The digital teaching practice of the future: The integration of digital media in the classroom sometimes proves difficult and poses challenges for schools and teachers. To address these challenges, Educational Technologies researchers at the DIPF, together with educators from the IPN in Kiel, IWM and the RUB, launched the research projects of AFLEK and ALICE.
The research projects aim to design mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology teaching units and provide them with the best possible digital support. The DIPF team is responsible for the digital tools used in this context. In addition to a Learning Management System based on the Trusted Learning Analytics concept, interactive learning elements are created, and the teacher is given feedback on the level of knowledge using Learning Analytics. A particular focus of the ALICE project is to identify learning trajectories and support students on their paths in the best possible way. The AFLEK project, on the other hand, focuses on the indicators and presentation of learning analytics data.
For the ALICE project, at the latest meeting in Kiel, the project consortium met to define the data-sharing agreement with the federal ministry of Education of Schleswig-Holstein. Thereafter, various research plans were presented including Sebastian Gombert‘s presentation about “Explainability and Knowledge Integration for Textual Assessment Systems”.
In the AFLEK project, Onur Karademir presented his upcoming study plan for his PhD project entitled Co-designing of The Learning Analytics Cockpit for AFLEK.
The DIPF team consisted of Onur Karademir, Sebastian Wollny, Sebastian Gombert, Lukas Menzel, Daniele Di Mitri, and Hendrik Drachsler. The IPN team consisted of Marcus Kubsch, Berrit Czinczel, Jaika Hott, Jannik Lossjew, Tobias Wyrwich, David Bednorz, Sascha Bernholt, Aiso Heinze, Knut Neumann. The RUB team consisted of Ann-Christin Falhs, Sebastian Strau, Nikol Rummels. The IWM team of Peter Holtz, Ulrike Cress.