On the 13th of March 2023, as part of the LAK23 conference, five EduTec team members (Daniele Di Mitri, Ioana Jivet, Sebastian Gombert, Atezaz Ahmad and Hendrik Drachsler) organised a full-day workshop on Highly Informative Learning Analytics with Marcel Schmitz from Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands.
In this workshop, we investigated the concept of highly informative learning analytics and proposed a methodology for designing an environment that delivers highly informative learning analytics. The workshop is intended as a hands-on, interactive session that allows participants to test the methodology’s potential in a realistic use case. The proposed approach is based on the four-stage process of the Design Cycle for Education (DC4E). We exemplify practical tools that were designed in-house for each stage, including a tool to support teachers while designing learning activities – the Fellowship of Learning Analytics (FoLA2), a learning analytics infrastructure integrated with Moodle – Edutex, and two Moodle plugins for learning activities that enable the collection of rich trace logs – Hyperchalk and the Concept Mapping Plugin. Finally, we discuss potential use cases that can be suitable for the methodology.