Advancing Education with “AI in the Loop” Interfaces @ #JTELSS23

Advancing Education with “AI in the Loop” Interfaces @ #JTELSS23

Artificial Intelligence, Summer School, Workshop
From June 3rd to 10th, the city of La Manga in Spain hosted an exciting event, the Seventeenth EATEL Summer School on Technology Enhanced Learning (JTELSS 2023). Among the talented researchers organizing this renowned summer school for young TEL researchers in Europe, Sebastian Wollny contributed with a workshop focused on the speed design challenge. The challenge this year was to design an "AI in the Loop" interface specifically aimed at helping teachers analyze Exit Slips. These short reflection tasks, given at the end of a lesson, offer valuable insights into student comprehension and learning. However, teachers often struggle with limited time to thoroughly analyze these Exit Slips. Sebastian encouraged participants to place the human at the center of their design while incorporating artificial intelligence, embracing the concept of "AI in…
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Workshop @ JTELSS – “We can’t stop communicating – AI can help us to use this data for education”

Workshop @ JTELSS – “We can’t stop communicating – AI can help us to use this data for education”

Summer School, Workshop
At the 17th EATEL Summer School on Technology-Enhanced Learning (JTELSS 2023) in La Manga, Spain, Nina Mouhammad and Stefan Hummel conducted the workshop "We can't stop communicating - AI can help us to use this data for education." The workshop emphasized the importance of incorporating both verbal and nonverbal communication signals in technology-enhanced learning applications. Various examples highlighting successful implementations were discussed. The participants were divided into two groups to explore nonverbal and verbal communication, respectively. After engaging discussions, interactions and also prototype testing, the groups swapped to gain insights from both perspectives. To conclude the workshop on a creative note, participants formed small groups and designed either the worst presentation skills training app imaginable or a product box for a presentation skills training robot. This exercise sparked laughter while…
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Workshop – Learning Psychomotor Skills with AI & AR/VR considering Technical and Mental Aspects

Workshop – Learning Psychomotor Skills with AI & AR/VR considering Technical and Mental Aspects

Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Event, Multimodal Learning Analytics, Project, Research topic, Summer School, Workshop
From May 21 to 28, the 16th version of the EATEL Summer School on Technology-Enhanced Learning (JTELSS 2022) was held in the city of Halkidiki, Greece, whose purpose is to promote the dissemination of research in the area of Technology Enhanced Learning and encourage international cooperation between researchers, students and people interested in this topic. As members of the MILKI-PSY project, Dr. Daniele Di Mitri, Fernando P. Cardenas Hernandez, Gianluca Romano and Dr. Jan Schneider attended JTELSS 2022. Additionally, Fernando P. Cardenas Hernandez and Gianluca Romano, as active participants in the summer school, presented the workshop entitled "Learning Psychomotor Skills with AI & AR/VR considering Technical and Mental Aspects". This workshop started with a theoretical introduction given by both exponents where the participants were able to identify some of the…
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Workshop @JTELSS –  Causal Reasoning for TEL researchers

Workshop @JTELSS – Causal Reasoning for TEL researchers

Summer School, Workshop
At this year's JTEL summer school in Halkidiki, Greece (see previous blog post here), Joshua Weidlich presented a workshop on the topic of causal inference and causal graphs. The goal of this workshop was to equip young educational technology researchers with a toolkit for reasoning about causality and improving causal inference in their own research studies. Central to this approach are Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs), simple visual structures that encode variables and hypothesized causal effects. The resulting graphs can then be inspected with a few simple rules to learn whether a) causal inference is possible, b) bias is present. After establishing groundwork by laying out why causal inference is central to most research endeavours, information about the unique features of randomized experiments was provided alongside major sources of bias (see…
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Workshop – Designing Learning Analytics to Improve Lifelong? Learning

Workshop – Designing Learning Analytics to Improve Lifelong? Learning

Event, Learning Analytics, Learning Design, Lifelong Learning, Project, Report, Summer School, Workshop
Abstract: Learning Analytics (LA) has become a very heterogeneous research field due to the diversity in the data generated by the Learning Management Systems (LMS) as well as the researchers in a variety of disciplines, who analyze this data from a range of perspectives. In this workshop, we will present a LA tool called Open Learning Analytics Indicator Repository (OpenLAIR). OpenLAIR helps course designers, teachers, students and educational researchers to make informed decisions about the selection of learning activities and LA indicators for their course design or LA dashboard. The aim of this workshop is to allow users to interact with OpenLAIR and allow them to design a LA dashboard for a lifelong learning portal. During the workshop, participants will help with the design and evaluation of the OpenLAIR visual…
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EduTec Team @ JTEL Summer School 2022

EduTec Team @ JTEL Summer School 2022

Summer School
JTELSS is the premier event of the European Educational Technology community to support early career researcher and connect them with their peers. Three years after the last summer school of the European Association for Technology-enhanced Learning (EATEL) hosted in Italy, PhD students and Postdocs of the EduTec Team visited this year's summer school in Haldikidi, Greece. More than 140 participants from 27 countries met in the wonderful and sunny area of Halkidiki, Greece to present their research, to network and establish connections. The program consisted of cutting edge topics like Artificial Intelligence in Education, Immersive Technologies (AR, VR), and Robotics, as well as methodological (e.g. qualitative research methods; causal inference) and soft-skills workshops (e.g. project management; how to present your research). The EduTec team contributed to a total of nine…
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