How often in the last few months did you listen to amazing presentations? And how often did you sit through rather boring ones? We have all been there, and it is probably safe to say that we would prefer more of the former and fewer of the latter. The good news is, presentation skills are not traits but skills and can therefore be trained. The challenge, however, is that training these skills requires quite some time and resources, which are often scarce in traditional educational settings. Technology-enhanced learning could fill this gap. And that is where Nina Mouhammad‘s PhD research, as part of the HyTea-project, is planned to contribute to. In her PhD, she will explore how technology can teach students to create presentation content that makes their presentations truly outstanding.
At the ECTEL 2023 conference, Nina Mouhammad had the opportunity to present her research plan for this topic during the doctoral consortium. Following her presentation, there was a very interesting and constructive discussion with feedback from multiple senior researchers. This feedback, as well as the feedback from the peer-review taking place before the doctoral consortium, will be integrated in her plan which will then be published in the ECTEL 2023 doctoral consortium proceedings. So if you want to learn more about Nina Mouhammad‘s research plan, stay tuned! The doctoral consortium proceedings will be published in December.