Third edition of the Culturally Aware Learning Analytics (CARLA) Workshop at ECTEL22

Third edition of the Culturally Aware Learning Analytics (CARLA) Workshop at ECTEL22

Conference, General education, Higher Education, Learning Analytics, Workshop
On the 13th of September, as part of the EC-TEL22 conference, EduTec team member Ioana Jivet co-hosted the third edition of the Culturally Aware Learning Analytics (CARLA) Workshop together with Olga Viberg from KTH Stockholm and Maren Scheffel from Ruhr University Bochum. Learning analytics (LA) have been implemented in various countries, often at a limited scale. We have also seen that LA have been used in different ways in different countries. This makes the transfer of LA solutions from one country to another challenging, due to varying contextual, technical, and cultural factors. Also, the idea that a ‘one size fits all’ paradigm does not lead to effective LA tool designs and implementation has become accepted within both TEL and LA communities. Yet, there is still a big question about what…
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New Pub: Superpowers in the Classroom: Hyperchalk is an Online Whiteboard for Learning Analytics Data Collection

New Pub: Superpowers in the Classroom: Hyperchalk is an Online Whiteboard for Learning Analytics Data Collection

Computer-supported collaborative learning, Conference, Conference, Event, Further Education, General education, Higher Education, Learning Analytics, Lifelong Learning, Publication, School, Technical paper
A new system demonstration paper authored by Lukas Menzel, Sebastian Gombert, Daniele Di Mitri and Henrik Drachsler has been released as part of the ECTEL 2022 proceedings. In this paper, we present Hyperchalk, a self-hosted collaborative online whiteboard software. Similar to commercial solutions like Miro or Flinga, this software provides users with collaborative boards which they can use to draw, write or sketch together. However, unlike commercial solutions, Hyperchalk allows for collecting rich log data, which can be used to study the behaviour of its users and to allow Learning Analytics and studies on computer-supported collaborative learning. Moreover, Hyperchalk comes with a built-in replay mode which allows watching how users behave in its spaces. It supports the LTI1.3 standard, which enables seamless integration with learning management systems such as Moodle,…
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DGHD Nachwuchspreis for Joshua Weidlich

DGHD Nachwuchspreis for Joshua Weidlich

Award, Conference, Higher Education, PhD defense
At this year's DGHD2022 in Paderborn, the German Society for Higher Education Pedagogy (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik: DGHD) awarded Dr. Joshua Weidlich for his dissertation on the topic of social presence in online distance education. Supervised by Prof. Dr. Theo Bastiaens, he conducted his dissertation at FernUniversität in Hagen, the largest distance education provider in Germany. The jury commended the scientific merits of advancing this line of research while also providing ample practical implications for higher education teaching. The dissertation is available online here and further information about the award will be published here.
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Gender & STEM Conference 2022 – EduTec Member Dana Kube presented her Ph.D. work

Gender & STEM Conference 2022 – EduTec Member Dana Kube presented her Ph.D. work

Assessment, Conference, Conference, Digitalisation, Event, Higher Education, Journal, Learning Design, Publication, Workshop
A few impressions: After a two-year break, scholars can finally meet again for a personal exchange at the "Gender & STEM Conference". I was able to meet so many exciting people and studies, and I think that we German universities have benefited especially from the intersectional and feminist perspectives from the USA, Canada and the Netherlands: How do transgender students experience support in Computer Science? What can universities do to keep students of colour and especially women* of colour longer in STEM programmes? Stop fixing Women* in STEM was the tenor, fix the System: I go back to Frankfurt with a lot of smart approaches on the institutional and pedagogical level and a lot of encouraging feedback on my PhD thesis on Gender in STEM/Technology. My personal highlight was meeting…
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Transfer Workshop @ Digitaltag 2022 on highly informative and data-driven feedback with AI in higher education

Transfer Workshop @ Digitaltag 2022 on highly informative and data-driven feedback with AI in higher education

Artificial Intelligence, Conference, Event, Higher Education, Learning Analytics, Open access, School, Transfer Activity, Webinar, Workshop
The third Digitaltag will take place on June 24, 2022. The initiative "Digital for All" is behind the Digitaltag. The alliance of more than 25 organizations from the fields of civil society, culture, science, business, welfare and the public sector unites a common goal: to promote digital participation in Germany. Prof. Dr. Hendrik Drachsler contributes a talk on highly informative and data-driven feedback with AI in higher education. Feedback is a powerful element of all learning processes. However, it is difficult to offer highly informative feedback to large groups of learners. The Educational Technology Collective at Goethe University and the DIPF Leibniz Institute Frankfurt am Main are conducting research on this challenge in a variety of projects. In this talk, Professor Dr. Drachsler will present on designing highly informative feedback…
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Presentation about detecting off-task behavior during learning at the GEBF 2022

