Transfer Workshop @ Digitaltag 2022 on highly informative and data-driven feedback with AI in higher education

Transfer Workshop @ Digitaltag 2022 on highly informative and data-driven feedback with AI in higher education

Artificial Intelligence, Conference, Event, Higher Education, Learning Analytics, Open access, School, Transfer Activity, Webinar, Workshop
The third Digitaltag will take place on June 24, 2022. The initiative "Digital for All" is behind the Digitaltag. The alliance of more than 25 organizations from the fields of civil society, culture, science, business, welfare and the public sector unites a common goal: to promote digital participation in Germany. Prof. Dr. Hendrik Drachsler contributes a talk on highly informative and data-driven feedback with AI in higher education. Feedback is a powerful element of all learning processes. However, it is difficult to offer highly informative feedback to large groups of learners. The Educational Technology Collective at Goethe University and the DIPF Leibniz Institute Frankfurt am Main are conducting research on this challenge in a variety of projects. In this talk, Professor Dr. Drachsler will present on designing highly informative feedback…
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New Pub: Effects of Intelligent Tutoring Systems on Mathematics Achievement of Underachieving Students

New Pub: Effects of Intelligent Tutoring Systems on Mathematics Achievement of Underachieving Students

Conference, School
Rashmi Kazhanchi, an external PhD candidate supervised by prof Drachsler and Dr Di Mitri, has presented her latest publication Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, Apr 11, 2022, in San Diego, CA, United States. The article titled: "Effects of Intelligent Tutoring Systems on Mathematics Achievement of Underachieving Students" Abstract The educational landscape has changed considerably in the past decade. The focus has shifted from using traditional teaching methods to integrating technology in today’s curricula. Much of the emphasis is on fostering 21st-century skills by using technology in new and innovative ways. Student engagement is a crucial component of learning. Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) are computer software that uses artificial intelligence to provide adaptive, customized learning based on students’ needs. This quasi-experimental research study explored the effect of…
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Keynote at LERN Jahrestagung 2022

Keynote at LERN Jahrestagung 2022

Computational Psychometrics, Higher Education, Invited talk, Keynote, Learning Analytics, Learning Design, School
On 30 March 2022, Hendrik Drachsler gave an invited keynote at the LERN conference 2022 where he reported on the latest research on data-driven high informative feedback in higher education and schools. The talk focused on the experience of research collective that has been gained in the projects DIFA, HIKOF-DL, AFLEK and ALICE. The presentation provided an overview of actionable and supportive feedback to learners as well as the various technical products that the EduTec group has developed. It, therefore, applies web technology to support meta-cognitive and collaborative learning skills with high-informative feedback methods. Hendrik applies validated measurement instruments from the field of psychometrics and investigates to what extent Learning Analytics interventions can reproduce the findings of these instruments. He discussed the lessons learned from implementing TLA systems. He…
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AR4STEAM Meeting in Brussels: Successfull Ending of our Erasmus Plus Cooperation with Schools

AR4STEAM Meeting in Brussels: Successfull Ending of our Erasmus Plus Cooperation with Schools

Augmented Reality, Conference, Digitalisation, Event, Learning Analytics, Project, School
Today we gather in Brussels to celebrate the successful end of our 2,5 year collaboration on promoting Augmented Reality in STEM classes all over Europe. It has been our great pleasure to work on this EU project and to share a vision even in difficult times. #Schools #Science #STEM #Arts #Friendship #Europa #Europe #ErasmusPlus #Schools #AugmentedReality #Peace 
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Interview with Bildung.Table

Interview with Bildung.Table

Artificial Intelligence, Higher Education, Learning Analytics, Press, Project, School
On 23.02.2022 Hendrik Drachsler was interviewed by Niklas Prenzel from Table.Media about Artificial Intelligence in university teaching and the joint project IMPACT. In the interview, he outlines how AI can support teaching and help reduce the burden on lecturers as well as giving answers to the concerns from other disciplines.   The interview "KI darf nur unterstützen, niemals entscheiden" is available in German in the Bildung.Table issue #46 from the 23rd of February can be read here.
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Artificial intelligence for supporting disadvantaged learners

