On 12th September, 2022, EduTec members Daniele Di Mitri, Ioana Jivet and Jan Schneider chaired the EC-TEL Doctoral Consortium at the Seventeenth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning Educating for a new future: Making sense of technology-enhanced learning adoption Toulouse, France, 12-16 September 2022.

Among the 12 PhD candidates presenting to the DC were EduTec PhD candidates Sebastian Gombert and visiting PhD candidate Andrea Zanellati.


The EC-TEL Doctoral Consortium brings together PhD candidates working on topics related to Technology-Enhanced Learning providing them an exceptional opportunity to present, discuss, and receive feedback on their research in an interdisciplinary and international atmosphere. Prominent professors and researchers in the field of Technology-Enhanced Learning will provide formative feedback to the selected papers through the review process and contribute actively to discussions at the workshop.