This year’s joint conference of the Gesellschaft für Medien in den Wissenschaft e.V. and the Fachgruppe Bildungstechnologien der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. from 16 to 19 September in Berlin was held under the motto “Participation in Education and Science”.

Hendrik Drachsler and Daniel Schiffner acted as members of the Organizing and Program Committee, the Information Center Education was represented with various other activities:

In the context of the workshop “Learning Analytics” Oliver Schneider (Goethe-Univ. Frankfurt) and Hendrik Drachsler as well as Christoph Rensing, Tim Steuer and Jan Hansen from the TU Darmstadt introduced the approach “Trusted Learning Analytics” and presented the innovation forum with the same name in the context of the Hesse-wide project “Digitally supported teaching and learning in Hesse”.

Daniel Biedermann presented the article:

Sebastian Wollny presented the article:

The conference proceedings can be found here: LINK.