Presentation about detecting off-task behavior during learning at the GEBF 2022

Conference, Event, Higher Education, Learning Analytics, Research topic, Self-Regulation
On 09.03.2022, Daniel Biedermann gave a presentation on the topic of recognizing off-task behavior as part of the GEBF conference. The talk was part of the symposium on "Self-Regulation in Learning in Digital Environments: From Problems to Solutions". The talk presented the endeavor of using process data within a learning environment to detect and predict off-task behavior. Special attention was given to the challenges that arise when detecting off-task behavior. The same observed activity may be considered off-task in one case, but relevant to learning in another. Making this distinction requires a precise grasp of the context in which the observed behavior takes place. Aspects such as what phase of learning was someone in when another web page was accessed? Had the learning material already been processed? Or was the…
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New Pub: Towards Collaborative Convergence: Quantifying Collaboration Quality with Automated Co-located Collaboration Analytics

New Pub: Towards Collaborative Convergence: Quantifying Collaboration Quality with Automated Co-located Collaboration Analytics

Conference, Conference, Event, Higher Education, Learning Design, Multimodal Learning Analytics, Publication
Collaboration is one of the four important 21st-century skills. With the pervasive use of sensors, interest on co-located collaboration (CC) has increased lately. Most related literature used the audio modality to detect indicators of collaboration (such as total speaking time and turn taking). CC takes place in physical spaces where group members share their social (i.e., non-verbal audio indicators like speaking time, gestures) and epistemic space (i.e., verbal audio indicators like the content of the conversation). Past literature has mostly focused on the social space to detect the quality of collaboration. In this study, we focus on both social and epistemic space with an emphasis on the epistemic space to understand different evolving collaboration patterns and collaborative convergence and quantify collaboration quality. We conduct field trials by collecting audio recordings…
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AR4STEAM Meeting in Brussels: Successfull Ending of our Erasmus Plus Cooperation with Schools

AR4STEAM Meeting in Brussels: Successfull Ending of our Erasmus Plus Cooperation with Schools

Augmented Reality, Conference, Digitalisation, Event, Learning Analytics, Project, School
Today we gather in Brussels to celebrate the successful end of our 2,5 year collaboration on promoting Augmented Reality in STEM classes all over Europe. It has been our great pleasure to work on this EU project and to share a vision even in difficult times. #Schools #Science #STEM #Arts #Friendship #Europa #Europe #ErasmusPlus #Schools #AugmentedReality #Peace 
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New Pub: Designing the Learning Analytics Cockpit – A Dashboard that Enables Interventions

New Pub: Designing the Learning Analytics Cockpit – A Dashboard that Enables Interventions

Conference, Conference, Higher Education, Learning Analytics, Publication
This paper presents results from our design and evaluation studies of the Learning Analytics Cockpit (LA Cockpit) for a quiz app, which aims to provide lecturers with important information about students’ knowledge levels. We define a LA Cockpit as a tool for instructors that enables them to steer students’ learning process by providing a LA Dashboard which visualizes students’ learning indicators and an intervention feature enabling instructors to give feedback based on students’ knowledge levels. To address the needs of lecturers we applied the Double Diamond (DD) design process model which consists of four stages: discover, define, develop & refine. Following the DD process, we first conducted a qualitative study by interviewing four lecturers and student teachers to discover their needs. Results from the interviews allowed us to define requirements…
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Keynote at SITE Interactive

Keynote at SITE Interactive

Conference, Keynote
Dr Daniele Di Mitri was invited to deliver a keynote at the SITE Interactive online conference 2021 Keynote on "Restoring Context in Online Teaching with Artificial Intelligence and Multimodal Learning Experiences". The keynote paper to be published in the proceedings of the conference on the Learning & Technology Library Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic forced more than 1.6 billion learners out of school, becoming the most challenging disruption ever endured by the global education systems. In many countries, education institutions decided to move their regular activities online, opting for remote teaching as an emergency solution to continue their education. Meanwhile, physical distancing and learning in isolation are heavily challenging learners and hindering their study success. There is a compelling need to make education systems more resilient and less vulnerable to future…
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