Digital lessons can help track individual student learning progression, analyze the extent to which they are productive and report this information back to teachers. But how can this individual learning progression and the learning difficulties that arise in the process be depicted? The research project AFLEK “Analyse und Förderung von Lernverläufen zur Entwicklung von Kompetenzen” (Analysis and Support of Learning Trajectories for the Development of Competencies) is currently looking for answers to this issue.
The interdisciplinary project team uses so-called teacher dashboards to provide physics teachers with almost real-time feedback on the learning progress of their students. The information from digital teaching units helps identify productive and unproductive learning progression; this information can then help to automatically recolonize learning difficulties und derive feedback for the teachers to support more productive learning progression with their students.
AFLEK is a joint project of the Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (IPN), the Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education (DIPF) and the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) and funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The team at the IPN is responsible for coordinating the joint project. It also contributes its expertise in the didactic analysis of learning processes and competence diagnostics to the joint project. The DIPF team focuses primarily on the analysis of learning processes using learning analytics. The team of the Ruhr-Universität contributes its expertise in learning psychology to the joint project and is responsible for testing the Teacher Dashboards under real conditions.
More information about the background and theoretical foundations of AFLEK, the aims of the project, the current status and first results can be seen in this video from a dissemination event for the AFLEK project from March 15, 2021 presented by Prof. Dr. Knut Neumann from IPN.