Today, we proudly acknowledge the remarkable achievement of our team member, Daniel Biedermann, in successfully defending his PhD thesis to become Dr. Biedermann. Woohoo, congratulations!
In our modern world, the reality of digital distractions through the attention economy cannot be denied. Countries like the Netherlands, for instance, are planning to ban mobiles from classrooms starting from 2024. Daniel’s PhD work centered on the complex challenges of digital media distraction, a phenomenon that’s prevalent largely due to our pervasive use of social media and notification systems on our phones, PCs, and tablets.
Presented in his disputation, Daniel argued the need for a context-sensitive system to gain a more profound understanding of digital media distraction. In addition, Daniel addressed the crucial subject of digital self-control tools (DSCTs). His research, which provided a promising groundwork, emphasized the careful selection of DSCT features to match the unique requirements of learning. One exciting revelation from his work is how tracking contexts may evolve into individualized triggers in future DSCTs.
DisputationsvortragAn exceptional achievement of Daniel’s is his creation of the first-ever infrastructure to objectively measure distractions instigated by digital and social media on learning processes. This substantial contribution is essential for understanding and mitigating the effects of such distractions objectively. Until now, most studies have either relied on surveys or have investigated only a single modality, like distractions on phones. Daniel, however, created an infrastructure integrating all forms of digital distractions into a comprehensive view.
On this significant day, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to Daniel for this groundbreaking achievement. His contributions significantly enrich our knowledge and pave the way for future research in digital media distraction.
All the best, Daniel! Remember, you will always have a home at
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