Workshop: “Anwendungsfelder von (KI-) Lerntechnologien” Klausurtagung Landesamt für Schule und Bildung Sachsen

Workshop: “Anwendungsfelder von (KI-) Lerntechnologien” Klausurtagung Landesamt für Schule und Bildung Sachsen

Transfer Activity, Workshop
Auf der 2. Klausurtagung des Landesamts für Schule und Bildung Sachsen, die am 22. und 23. August 2023 in Meißen stattfand, leitete Onur Karademir einen Workshop mit dem Titel "Anwendungsfelder von (KI-) Lerntechnologien". Der Schwerpunkt lag auf den Gelingensbedingungen für den Transfer von Bildungsinnovationen im Bereich EdTech in Schulen. Im Rahmen des Workshops wurden verschiedene Lerntechnologien im Bildungskontext vorgestellt, darunter Intelligente Tutorensysteme (ITS), Teacher-Dashboards sowie automatische Freitextauswertung und Feedback-Generierung. Besonderes Augenmerk lag auf der Diskussion des Potenzials von ITS und Adaptiven Lernsystemen. Diese Werkzeuge bieten die Möglichkeit zur skalierbaren Binnendifferenzierung, indem sie individuelles Lernen in eigenem Tempo und auf individuellem Niveau während Selbstlernphasen ermöglichen. Ein praktisches Beispiel für Teacher Dashboards wurde am Projekt AFLEK erläutert mit dem Learning Analytics Cockpit (LA Cockpit). Das LA Cockpit soll Lehrkräfte bei der Lernstandsdiagnose der…
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Common Purpose zu Gast beim DIPF (KI in der Bildung: Chancen und Risiken für die Gesellschaft)

Common Purpose zu Gast beim DIPF (KI in der Bildung: Chancen und Risiken für die Gesellschaft)

Transfer Activity
Sebastian Gombert und Onur Karademir, Forscher am DIPF im Bereich KI in der Bildung und Learning Analytics, leiteten am 18. Juli 2023 unseren Workshop "Künstliche Intelligenz in der Bildung: Chancen, Herausforderungen für die Gesellschaft". Ziel war es, Schlüsselfragen anzugehen: Wie unterstützen KI-getriebene Lerntechnologien Lehren und Lernen? Welche Forschungsbeispiele illustrieren Möglichkeiten und Grenzen? Wie können wir mit KI-Sprachmodelle wie GPT oder LLaMA automatisiert wirksames Feedback erstellen? Welche Potenziale und Risiken ergeben sich aus KI-gestützter Bildungstechnologie? Nach einem kurzen Impuls durch Forschungs- und Praxisbeispiele traten Teilnehmende in den Fokus und berichteten über Ihre Perspektiven und Herausforderungen zu dem Thema. English Version: Sebastian Gombert and Onur Karademir, researchers at DIPF in the area of AI in Education and Learning Analytics, led our workshop "Artificial Intelligence in Education: Opportunities, Challenges for Society" on July…
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MILKI-PSY Consortial Meeting in Berlin

MILKI-PSY Consortial Meeting in Berlin

Project meeting
The fourth face-to-face meeting of the MILKI-PSY research consortium took place on July 12 and 13, 2023 at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence in Berlin. The DIPF members: Dr Daniele Di Mitri, Dr Jan Schneider, Gianluca Romano and Fernando P. Cardenas-Hernandez shared their progress on how to address the technical and mental aspects of athletes' learning process through technologies such as Inertial-Measurement-Unit-sensors and Virtual-Reality-headsets. In the same context, they also exchanged ideas with the other project partners, led by Prof. Dr. Roland Klemke of the Cologne Game Lab of TH Cologne, on how to create, integrate and evaluate a common psychomotor training environment and plan future studies in this field.               
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GREAT project presentation

GREAT project presentation

Invited talk
On 10-11 July 2023, a representative of the GREAT project was invited to give a plenary talk at the “Young Minds in Technology Advancements” in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, which is the Science and Education Leadership Training event for young scientists at the Malaysian Young Academy. For the purpose of this event, Jane developed a plenary talk titled “Achieving 21st Century Education and Skills to advance Sustainable Development Goals”, which was presented by Dr. Sri Fatmawati from the Global Young Academy, as Jane could not be in-person at the event. The plenary talk included the following: - What 21st century skills and sustainable development goals are. - How education needs to be transformed to advance sustainable development. - How technologies can increase access to education. - Some disadvantages of technologies such as addiction,…
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Workshops and tutorials at LASI2023 in Singapore

