New BJET special section published

New BJET special section published

Special Issue
In the ever-evolving landscape of education, innovative technologies continue to shape the way we learn and acquire new skills. One such frontier that is gaining momentum is the realm of multimodal and immersive learning systems. Recently, a special section in a prestigious British Journal of Education Technology delved into this fascinating intersection, shedding light on the potentialities and challenges of these cutting-edge technologies. Di Mitri, D., Limbu, B., Schneider, J., Iren, D., Giannakos, M. and Klemke, R. (2024), Multimodal and immersive systems for skills development and education. Br J Educ Technol. Multimodal learning, as defined in the special section, engages learners through multiple sensory and action systems, offering a more holistic and immersive educational experience. This approach is supported by the theory of multimodality in communication, which emphasizes the emergence of…
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New Pub: Personality and Social Presence

New Pub: Personality and Social Presence

Higher Education, Journal, Publication
Social presence is an important and well-established construct in learning scenarios that make use of online-based technology to mediate learning activities and communication among students, like online learning and distance education. Researchers and practitioners refer to social presence to better understand the socio-emotional dimension of these learning scenarios and/or improve the quality of the experience. As a construct that has emerged out of a socio-psychological research tradition, social presence has mostly been understood as a state variable, the result of situative/contextual factors, like the communication media, group size, or instructional design. What has been entirely overlooked is the possibility that some students are inherently more prone to experiencing social presence, while others may be less inclined to these perceptions. This study published in Open Education Studies, authored by Joshua Weidlich,…
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New Pub: Social Presence: Conceptualization and Measurement

New Pub: Social Presence: Conceptualization and Measurement

Empirical Study, Journal, Literature review, Publication
Social presence is an important and well-established construct for learning scenarios that make use of online-based technology to mediate learning activities and communication among students. Researchers and practitioners refer to social presence to better understand the socio-emotional dimension of these learning scenarios and/or improve the quality of the experience. However, many researchers in the past have pointed to the shaky foundation that is the conceptualization and measurement of social presence. In other words, there is no agreement on what social presence actually *is* and, consequently, how it should be measured. This makes it difficult to cumulatively build on prior research, possibly explaining the conflicting findings and the rather slow progress this field of research has been making. Our publication in Educational Psychology Review, authored by Karel Kreijns, Kate Xu, and…
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