EduTec member Dana Kube awarded role model from the women network “net4tec”

EduTec member Dana Kube awarded role model from the women network “net4tec”

This week, Dana Kube has been chosen as a role model from the women network "net4tec". As a feminst Dana thinks, we should all know at least 5 names of great women every time we are asked to recommend someone for a position. "Let's celebrate women* and their work in our field and make digital feminism a premise for us and future generations!" Dana is an EduTec member since 2019 working with augmented reality apps for STEM education in an EU school project. She supports the EduTec group and Goethe University wiht establishing artificial intelligence in education at German HEIs.
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#Hackathon Game Design – Winner & Games

#Hackathon Game Design – Winner & Games

Award, Digitalisation, Event, Further Education, Game, School, Team
Der EduTec Hackathon 2021 für MINT-Lernspiele dieses Wochenende ist gerade mit 8 fertigen Spielideen für 45 Minuten Mathe, Bio, Physik oder Informatik Lernen auf spielerische Art und Weise in VR & AR geendet! Das Gewinnerteam nimmt und einmal mit zum Mond Wir sind sehr stolz und glücklich, wie grandios dieses Wochenende war. Haben akuten Schlafmangel, aber viel mit unseren Partnerschulen auszuprobieren in Zukunft und danken unseren tollen Mädels und Jungs der GU, UAS in Frankfurt und TU Darmstadt für 72 Stunden Einsatz, Energie und Kreativität im Team! #happy #MINT #STEM #augmentedreality #Gaming #education #Bildung #bildungsgerechtigkeit #bildungswissenschaften #technologie #futureoflearning #firstplace Euer EduTec Team [video width="3840" height="2160" mp4=""][/video]
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EduTech team member finalist for Global Digital Female Leadership Award 2021

EduTech team member finalist for Global Digital Female Leadership Award 2021

Award, Digitalisation, Event, Press
EduTech team member Dana Kube is participating in the "Global Digital Female Leadership 2021 Award" finals. "I think female visibility cannot be supported enough in digital companies and branches throughout the world, also in Germany. I am happy to be a part of the #DFLA21 and also to get to know other women* and their innovative projects. Thanks for your vote and support! It is great to be a part of this."  Have a look at the DFLA 2021 and vote here:
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Dr Daniele Di Mitri elected AI Newcomer 2021

Dr Daniele Di Mitri elected AI Newcomer 2021

Artificial Intelligence, Award, General education, Multimodal Learning Analytics
Dr. Daniele Di Mitri is the AI Newcomer 2021 of the category Humanities and Social Sciences at the KI Camp 2021 organised by the German Informatics Society and the German Federal Ministry of Education. His research is oriented towards the question: how can we best interface artificial intelligence applications with humans to ultimately support human learning, support their goal achievement and boost human productivity? "The only function for which is AI is currently used in higher education is plagiarism check. There is a lot more that AI can do for education. I can imagine realistic application scenario both at primary school, with intelligent tutors via playful interfaces can engage students both individually and in group in learning concepts as geometry, geography, algebra, history, physics." - Daniele Di Mitri, PhD Here the name…
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Best Paper award @LAK21 – Quantum of Choice

Best Paper award @LAK21 – Quantum of Choice

Award, Conference, Empirical Study, Higher Education, Learning Analytics, Open access, Publication
Learning analytics dashboards (LADs) are designed as feedback tools for learners, but until recently, learners rarely have had a say in how LADs are designed and what information they receive through LADs. To overcome this shortcoming, we have developed a customisable LAD for Coursera MOOCs on which learners can set goals and choose indicators to monitor. Following a mixed-methods approach, we analyse 401 learners’ indicator selection behaviour in order to understand the decisions they make on the LAD and whether learner goals and self-regulated learning skills influence these decisions. We found that learners overwhelmingly chose indicators about completed activities. Goals are not associated with indicator selection behaviour, while help-seeking skills predict learners’ choice of monitoring their engagement in discussions and time management skills predict learners’ interest in procrastination indicators. The…
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Daniele Di Mitri nominated as AI Newcomer 2021

Daniele Di Mitri nominated as AI Newcomer 2021

Dr. Daniele Di Mitri, postdoctoral researcher at the EduTec group, was nominated as AI newcomer in the field of humanities and social science, within the KI-Camp 2021, the nation-wide Artificial Intelligence event in Germany. You can support Daniele's nomination by voting Please make sure to validate your vote via the link in the confirmation email. Votes will be possible until 07 March 2021. What is KI Camp? At the KI-Camp of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the German Informatics Society (GI), AI talents up to the age of 35 will meet with renowned AI experts from all over the world on 27 April 2021 – in Berlin and virtually. In interactive fishbowl discussions, debating sessions and hands-on workshops, the free-of-charge Science Convention addresses transdisciplinary issues of the future in seven…
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Das studentische E-Learning-Projekt »StudyCore« verbindet Forschung mit pädagogischer Praxis

Das studentische E-Learning-Projekt »StudyCore« verbindet Forschung mit pädagogischer Praxis

Award, Digitalisation
Es ist toll zu sehen, dass die Studierendenvereinigung - MEGA - (Make eLearning Great Again) - jetzt auch ausserhalb der Goethe Uni erfolgreich das Lernen mit Technologie verbessert!. Am Anfang vieler guter Ideen steht Frust. „90 Minuten Mathevorlesung, 90 Minuten nur Zahlen und Formeln – so lange konnte ich mich einfach nicht konzentrieren“, gibt Onur Karademir seine Erfahrung im ersten Studiensemester Informatik wieder. Also suchte er im Netz nach Vorlesungs-Videos zum Thema, die er immerhin stoppen, zurück- und vorspulen konnte. Häppchenweise ging Verstehen leichter. Diese Erfahrung war der Impuls, noch als Student E-Learning-Formate zu entwickeln, die vom studiumdigitale- Team der Goethe-Universität gefördert wurden. Inzwischen gibt es das EdTech-Start-up StudyCore, in dem Onur Karademir mit sechs weiteren Studierenden ein breites Angebot an Digitalen Lehr- und Lernformen entwickelt und das eine Perspektive…
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Which Strategies are Used in the Design of Technical LA Infrastructure? A Qualitative Interview Study

Which Strategies are Used in the Design of Technical LA Infrastructure? A Qualitative Interview Study

Award, Conference, Publication
At the end of April the EDUCON2020 – IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference took place. The Educational Technologies team managed to contribute with a full research paper and a short paper. The full research by George Ciordas-Hertel has the title: "Which Strategies are Used in the Design of Technical LA Infrastructure?: A Qualitative Interview Study". This paper was awarded as best paper the area "Infrastructure and Technologies for Engineering Education". Here an abstract of the paper: In order to obtain a holistic perspective on learning, technical infrastructure at an institutional level can be advantageous for Learning Analytics (LA). If personal data is collected and processed in such infrastructure, legal requirements are of crucial importance. Recent studies have examined various aspects of LA infrastructure, such as ethical trade-offs and stakeholder needs.…
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Top cited paper Award

Top cited paper Award

Award, Publication
At the end of January 2020 the paper “From Signals to Knowledge. A Conceptual model for multimodal learning Analytics” received the recognition of being one of the top-cited articles published between January 2018 and December 2019 from the Journal of Computer Assisted Learning.
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