Gender & STEM Conference 2022 – EduTec Member Dana Kube presented her Ph.D. work
Assessment, Conference, Conference, Digitalisation, Event, Higher Education, Journal, Learning Design, Publication, Workshop
A few impressions: After a two-year break, scholars can finally meet again for a personal exchange at the "Gender & STEM Conference". I was able to meet so many exciting people and studies, and I think that we German universities have benefited especially from the intersectional and feminist perspectives from the USA, Canada and the Netherlands: How do transgender students experience support in Computer Science? What can universities do to keep students of colour and especially women* of colour longer in STEM programmes? Stop fixing Women* in STEM was the tenor, fix the System: I go back to Frankfurt with a lot of smart approaches on the institutional and pedagogical level and a lot of encouraging feedback on my PhD thesis on Gender in STEM/Technology. My personal highlight was meeting…