Auftaktveranstaltung: Forschung über Studienerfolg und Studienabbruch II

Auftaktveranstaltung: Forschung über Studienerfolg und Studienabbruch II

Higher Education, Learning Analytics, Project, Project meeting
Am 11. November 2021 fand die virtuelle Auftaktveranstaltung der BMBF-Förderlinie Forschung über "Studienerfolg und Studienabbruch II" statt. Virtueller Gastgeber war die FernUniversität in Hagen. Das EduTec Team war mit dem Projekt LAMASS@DiLea, in dem Faktoren für Studienabbruch und Studienerfolg im Zusammenhang mit digitalen Lehrformaten untersucht werden, ebenfalls vertreten. [embed][/embed]   Nach einer Begrüßung der Rektorin der FernUniversität in Hagen, Ada Pellert, stellte Prof. Hans-Dieter Daniel wichtige Erkenntnisse aus der ersten Förderlinie vor und formulierte Anregungen und "lessons learned" für die aktuelle Förderlinie. Danach begannen die Kurzvorstellungen der geförderten Projekte, in denen sich alle 19 Vorhaben zum Thema Studienerfolg und Studienabbruch innerhalb von 5 Minuten präsentierten. Innerhalb der jeweiligen Themencluster entstanden angeregte Diskussion, in denen projektübergreifende Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze zur Sprache kamen. Im Anschluss an diese Präsentationen gab es Breakout-Sessions mit…
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Milky-Psy first face-to-face meeting

Milky-Psy first face-to-face meeting

Artificial Intelligence, General education, Multimodal Learning Analytics, Project meeting
On November 9, 2021, the first face-to-face meeting of the BMBF funded project “Multimodal Immersive Learning with Artificial Intelligence for Psychomotor Skills” (Milki-Psy) consortium took place in the city of Cologne where the DIPF, as an active member, was represented by Dr Daniele Di Mitri, Dr Jan Schneider, Gianluca Romano and Fernando P. Cardenas-Hernandez. The purpose of this meeting was to present the progress of each project partner as well as to propose and discuss possible solutions for the two case studies of this project, which are running case and robot case. (more…)
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New Pub: Virtual Academic Conferences as Learning Spaces

New Pub: Virtual Academic Conferences as Learning Spaces

Journal, Publication
The COVID-19 outbreak came with an unprecedented opportunity to investigate how the new reality of social distancing and limited international travel will affect the organization of academic conferences. Drawing on conceptualization of academic conferences as professional learning spaces, in this study, we examine the factors associated with the perceived value of purely virtual academic conferences and how such perceptions differ between participants from different research fields. The aim was to gain knowledge about factors that should be considered when designing a virtual conference. Survey data from participants of three different virtual conferences were collected (N = 311). Kendall's rank correlation and χ2-analyses were performed. Results show satisfaction with social interaction, the extent to which presentations met participants' topics of interest and the perceived importance of learning and getting an overview on the…
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Invited talk at new Data Science in Education Center at PHZH, Switzerland

Invited talk at new Data Science in Education Center at PHZH, Switzerland

Invited talk
On 09.11.21 Hendrik Drachsler gave an invited talk on Learning Analytics - Data Science in den Bildungswissenschaften at a newly founded Data Science in Education Center the Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich. Hendrik reflected on the process of applying learning analytics solutions within higher education settings, its implications, and the critical lessons learned in the Trusted Learning Research Program. The talk focused on the experience of research collective consisting of researchers from the Netherlands and Germany that contribute to the Trusted Learning Analytics (TLA) research program. The TLA program aims to provide actionable and supportive feedback to students and stands in the tradition of human-centered learning analytics concepts. During his talk, Hendrik discussed lessons learned from implementing TLA systems for learning and teaching. He will touch on TLA prerequisites like ethics, privacy,…
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Workshop on Culturally Aware Human-Centred Learning Analytics (CARLA) at EC-TEL2021

Workshop on Culturally Aware Human-Centred Learning Analytics (CARLA) at EC-TEL2021

General education, Learning Analytics, Workshop
Learning analytics (LA) have been implemented in various countries, often at a limited scale. We have also seen that LA have been used in different ways in different countries. This makes the transfer of LA solutions from one country to another challenging, due to varying contextual, technical, and cultural factors. In an increasingly international educational landscape, how and to what extent should the LA community take into account cultural factors in order to make a relevant impact (i.e., improve learning) at scale? What opportunities are offered by LA technologies to consider learners’ cultural preferences and values, and how can we design culturally aware LA services which account for these values? These were some of the questions we aimed to answer during the Culturally Aware Human-Centred Learning Analytics (CARLA) workshop which…
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Two new research grants on AI in Higher Education

