Learning analytics (LA) have been implemented in various countries, often at a limited scale. We have also seen that LA have been used in different ways in different countries. This makes the transfer of LA solutions from one country to another challenging, due to varying contextual, technical, and cultural factors.

In an increasingly international educational landscape, how and to what extent should the LA community take into account cultural factors in order to make a relevant impact (i.e., improve learning) at scale? What opportunities are offered by LA technologies to consider learners’ cultural preferences and values, and how can we design culturally aware LA services which account for these values?

These were some of the questions we aimed to answer during the Culturally Aware Human-Centred Learning Analytics (CARLA) workshop which took place online on the 22nd of September 2021 during the European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (https://ea-tel.eu/ectel2021). During the workshop, we aimed to raise awareness of possible effects of stakeholders’ cultural values and preferences on: i) the acceptance of LA services and related privacy concerns, ii) the design of LA tools, and iii) the evaluation of LA interventions.

Organised by Olga Viberg (KTH Stockholm, Sweden), Ioana Jivet (DIPF & Goethe University, Germany), Maren Scheffel, (Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany) and Hendrik Drachsler (DIPF/Goethe University & Open University of the Netherlands).

More information is available on the workshop’s website.