 25 organizations from the fields of civil society, culture, science, business, welfare and the public sector unites a common goal: to promote digital participation in Germany. Prof. Dr. Hendrik Drachsler contributes a talk on highly informative and data-driven feedback with AI in higher education. Feedback is a powerful element of all learning processes. However, it is difficult to offer highly informative feedback to large groups of learners. The Educational Technology Collective at Goethe University and the DIPF Leibniz Institute Frankfurt am Main are conducting research on this challenge in a variety of projects. In this talk, Professor Dr. Drachsler will present on designing highly informative feedback…
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New HIKOF-DL Video – Introduction to the project

New HIKOF-DL Video – Introduction to the project

Artificial Intelligence, Assessment, Higher Education, Learning Analytics, Project
  Studiumdigitale at Goethe University Frankfurt has created an informative video to introduce the HIKOF-DL project. HIKOF-DL stands for Hoch Informatives und Kompetenzorientiertes Feedback für das Digitale Lernen and is funded by the Hessen Ministry for Digital Strategy and Development from 2021-2024. Prof. Dr. Hendrik Drachsler, Prof. Dr. Andreas Frey as well as Dr. David Weiss are project leaders of this interdisciplinary project. In the video below, they explained their roles and vision in this joint project. For more information about the project, please see the project website here:
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Workshop – Learning Psychomotor Skills with AI & AR/VR considering Technical and Mental Aspects

Workshop – Learning Psychomotor Skills with AI & AR/VR considering Technical and Mental Aspects

Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Event, Multimodal Learning Analytics, Project, Research topic, Summer School, Workshop
From May 21 to 28, the 16th version of the EATEL Summer School on Technology-Enhanced Learning (JTELSS 2022) was held in the city of Halkidiki, Greece, whose purpose is to promote the dissemination of research in the area of Technology Enhanced Learning and encourage international cooperation between researchers, students and people interested in this topic. As members of the MILKI-PSY project, Dr. Daniele Di Mitri, Fernando P. Cardenas Hernandez, Gianluca Romano and Dr. Jan Schneider attended JTELSS 2022. Additionally, Fernando P. Cardenas Hernandez and Gianluca Romano, as active participants in the summer school, presented the workshop entitled "Learning Psychomotor Skills with AI & AR/VR considering Technical and Mental Aspects". This workshop started with a theoretical introduction given by both exponents where the participants were able to identify some of the…
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Guest scientist Andrea Zanellati

Guest scientist Andrea Zanellati

Artificial Intelligence, Team
We welcome Andrea Zanellati, who will be visiting the EduTec team at DIPF in Frankfurt until the mid of September. Andrea is a Doctoral Researcher in Data Science & Computation at the University of Bologna with a background as a math and physics teacher. His main interest is in the application of machine learning techniques to analyze educational data and enhance learning and teaching processes. During the first year of his doctoral activity, he mainly focused on the development of AI tools for the early detection of students at risk of school dropout or underachievement. This early-stage research highlights the urgency to design ad-hoc indicators to trace students’ learning and increase the explainability of AI tools for the educational field. Andrea has been attracted by the advanced experiences of our…
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PhD defense: Measuring the Unmeasurable? Towards Automatic Co-located Collaboration Analytics

PhD defense: Measuring the Unmeasurable? Towards Automatic Co-located Collaboration Analytics

Artificial Intelligence, Book, Higher Education, Learning Analytics, Multimodal Learning Analytics, PhD defense, Press
Collaboration is one of the most important skills in the 21st century. Education, therefore, focuses on learning to cooperate, both in online and face-to-face settings. Learning Analytics is increasingly being used to analyse collaborations. Can face-to-face collaborations be analysed automatically by means of sensor technology? And what is the quality of the analyses generated by this? Sambit Praharaj developed a technical prototype to achieve automated collaboration analytics. On Friday 11 March 2022 at 1.30 pm Sambit defended his thesis 'Measuring the Unmeasurable? Towards Automatic Co-located Collaboration Analytics' at the Open University in Heerlen. Collaboration analytics using sensor technology Sambit Praharaj investigated the possibilities of automating collaboration analytics in face-to-face settings. He developed a prototype that measures the quality of collaboration. Praharaj also developed a dashboard that visualises the data and…
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