Two new research grants on AI in Higher Education

Artificial Intelligence, Higher Education, Learning Analytics, Project
The EduTec group contributed to two winning research grants on AI in Higher Education for the upcoming four years. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is thus strengthening Frankfurt as an excellent centre for educational technologies, especially AI in Education (Learning Analytics). The federal-state initiative “Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education” supports two projects at the Goethe University Frankfurt. One of the projects is a cooperation project under the Goethe University Frankfurt direction, together with the University of Bremen, the FU Berlin, the HU Berlin, and the distance university in Hagen. The IMPACT project (IMPlementing AI-based feedbaCk and assessment with Trusted learning analytics in universities) is about the (partially) automated analysis of texts. Along the Student Life Cycle, prospective students, newcomers and students should receive text-based, highly informative and…
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#Hackathon Game Design – Winner & Games

#Hackathon Game Design – Winner & Games

Award, Digitalisation, Event, Further Education, Game, School, Team
Der EduTec Hackathon 2021 für MINT-Lernspiele dieses Wochenende ist gerade mit 8 fertigen Spielideen für 45 Minuten Mathe, Bio, Physik oder Informatik Lernen auf spielerische Art und Weise in VR & AR geendet! Das Gewinnerteam nimmt und einmal mit zum Mond Wir sind sehr stolz und glücklich, wie grandios dieses Wochenende war. Haben akuten Schlafmangel, aber viel mit unseren Partnerschulen auszuprobieren in Zukunft und danken unseren tollen Mädels und Jungs der GU, UAS in Frankfurt und TU Darmstadt für 72 Stunden Einsatz, Energie und Kreativität im Team! #happy #MINT #STEM #augmentedreality #Gaming #education #Bildung #bildungsgerechtigkeit #bildungswissenschaften #technologie #futureoflearning #firstplace Euer EduTec Team [video width="3840" height="2160" mp4=""][/video]
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Keynote at SITE Interactive

Keynote at SITE Interactive

Conference, Keynote
Dr Daniele Di Mitri was invited to deliver a keynote at the SITE Interactive online conference 2021 Keynote on "Restoring Context in Online Teaching with Artificial Intelligence and Multimodal Learning Experiences". The keynote paper to be published in the proceedings of the conference on the Learning & Technology Library Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic forced more than 1.6 billion learners out of school, becoming the most challenging disruption ever endured by the global education systems. In many countries, education institutions decided to move their regular activities online, opting for remote teaching as an emergency solution to continue their education. Meanwhile, physical distancing and learning in isolation are heavily challenging learners and hindering their study success. There is a compelling need to make education systems more resilient and less vulnerable to future…
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New Pub: Einfluss von Lehr-Einstellungen und digitalen Kompetenzen auf die virtuelle Lehre

New Pub: Einfluss von Lehr-Einstellungen und digitalen Kompetenzen auf die virtuelle Lehre

Competence development, Empirical Study, Higher Education, Journal, Open access, Publication
Die Gestaltung und Durchführung virtueller Lehrveranstaltungen wird durch unter schiedliche Lehransätze der Hochschullehrenden sowie durch deren individuellen Kompetenzstand auf dem Feld digitaler (Lehr-)Kompetenzen beeinflusst. Der Bei trag stellt empirische Ergebnisse einer Studie vor, die zeigen, dass insbesondere ein studierendenzentrierter Lehransatz bei Gestaltung virtueller Lehre vorteilhaft ist und der Aufbau digitaler Kompetenzen einen Schlüssel für die gelingende Im plementierung digitaler Bildungsformate darstellt. Abschließend werden mögliche Folgerungen für mediendidaktische Qualifizierungsansätze diskutiert. The design and implementation of virtual courses are influenced by different teaching by different teaching approaches of university lecturers and by their individual level of competence in the field of digital (teaching) skills. This empirical results of a study, which show that in particular, a student-centred a student-centred approach to virtual teaching is particularly advantageous and that the development of digital competencies is a…
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New Pub: Personality and Social Presence

New Pub: Personality and Social Presence

Higher Education, Journal, Publication
Social presence is an important and well-established construct in learning scenarios that make use of online-based technology to mediate learning activities and communication among students, like online learning and distance education. Researchers and practitioners refer to social presence to better understand the socio-emotional dimension of these learning scenarios and/or improve the quality of the experience. As a construct that has emerged out of a socio-psychological research tradition, social presence has mostly been understood as a state variable, the result of situative/contextual factors, like the communication media, group size, or instructional design. What has been entirely overlooked is the possibility that some students are inherently more prone to experiencing social presence, while others may be less inclined to these perceptions. This study published in Open Education Studies, authored by Joshua Weidlich,…
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