Workshops and tutorials at LASI2023 in Singapore

Feedback, Learning Analytics, Summer School, Workshop
During 6-8 June 2023, Ioana Jivet participated in the first in-person Learning Analytics Summer Institute (LASI) since 2019, hosted by the National University of Singapore (NUS). The event included a keynote delivered by NUS President Prof. Tan Eng Chye on how NUS is supporting education with educational data, a keynote delivered by Prof. Rebecca Ferguson on the current challenges and opportunities of the field of learning analytics (LA), an expert panel discussing the role of LA in the age of AI and a series of tutorials and workshops conducted by various professionals in the field of LA. As part of the program, Ioana Jivet led a 5.5-hour workshop and a 2-hour tutorial focusing on effective dashboard design, data visualization, and sense-making. The workshop "Effective Dashboard Design and Data Visualization for…
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Workshop: Teacher Dashboards supported by AI-generated Feedback @ JTEL Summer School 2023

Workshop: Teacher Dashboards supported by AI-generated Feedback @ JTEL Summer School 2023

Learning Analytics, School, Summer School, Workshop
At the JTEL Summer School 2023 in La Manga, Spain, we hosted the “Teacher Dashboards supported by AI-generated Feedback” workshop. In this workshop, the Learning Analytics Cockpit (LA Cockpit), a tool developed by us, was presented and optimized by the participants. The LA Cockpit is a teacher dashboard that allows teachers to view the learning status of students through different visualizations and to interact with these visualizations to send feedback to (individual or groups of) students through a feedback system to “steer" the learning process. After a short intro on teacher dashboards and feedback theory, the tool with its visual feedback system was be tested "hands-on" by all participants in the workshop. Afterwards we discussed on how to improve the LA Cockpit and for which purposes teachers would ideally use…
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Workshop: Hyperchalk – How to implement Self-hosted Whiteboard Tasks @ JTEL Summer School 2023

Workshop: Hyperchalk – How to implement Self-hosted Whiteboard Tasks @ JTEL Summer School 2023

Artificial Intelligence, Computer-supported collaborative learning, Learning Analytics, Summer School, Workshop
In this workshop which Lukas Menzel and I gave at the seventeenth JTEL Summer School, we explored the possibilities of our self-implemented whiteboard tool Hyperchalk. Hyperchalk is a backend for Excalidraw which allows for integrating learning management systems via LTI and collecting a complete history of trace data. After a short kick-off presentation, we let the participants design their own learning activities using the whiteboard. All participants created little tasks that other participants then solved. As most participants had a strong background in teaching, these were inspired by practical experiences. The tasks involved various topics, from stochastics to K12-level geography. At the end of the workshop, we taught the participants how to administrate the tool and how to set it up on their own servers. Overall, it was a successful…
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Workshop: Large Language Models for Feedback Generation @ JTEL Summer School 2023

Workshop: Large Language Models for Feedback Generation @ JTEL Summer School 2023

Artificial Intelligence, Feedback, Summer School, Workshop
At the seventeenth JTEL Summer School, Lukas Menzel and I had the pleasure of giving a workshop on the potentials and pitfalls of large language models for generating learner feedback. We kicked the event off with a general presentation on large language models. We explained the technical properties of well-known language models such as BERT or GPT. Following this, we went into different setups that can be used for feedback generation. On the one hand, this can involve training a BERT-based model to predict codes for input responses that trigger OnTask-style feedback rules. While this approach is stable regarding what feedback students receive, it is also inflexible, as such feedback cannot necessarily mirror all detailed intricacies that might occur in a student's response. For this reason, it can feel kind…
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JTEL Summer School Workshops on Academic Writing and Academic Presentations

JTEL Summer School Workshops on Academic Writing and Academic Presentations

Summer School
With all the sadness in my heart, I believe that academia is on life support. The introduction of Large Language models, grievance studies hoaxes, scientific programs that resemble miracle infomercial products, and the distrust generated by slogans such as “follow the science”, etc. are one by one causing multiple organ failures. Attempts to save it like the introduction of Open Science initiatives, Ethical Committees, and tighter standards, in my opinion, in most cases just make the whole academic process more bureaucratic and push it further away from its roots.   I deeply love science and even though I’m not a super experienced or renowned scientist I want to do whatever I can to save it. So, I decided to share what I’ve learned in my years working as a scientific researcher…
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Artificial Intelligence Systems for Feedback Generation at JTEL’23

Artificial Intelligence Systems for Feedback Generation at JTEL’23

Summer School, Workshop
How Can AI Help To Learn Better? A Recap of the Workshop on Feedback Generation At jTEL Summer School 2023 in La Manga, Spain, we hosted the "Artificial Intelligence Systems for Feedback Generation" workshop. The workshop was attended by a diverse group of participants who are young researchers in Technology Enhanced learning and interested in how artificial intelligence (AI) can enhance their learning experience. The workshop was led by Daniele Di Mitri, Jan Schneider, Roland Klemke and Bibeg Limbu, all experts in AI in education who shared their insights and experiences with us. What is AI in education? AI in education (AIED) is a research field that explores how to use AI techniques and technologies to support learners with individualized feedback, guidance, and processes. AIED can help learners achieve learning…
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