SoLAR webinar on: Investigating persistent and new challenges of learning analytics

SoLAR webinar on: Investigating persistent and new challenges of learning analytics

Artificial Intelligence, Computational Psychometrics, Higher Education, Keynote, Learning Analytics, Learning Design, Multimodal Learning Analytics, School, Workshop
On 29 June 2021, Hendrik Drachsler gave an invited webinar for the SoLAR webinar channel where he reflected the process of applying learning analytics solutions within higher education settings and schools, its implications, and the critical lessons learned in the Trusted Learning Research Program. The talk focused on the experience of research collective consisting of researchers from the Netherlands and Germany that contribute to the Trusted Learning Analytics (TLA) research program. The TLA program aims to provide actionable and supportive feedback to students and stands in the tradition of human-centred learning analytics concepts.  It, therefore, applies sensor technology to support psychomotor as well as web technology to support meta-cognitive and collaborative learning skills with high-informative feedback methods. Hendrik applies validated measurement instruments from the field of psychometric and investigates…
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Kickoff Meeting of HICOF-DL – Highly Informative and Competence-based Feedback for Digital Learning

Kickoff Meeting of HICOF-DL – Highly Informative and Competence-based Feedback for Digital Learning

Computational Psychometrics, Higher Education, Learning Analytics, Project
Currently, almost all students learn only digitally at home, because in the wake of the COVID 19 pandemic, universities have largely converted their teaching to online courses. But the virtual lectures and seminars often still lack individual feedback for learners. A new project conducted by the DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Human Development and Educational Information and the Goethe University Frankfurt aims to change that. The researchers want to develop a software tool that uses modern, automated evaluation methods to help provide accurate feedback. Derzeit lernen fast alle Studierenden nur digital zu Hause, denn im Zuge der COVID-19-Pandemie haben die Hochschulen ihren Lehrbetrieb größtenteils auf Online-Veranstaltungen umgestellt. Doch den virtuellen Vorlesungen und Seminaren mangelt es häufig noch an individuellen Rückmeldungen für die Lernenden. Ein neues, vom DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für…
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Jane Yau joins the team

Jane Yau joins the team

Computational Psychometrics, Learning Analytics, Team
Starting 1st June 2021, Dr. Jane Yau joins the EduTec team as a Researcher in the HIKOF-DL project. This project combines the existing methods from two open-source software tools – personalisation of formative learning feedback with the OnTask tool (funded by the Australian Govt.) and transformation of generic tests into adaptive ones suiting to individual learner profiles with the KAT-HS tool (funded by BMBF, Germany) in order to form new technologies for improving teaching and learning in the university context. This new feedback system will be implemented and evaluated with students at the Goethe University in Frankfurt and further collaborations with industry partners will be developed, who are interested in the technologies for increasing the learning effectiveness and study success within their students’ courses. In Jane’s Masters thesis, she focused…
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Joshua Weidlich joins the team

Joshua Weidlich joins the team

Computational Psychometrics, Learning Design, Team
Starting April 2021, Joshua Weidlich joins the team as PostDoctoral researcher. He completed his PhD on social presence in online learning environments at the FernUniversität in Hagen in February 2021. He holds a Master's Degree in E-Learning and Media Education from Heidelberg University of Education as well as a Bachelor's Degree in Educational Science from Chemnitz University of Technology. See profile page for more information.
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