Meine KI-Forschung hilft dabei, produktive Lernverläufe zu identifizieren und Kompetenzen zu verbessern

Meine KI-Forschung hilft dabei, produktive Lernverläufe zu identifizieren und Kompetenzen zu verbessern

Artificial Intelligence, Higher Education, Multimodal Learning Analytics, Press
[This article appeared on and it was written by Christine Schumann for Deutscher Bildungsserver] Wie bei digitalen Lerneinheiten entstehende Daten für personalisiertes Feedback genutzt werden können. FRAGEN AN Daniele Di Mitri, der im April 2021 in der Kategorie Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften zum AI-Newcomer des Jahres gewählt wurde. Am DIPF | Leibniz-Institut baut er gerade eine Forschungsgruppe zum Thema Künstliche Intelligenz auf, um verantwortungsvolle KI-Systeme für die Bildung zu entwickeln. Zurzeit konzentrieren sich seine Arbeiten auf praktische Lernaufgaben – und nicht auf allgemeine Lernsituationen im Klassenzimmer. Herr Di Mitri, sind Sie stolz auf Ihre Auszeichnung als „AI Newcomer“ des Jahres 2021? Ja, ich bin begeistert, dass ich im Rahmen des KI-Camps zum „AI Newcomer of 2021“ gewählt wurde. Das KI-Camp ist das nationale Event in Deutschland zur Künstlichen Intelligenz, das das Bundesministerium für…
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Interview for Hessischer Rundfunk

Interview for Hessischer Rundfunk

Artificial Intelligence, Higher Education, Multimodal Learning Analytics, Press
Dr. Draniele Di Mitri was interviewed (in German) by Hessischer Rundfunk by Alexander Schmitt. The theme of the episode was: Artificial intelligence is penetrating deeper and deeper into our lives: we talk to computers, rely on their search results and will soon be driven by robot cars. The revolution is just beginning. What are young research talents in Hesse working on? [audio mp3=""][/audio] Listen to the entire episode  Below the answer to the questions translated into English: *** You are interested in education and in technology - is it related to your parents? Yes, I believe I inherited my two main passions from my parents. My father was a first-generation software engineer and my mother was a teacher. In my teenage years, my father showed me how to create a…
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Dr Daniele Di Mitri elected AI Newcomer 2021

Dr Daniele Di Mitri elected AI Newcomer 2021

Artificial Intelligence, Award, General education, Multimodal Learning Analytics
Dr. Daniele Di Mitri is the AI Newcomer 2021 of the category Humanities and Social Sciences at the KI Camp 2021 organised by the German Informatics Society and the German Federal Ministry of Education. His research is oriented towards the question: how can we best interface artificial intelligence applications with humans to ultimately support human learning, support their goal achievement and boost human productivity? "The only function for which is AI is currently used in higher education is plagiarism check. There is a lot more that AI can do for education. I can imagine realistic application scenario both at primary school, with intelligent tutors via playful interfaces can engage students both individually and in group in learning concepts as geometry, geography, algebra, history, physics." - Daniele Di Mitri, PhD Here the name…
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Workshop on Multimodal Artificial Intelligence in Education (MAIEd’21) 

Workshop on Multimodal Artificial Intelligence in Education (MAIEd’21) 

Artificial Intelligence, Higher Education, Multimodal Learning Analytics, Workshop
1st International Workshop on Multimodal Artificial Intelligence in Education (MAIEd'21)  @ the 22nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED’2021) 14th June 2021, 9 am to 4 pm CET online workshop Website: - Proceedings to be published by CEUR (more…)
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Künstliche Intelligenz füttert natürliche Gehirne

Künstliche Intelligenz füttert natürliche Gehirne

Artificial Intelligence, General education, Press
Interview originally published on  written by Christoph Herbort-von Loeper. **  English version below ** Künstliche Intelligenz füttert natürliche Gehirne Der Leibniz-Forscher Daniele Di Mitri bewirbt sich als KI-Newcomer 2021. Stimmen Sie für ihn ab! 17.02.2021 Wie kann Künstliche Intelligenz in der Bildung eingesetzt werden? Damit beschäftigt sich Daniele Di Mitri am DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation. Ein Gespräch über Lernen auf Distanz, digitalen Unterricht über Videokonferenzen hinaus und warum wir Künstliche Intelligenz nicht nur dafür nutzen sollten, uns die passenden Filme oder Werbung anzeigen zu lassen. Daniele Di Mitri bewirbt sich aktuell als KI-Newcomer 2021, einer Aktion der Gesellschaft für Informatik. Hier können Sie bis zum 7. März für ihn abstimmen: Digitalisierung in der Bildung ist gerade in der Pandemie ein heiß diskutiertes Thema. Dabei geht…
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Two fully funded PhD positions open

Two fully funded PhD positions open

Job announcements
Two 3-years, fully-funded PhD positions are available at the DIPF in the EduTec team. The two PhD positions are connected to recently acquired projects by the EduTec team. For both positions, the deadline for applications is the 17th of February 2021. Please refer to the link below for further enquiries. (1) A Scientific Researcher in Applied Computer Science full time, fixed term, three-year post, salary according to EG 13 TV-H, place of work: Frankfurt am Main, the deadline for applications: February 17, 2021 Read More… (2) A Scientific Researcher in Data Science full time, fixed term, three-year post, salary according to EG 13 TV-H, place of work: Frankfurt am Main, the deadline for applications: February 17, 2021 Read More…
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Daniele Di Mitri nominated as AI Newcomer 2021

Daniele Di Mitri nominated as AI Newcomer 2021

Dr. Daniele Di Mitri, postdoctoral researcher at the EduTec group, was nominated as AI newcomer in the field of humanities and social science, within the KI-Camp 2021, the nation-wide Artificial Intelligence event in Germany. You can support Daniele's nomination by voting Please make sure to validate your vote via the link in the confirmation email. Votes will be possible until 07 March 2021. What is KI Camp? At the KI-Camp of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the German Informatics Society (GI), AI talents up to the age of 35 will meet with renowned AI experts from all over the world on 27 April 2021 – in Berlin and virtually. In interactive fishbowl discussions, debating sessions and hands-on workshops, the free-of-charge Science Convention addresses transdisciplinary issues of the future in seven…
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Daniele Di Mitri joins the team

Daniele Di Mitri joins the team

As of 1st November 2020, dr. Daniele Di Mitri joins the EduTec team as a research group leader and postdoctoral researcher. Daniele's research focuses on how to support multimodal learning activities, i.e. activities not mediated by a typical computer. While his primary research field is  Multimodal Learning Analytics (MMLA) Daniele's is also passionate about Artificial Intelligence in Education and interaction between Humans and AI. Daniele received his PhD at the Education Faculty of the Open University of The Netherlands and completed a one year of research in the Centre for Actional Research (CAROU). At EduTec @ DIPF Daniele will embark in different projects dealing with the use of Artificial Intelligence for supporting both general academic and school education activities, physical rehabilitation and sports. These techniques include the development of intelligent…
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