JTELSS is the premier event of the European Educational Technology community to support early career researcher and connect them with their peers. Three years after the last summer school of the European Association for Technology-enhanced Learning (EATEL) hosted in Italy, PhD students and Postdocs of the EduTec Team visited this year’s summer school in Haldikidi, Greece.
More than 140 participants from 27 countries met in the wonderful and sunny area of Halkidiki, Greece to present their research, to network and establish connections. The program consisted of cutting edge topics like Artificial Intelligence in Education, Immersive Technologies (AR, VR), and Robotics, as well as methodological (e.g. qualitative research methods; causal inference) and soft-skills workshops (e.g. project management; how to present your research). The EduTec team contributed to a total of nine workshops on topics as varied as Multimodal Learning Analytics, Academic Writing, Learning Analytics for Lifelong Learning, Causal Inference, and many others.
As the covid pandemic has had a strong negative impact on young researchers ability to engage with and learn from their respective research communities, this year’s summer school is a true turning point for educational technology research in Europe. The EduTec team returns to Frankfurt from this summer school full of ideas, with a fresh network of like-minded researchers, and plans for future international research collaborations.