Kickoff Meeting: MILKY-PSY – Multimodal Immersive Learning with Artificial Intelligence for Psychomotor Skills

Kickoff Meeting: MILKY-PSY – Multimodal Immersive Learning with Artificial Intelligence for Psychomotor Skills

Digitalisation, Higher Education, Multimodal Learning Analytics, Project
Those who want to learn a sport train new psychomotor skills. Until now, this has required role models such as teachers on site who explain, demonstrate and assess certain processes. A consortium around the Cologne Game Lab of the TH Köln is developing a learning environment with artificial intelligence (AI) to support the training process as part of the joint research project MILKI-PSY.   Wer eine Sportart erlernen will, trainiert neue psychomotorische Fähigkeiten. Bislang werden dafür Vorbilder wie Lehrerinnen und Lehrer vor Ort benötigt, die bestimmte Abläufe erklären, zeigen und beurteilen. Ein Konsortium um das Cologne Game Lab der TH Köln entwickelt im Rahmen des Verbundforschungsprojekts MILKI-PSY eine Lernumgebung mit künstlicher Intelligenz (KI), die den Trainingsprozess unterstützen soll. Künstlerische, sportliche und handwerkliche Tätigkeiten erfordern psychomotorische Fähigkeiten, bei denen körperliche Bewegungen mit…
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New Pub: A four-country cross-case analysis of academic staff expectations about learning analytics in higher education

New Pub: A four-country cross-case analysis of academic staff expectations about learning analytics in higher education

Higher Education, Journal, Learning Analytics, Open access, Publication
The purpose of this paper is to explore the expectations of academic staff to learning analytics services from an ideal as well as a realistic perspective. This mixed-method study focused on a cross-case analysis of staff from Higher Education Institutions from four European universities (Spain, Estonia, Netherlands, UK). While there are some differences between the countries as well as between ideal and predicted expectations, the overarching results indicate that academic staff sees learning analytics as a tool to understand the learning activities and possibility to provide feedback for the students and adapt the curriculum to meet learners' needs. However, one of the findings from the study across cases is the generally consistently low expectation and desire for academic staff to be obligated to act based on data that shows students…
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