We’re excited to share highlights from the recent DeGEval 2023 conference in Magdeburg, where our DIPF Edutec team was part of.

DeGEval: A Hub for Evaluation – DeGEval, or the Society for Evaluation, is renowned for bridging academia and industry. It’s dedicated to enhancing education through rigorous evaluation methods.

Sebastian Wollny’s Presentation – At the conference, Sebastian Wollny, alongside Claudia Zaviska from BIBB, Anne Küttel from University of Saarland, and Ricarda Schlimbach from Hochschule Heilbronn, showcased DIPF research on chatbots in vocational education. Attendees showed keen interest and shared their own experiences.

Sebastian also presented findings from his literature review titled “Are We There Yet? – A Systematic Literature Review on Chatbots in Education,” shedding light on the latest developments.

Ricarda Schlimbach’s StudyBuddy –  Ricarda Schlimbach shone the spotlight on her StudyBuddy project, underlining the growing role of chatbots in education.

Chatbots in Evaluation – Informal discussions at the conference suggested that chatbots are making inroads into evaluation processes. DeGEval aims to adapt its standards to accommodate this evolving educational landscape.

In summary, DeGEval 2023 was a success for our team, underscoring the rising importance of chatbots in education and evaluation.


Wollny S, Schneider J, Di Mitri D, Weidlich J, Rittberger M and Drachsler H (2021) Are We There Yet? – A Systematic Literature Review on Chatbots in Education. Front. Artif. Intell. 4:654924. doi: 10.3389/frai.2021.654924

Schlimbach, R., Windolf, C., & Robra-Bissantz, S. (2023). A Service Perspective on Designing Learning Companions as Bonding and Mindful Time Managers in Further Education, Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2023), Kristiansand, Norway, June 12-17. https://aisel.aisnet.org/ecis2023_rp/257/