Artificial intelligence for supporting disadvantaged learners

Artificial Intelligence, Assessment, School
[caption id="attachment_3685" align="alignleft" width="300"] The Mitchell County High School[/caption] Can Artificial Intelligence support disadvantaged teenagers in improving their mathematics and reading skills? Doctoral candidate Rashmi Khazanchi is investigating this relevant research question in her PhD project conducted with the supervision of Prof Hendrik Drachsler at the Open University of The Netherlands and Dr Daniele Di Mitri at the DIPF. Mrs Khazanchi is a mathematic and science teacher at the Mitchell County High School, located in the rural area of Camilla, in the southwest of Georgia, United States. The school offers generalist education as preparation for college and vocation and professional training. The high school is a publicly funded school system, and the majority of its student population are African American people. Several of these young students live in modest socio-economic…
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Team of EduTec and TBA Members Wins Runners-Up Prize @ NAEP Reading Automated Scoring Challenge

Team of EduTec and TBA Members Wins Runners-Up Prize @ NAEP Reading Automated Scoring Challenge

Artificial Intelligence, Assessment, Award, Computational Psychometrics, School
The NAEP Reading Automated Scoring Challenge was a competition which was held in late 2021 by the National Center for Education (USA). The goal was to evaluate the applicability of natural language processing methodology to the task of scoring of large scale constructed response assessment data. In addition to this, participating models were also required to be interpretable and free of algorithmic bias against different student demographics. The data set which was used to evaluate the systems consisted of responses from 4th and 8th grade school student to 20 different reading comprehension tasks. More than a dozen different teams from universities and private assessment companies submitted contributions. Out of these, 12 contributions, including ours, were selected as eligible with respect to interpretability and algorithmic fairness. These contributions were then ranked…
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AR4STEAM: Documentary Film Premiere of the DIPF Project

AR4STEAM: Documentary Film Premiere of the DIPF Project

Augmented Reality, Digitalisation, Event, Press, Project, Publication, School
Today we celebrate the successful completion of our joint project work between school and research institute on augmented reality (AR) apps and STEM learning. The DIPF and the Adorno Gymnasium in Frankfurt set out to develop and learn STEM topics with AR. The result of this innovative STEM Lab is a great app developed together and a documentary film on the process and results. Here is the short film: [embed][/embed]
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New project ML2MT: Artificial Intelligence across disciplines

New project ML2MT: Artificial Intelligence across disciplines

Artificial Intelligence, Learning Analytics, Project, School
With almost 10 million euros in funding, the Volkswagen Foundation encourages research projects that explore how artificial intelligence will affect society. Goethe University Frankfurt (GU) was successful with an application that looks at developments in human-machine interaction in education. "From Machine Learning to Machine Teaching (ML2MT) - Making Machines AND Humans Smarter" - this is the title of the project that the economist Prof. Oliver Hinz applied for in an interdisciplinary project together with colleagues from various subjects. The success of learning machines, as in the prime example of the board game Go (in the computer version "AlphaGo Zero"), has inspired scientists. Their project aims at a better understanding of how humans and machines in collaborative human-AI systems can develop new knowledge in symbiotic interaction with each other. To this…
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AR4STEAM: Premiere of the documentary film and ceremonial conclusion of the project work

AR4STEAM: Premiere of the documentary film and ceremonial conclusion of the project work

Augmented Reality, Award, Digitalisation, Learning Design, Project, School, Team, Workshop
Today we celebrated the successful completion of our joint project work between school and research institute in the innovative STE(A)M labs on an augmented reality (AR) apps and STEM learning. The DIPF and the Adorno Gymnasium in Frankfurt set out to develop and learn STEM topics with AR. The result of this innovative STEM Lab is a great app developed together and a documentary film on the process and results. We celebrate this with the presentation of AR Creator certificates for all students and teachers and 2 tablets, which the project team gives to the school as a thank you for the great cooperation and spirited joint works on the future of learning! The project was a true success. See for yourself. 
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